a-865Anyone know the secret to getting oneself removed from CC on bug 1955122 ? CSS got more confusing and I can't find a place to remove a CC, only add.
nsITobinthey have a new button on the top but css may be messing it up
nsITobinwhat bug is it.. i can see if my bugedit powers allow me to remove you
nsITobina-865: i can't remove you.. but there should be a follow unfollow button under the menubar
a-865finally found in header :p
nsITobina-865: I had that same issue a while back .. it did used to be right there were you add a cc
a-865CC wasn't good enough, m.o had to change it to be stupid like the crappy trackers
a-865"Bugzilla.API is undefined" results from attempting to unfollow a mozilla.org bug using 2.53.20, works in FF102
frg_Awaya-865 you now need a differentr browser for bugzilla. More shadow dom and css stuff in and usability even on a supported browser out unfortunately. UI is slow and messy now.
tommanoh lovely, the bug tracker has bugs :D
frg_AwaynsITobin tomman hi
nsITobinGood morning frg_Away
nsITobinToday education, tomorrow Tarrifs, the next day Social Security.
nsITobinthe entire organization has been crippled as far as being able to operate.. so stage 1 is done.
nsITobinor rather will be on the 31st
nsITobinmaking verification online or in person only.. with today's tech in dumb hands and closing local offices country wide firing staff
nsITobinperfect way to prove how inefficient social security is
nsITobinWhat would be best suited to me that has a reasonable chance to be completed by summer? That is as far as my plans go now..
nsITobinRegarding SeaMonkey?
frg_AwayBackports or something new? Backports more network stuff which I can do a queue for. ipc chromium for VS2022.
frg_AwayNew stuff. I would like to have real feeds icons like TB but so far no time.
frg_Awaystylo is probably an endless struggle with uncertain outcome
nsITobinreal feed icons?
frg_Awayyes see TB
nsITobinso they have some favicon lookup?
frg_AwayJust cosmetic but the current look is dull :)
nsITobintheoretically that shouldn't be difficult but what about history entries?
frg_AwayI ams till messing with the apis to get it to 2.57. I would wait till I am finished.
frg_Awaysessionstore also needs a shot in the back and alignment but this might take more time.
frg_AwayIntegration SeaTab X 2 would also be fine. Tabs are dull
frg_AwayNotificatrions need styling and and and...
frg_AwayAll things I wanted to do but doing endles backporting first. sigh
frg_AwayHi FrankLion
4 hours ago