a-865Anyone know the secret to getting oneself removed from CC on bug 1955122 ? CSS got more confusing and I can't find a place to remove a CC, only add.
nsITobinthey have a new button on the top but css may be messing it up
nsITobinwhat bug is it.. i can see if my bugedit powers allow me to remove you
nsITobina-865: i can't remove you.. but there should be a follow unfollow button under the menubar
a-865finally found in header :p
nsITobina-865: I had that same issue a while back .. it did used to be right there were you add a cc
a-865CC wasn't good enough, m.o had to change it to be stupid like the crappy trackers
a-865"Bugzilla.API is undefined" results from attempting to unfollow a mozilla.org bug using 2.53.20, works in FF102
2 hours ago