nsITobinand forcing my self to not shrug off what would be refered to as trivial mistakes
nsITobinand bad judgement
nsITobinat the tail end of the 2010s
nsITobinwelcome back tomman
nsITobinTracking issue for CF issues on rpmo
nsITobinI learned them .. too well
Ximoclownflare strikes again
tomman"Clownflare Siege, Day 46"
tommanthe latest HN thread cooled down even before warming up
tommanin the meanwhile, the Clownflare Agent is hellbent at having their demands met - they're now demanding a timeline to implement some of the missing features
nsITobina timeline from MCP
tommanso far there hasn't been any approach to any of the other affected browsers, other than a vague promise of establishing a sort of "Trusted Browser" crapola program
nsITobinit was a fuckin war to get a consistant release schedule
tommannsITobin: let's be realistic, no FOSS project like ours can get anywhere near a timeline
tommanthat's like asking cows to produce cheese
nsITobinthey may be able to pull it off but tehre would be fallout and consiquences if pushing that fast
tommanand that's exactly what Clownflare is now demanding, because they firmly believe that any "concession" they make on our browsers will "weaken" their mafia product
just now