00:04:44 and forcing my self to not shrug off what would be refered to as trivial mistakes 00:05:30 and bad judgement 00:08:23 at the tail end of the 2010s 01:44:19 welcome back tomman 02:49:18 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/2693 02:49:33 Tracking issue for CF issues on rpmo 02:50:57 I learned them .. too well 04:41:36 clownflare strikes again 14:04:53 "Clownflare Siege, Day 46" 14:05:18 the latest HN thread cooled down even before warming up 14:07:16 in the meanwhile, the Clownflare Agent is hellbent at having their demands met - they're now demanding a timeline to implement some of the missing features 14:07:38 a timeline from MCP 14:07:39 lol 14:07:47 so far there hasn't been any approach to any of the other affected browsers, other than a vague promise of establishing a sort of "Trusted Browser" crapola program 14:07:57 it was a fuckin war to get a consistant release schedule 14:08:08 nsITobin: let's be realistic, no FOSS project like ours can get anywhere near a timeline 14:08:18 that's like asking cows to produce cheese 14:08:46 they may be able to pull it off but tehre would be fallout and consiquences if pushing that fast 14:08:49 and that's exactly what Clownflare is now demanding, because they firmly believe that any "concession" they make on our browsers will "weaken" their mafia product 14:09:02 again, a Ukraine vs. Trump situation 14:09:11 Don't 14:09:22 do not equate MCP with Ukraine 14:09:33 I'm bagging ALL OF US, not just PAle Moon 14:09:37 we're the victims here, remember? 14:09:44 Yeah 14:09:53 we have been for a long time 14:10:24 Anyway, the situation remains at a stalemate, and negotiations have proved to be a farce where Clownflare wants to keep their pie ANd eat it 14:11:26 But I think it is a trap. There is a narative that has been building past year that non-corperate backed open source cannot be trusted and the worth of a project is dependant on how many people contribute rather than output produced 14:11:49 yep, that's the Silly Con Valley mindset 14:12:00 where FOSS without a monetization path is basically Soviet malware 14:12:09 Pale Moon is not any kind of entity and the most hostile mozilla related group this side of NT6 14:12:20 i fear they will be played 14:12:21 and if your project is not backed by big VC capital, then it's irrelevant and should not be used, EVER 14:13:16 I find amusing that the latest stupid rumour there is "Apple will buy Ladybird eventually" just because the Ladybird dev uses Apple tech like Switft 14:13:47 that could be a self fullfilling prophacy tho 14:13:56 hype about it would get apple's attention 14:14:38 maaaaaaaaybe... in 10 years, when Ladybird becomes a relatively complete product? 14:14:50 i am sure apple is kinda over their hard stolen khtml code driving google and microsoft's control of web standards 14:14:55 but why Apple would ditch Webkit after pouring decades of manpower and billions of dollars on it? 14:15:26 why is mozilla dropping every Netscape and early Mozilla technology just line by line? 14:15:29 over a decade 14:15:31 and a half 14:15:32 ha, the complaint I hear usually is "Apple is holding the web back with Safari because it doesn't innovate as fast as Chrome" 14:16:06 (it doesn't indeed help the illegal MICROS~1-esque monopoly Apple has on their cellphones and non-computers with Safari) 14:18:51 https://www.phoronix.com/news/Theora-libtheora-1.2-Beta speaking about blasts from the past 14:27:13 I still think I caused this 14:27:16 all of it 14:27:21 the cloudflare stuff 14:28:10 when I went to the whatwg and told them at the end I would use a XUL Browser to endrun their standards body just like they did to the W3C.. and well XUL Browsers are specifically under attack across the board. 14:28:59 nah, Clownflare happened because they got blind by the Googlebux 14:29:16 yeah but this seige could be my fault 14:29:25 because all these companies conspire with each other 14:29:39 the standards are just a pretense 14:29:42 they just hate diversity (no, not the DEI one) because that's "extra work, yo" 14:29:47 it's the IE era all over again 14:30:09 except that Chrome is actually well liked because each release comes with new shiny toys for bored nerds 14:30:16 unlike IE which was basically medieval punishment 14:30:25 tomman: I am pretty sure that's what I said during some moments of lucity when I was still raging about .. everything 14:30:31 like in 2023 14:31:09 Basically the modern crop of webdevs see Chrome tech as the "eternal youth fountain" 14:31:16 and nothing else matters 14:31:41 it's like the web being the new OS (again because Chrome empowers that - Microsoft's approach with ActiveX was clearly the wrong one, and so it was Java) 14:35:04 these modern web devs have to deal with a very dark world out their window 14:37:19 gah I am running behind on things again...