tomman> Instead of actually continuing the discussion though, CF went radio silent until sending me an overly broad and generic form-NDA document to sign on Friday at 6pm (through Adobe docusign) without any further explanation, context or personal outreach from Michael, with the NDA apparently put up for signing by someone else within CloudFlare -- of course that will mean it'll be at least again...
tomman...another week until anything happens in terms of even talking, let alone having a solution for CloudFlare still blocking our access.
tommandid you expected something else?
tommanClownflare WANTS YOU to go away
tommanyou, me, and everyone else deemed "navigator non grata" by the Clownflare Browser Junta
tommanwell, back to Hackernews again
tommanthey're now playing NDA Hardball '25, how lovely
tomman...now I want that game on my Sega Genesis
nsITobindoesn't matter
nsITobinMoonchild is UNFIT to do this
nsITobinSEAMONKEY should be leading this charge
nsITobinTell me.. do you think in 2021 i could have been able to negotiate this without fucking it up.. hell i couldn't convince anyone on 52 to go UXP .. Moonchild is even WORSE and that doesn't even count the depths he has sunk to since then.
nsITobinand seeing as he hates SeaMonkey cause seamonkey didn't want him shipping binaries with their branding.. SOUNDS FAMILAR.. i am sure if a backroom deal is made SeaMonkey will not get the same special treatment.
nsITobinMoonchild has always maintained if it came down to selling out Pale Moon (not counting side hussles like power ranger coins) he would destroy it. He better hold to that as it has been one of his few consistant positions.
tommaneh, don't overstimate our abilities
tommanthis is Clownflare we're talking about
tommanwe're Ukraine, they're Trumputin
tommanthey can and will nuke us with a single move, unless we get EXTERNAL (read: legal, goverment) help
tommanthe NDA-as-gag-order move was completely expected from them
nsITobinI maintain even if Cloudflare came to their senses .. Moonchild will find some way to fuck it up..
tommantoo bad we are nowhere near the EU :/
tommanyou're in Trumpistania, and I'm at Soviet Venezuela
nsITobinif Moonchild was the fucking solution I'd still be there and SeaMonkey would be a Unified XUL Platform application.
tommanwow, this 3-minute ramen turned out to be stupidly spicy
nsITobinso would waterfox
nsITobinand Pale Moon
tomman...the packet lied
nsITobinand Borealis
nsITobinand Interlink
nsITobinand we would all have add-ons and wikis and infra and all counterbalance our impulses for the best of everyone and beyond..
nsITobinbut that isn't the way it happened.
nsITobinand couldn't be ignored
tomman"Every interaction I've ever had with CloudFlare has left me feeling like I needed a bath. The vertical desperately needs some competition but I don't know how that could happen at this point."
tommana bath with turpentine at the very least, indeed
tomman(from the HN thread)
nsITobinmy issues with cloudflare stem first and foremost from trying to create an active and always up to date error free php system for add-ons while behind cloudflare and moonchilds damnedable filterules
nsITobinthe censorship
nsITobincame later
nsITobinso in no way do or can I ever like, use, or support cloudflare even if they were just the reverse proxy cache they pretended to be to take over most of the internet since most of the internet is just the web now plus a few old and insecure and legacy protocols
nsITobinevery point i might find a use for them is basically invalidated by the issues they cause
tommanmy hateboner towards Clownflare is the same as any tech monopoly that gets in my way
tommanand oh boy, they have been getting in my way (and then some!) in the last 2 years!
nsITobini am also extremely conserned
tommanall because "the Internet is under attack and you could be a foe"
tommanRemember: thanks to Clownflare I was THIS CLOSE of losing my only good credit card
tomman(because the bank deployed that shit on their site... and that complaint didn't went well)
nsITobinremember elon and the doge teenagers are techies and "smart" the news stories i been seing lately is priming a VERY dangerous thing.. These smart techies fuck people and people are told that.. can you complete this fear?
tommanIn my case it gets combined with the fact of living at an actual communist hellhole
tommanif my government doesn't kill me, Big Tech will cripple me instead
nsITobinso here
4 hours ago