frg_AwaynsITobin don't think so. Tools should have the same layout. Just a different base.
nsITobinit chilly this morning
nsITobinGood morning #SeaMonkey
frgnsITobin greetings
frgnsITobin just did a 2.53 build with only build tools vs2022 and the 141, 142 and 143 toolsets installed so should be fine for 2019 too.
frgTools seem to have much less bloat indeed. Needed only to remove vctip.exe
nsITobinI will give it a try with the vs2019's vs2019 build tools as currently configured .. while there may not be an issue.. i remember it was hell trying to use 2015 build tools on 2017 AND keep normal 2015 working when I tried to solve it for UXP based on your attempt.. I just wanted it all.. as typical :P
frgtossing a coin if I should fix 2.49 for the 141 toolset
frgVS2017 can no longer compile 2.53 so removed from it.
nsITobinwhat would 2.49 offer that seamonkey on uxp wouldn'
nsITobinaside from XP compat
nsITobinfrg: are you still releasing updates for 2.49?
nsITobinsecurity ones
frgnope. Would just be for the xp fans to self compile.
nsITobinwell if one wants to give seamonkey 2.49 as a special gift to xp users I think one should do a special final release short of actually compiling it with special branding already in place so they don't have to do anything cause that has been a trouble point in the past.. make a big deal about it.. and then see what happens
frgNot sure if I want to spend time for doing a release. Would only do it so that I have the option in my build setup and less build envs. So mostly selfish me.
nsITobinyeah pain alreayd trying to balance these envs and keep them clean and free of mangling
nsITobini have to work extra hard to have multiple build eras working on one machine but it comes at the cost of being way easier to bust
nsITobinbut i get efficiency
frgHave 3.4 and 4.1 separate thanks to the state path now set in start-shell.bat: SET MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=d:\mozilla-build\workspace34
frgWorks for 3.2 too so they can all co exist.
nsITobin2.49 would be riding mb 2.x right?
frgNope 3.2
frgnsITobin wondered if /build/windows_toolchain.py was used. Now I know. Not :)
frgso out the door with a bunch of hardcoded msvc references.
nsITobindoesn't that bust start_shell_vs* files hacked to continue providing the vars to the build system?
nsITobin19 The ``build/windows_toolchain.py`` script is used to build and manage
nsITobin20 Windows toolchain archives containing Visual Studio executables, SDKs,
nsITobin21 etc.
frgno all in build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure and friends.
frgSee Bug 1289641
nsITobinOH that's part of bootstrap
nsITobinor .. was
nsITobinor would have been
nsITobindepends on your perspective
nsITobineither way automated mozinfra
frggitlab 2.53 updated for it
frgnsITobin rust compiles in central are still great.... ibb.co/fVZb0xp9
frg10 forking GB
nsITobincause 1.82 is behaving memory wise
nsITobinfor j6
nsITobinbut then again linking libxul has taken that much ram before on windows
frg-j8 with latest 1.85
nsITobinlibxul could have linked in shared xpcom dlls instead of rolled in and NONE of this would have ever been a damned issue
nsITobinfor fifteen bloody years now
frgIt is no longer 2010 so I can live with 8 GB for all but not 10GB plus compiles plus something
nsITobinfits into a 16gb windows vm i am fine.. beyond that i am screwed
frgHey now its 18GB for rust. Have assigned 24GB to the vm.
frg19 and 98% mem usage
frgnsITobin STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN and needs more ram.
frgTotally whacko
njsgI need to look into rust, because now I'm wondering how come it can get so high memory consumption
njsgis it doing links in parallel or something?
nsITobinnjsg: they fucked it up cause 1.82 works fine
nsITobinits always gonna be high memory consumption but this is ridiculous
frgI can go back to 1.82 but not sure it would help. j8 and normal optimize might be it.
frgNeeds more electrolytes!
nsITobin1.83 MAY be fine too but 4+ seems to have an "issue"
nsITobingonna try .. know in 70 minutes
nsITobinI think everyone should take advantage of these cpp apps going rust to learn rust so it can be translated back to plain C
njsgand of course the web gonna be the web and there's people saying this is okay because unused ram is wasted
nsITobinsolve two issues at the same time
njsglook, there are good ways to use RAM, this almost surely isn't one of them :-P
nsITobinnjsg: the world wide web or the walled garden corperate mandated open web
nsITobincause there is a difference in my book
nsITobinliving standards are not formal standards they are endrun mandates by socially and economically more powerful groups
nsITobinunused ram is wasted?
nsITobinI'm sorry.. I thought this computer was a multiprocessing system.. I do have other shit to do while I am waiting for 70 minutes for mozilla to compile :P
njsgapparently the only place where the usage of ram isn't advocated in this way is several Microsoft operating systems
nsITobinthat is kinda tough when all my ram is being used for one series of operations
njsghaving such behaviour in applications and utilities seems to go counter the idea of a system where, yes, you do other stuff
nsITobinwell windows historically without memory protection and shit has to ensure it has enough for its self and later MUST ensure it has enough for its self so it can mediate everything
nsITobinnow its just.. wasted cpu time and electricity
nsITobincause efficiency doesn't matter
tommanI miss the "you own the world" memory model of Windows 9x :D
tommannow you can't even really own your own files on a cellphone
nsITobindoes destiny.manifest ring any bells?
IanNMeeting time in 27 minutes - wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-03-09
frgnsITobin yes as in 18 minutes
nsITobinIanN_Away: sent you CCI details :)
IanNMeeting time - wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-03-09
njsghi .*
IanNhi njsg
IanNare we expecting rsx11m?
IanNor has rsx11m succumed to DST?
IanNeither way...
IanNWho's taking minutes?
frgI think he wanted to attend
frgsummer time might have derailed him :)
IanNNominees for Friends of the Fish Tank?
IanNwelcome rsx11m
frgIanN for still trying to make cZ a better place.
frgHi rsx11m
rsx11mSorry, a bit late today...
njsgrsx11m: hi
rsx11mHi *
IanNrsx11m: blame DST
rsx11malways ;-)
IanNfailing that POTUS
IanNAction Items
IanNStatus of the SeaMonkey Infrastructure
frgewong is still on the configs and has set up some tasks on the Windows builder.
frgOld Linux and Windows builder are gone.
frgor should be very very soon
IanNyeah. ewong is also looking at signing
IanNStatus of the SeaMonkey Source Tree
frgnsITobin and I made central complie again. Mostly him.
frgcentral patch queue updated for it.
frgFor 2.53 I removed VS2017 support becuase the compiler can no longer be used. We need later c++ features. Added support for VS2022 but only for the VS2019 toolset currently.
frgSO VS2019 and Vs2022 can be used also the build tools.
nsITobinrust 1.83 for central seems largely ram behaved as well
nsITobin1.84/85 seem to have memory leak issues
njsg(is it memory leak or just increased usage? any visible difference in compile times or CPU usage?)
nsITobinsomething to research njsg
nsITobinwhere are we on rust for 253? cause I still been using 1.73
frg1.73 forever for now
njsgwasn't there an upper limit to allow NT 6.1?
frgyes and macOS 10.11
nsITobinso this ram thing may not go away
frgIf we set macOS 10.12 as minimum I need to check but it is either 1.75 or 1.76 then.
frg1.73 seems stable for now.
IanNRelease Train
frgstill no eta for 2.53.21 I didn't do much soruce wise for the last 3 weeks but didn't notice any urgent fix needed either.
IanNRelease Train
frgalready there :)
nsITobinSkip Betas yet?
IanNExtensions Tracking
» njsg goes check the signals and switches to receive the trains properly
frgnsITobin not planned
frgbau. I still need to look into the add-on sdk but no time.
nsITobinis the add-ons sdk worth keeping?
nsITobinbeyond devtools?
frgThere was one add-on which was still being updated but we broke it.
frg"Drak Backgorund and Light text"
frgNot happy about it but complaints are few.
frgStill would like to fix it.
nsITobinis that the one?
nsITobinjetpack extension
nsITobinwell that answers my question
nsITobinthat matches xpi contents
frgyes but the webext version in master
IanNso fix jetpack version or work out what's needed to get webext version working
nsITobindid it ever have a normal extension form?
nsITobinIanN: betting on webextensions on this codebase ever working without modifications to the extensions them selves simply wasn't possible 10 versions ahead certainly not 75
frgwebext is crap and needs soo much work. And with manifest v3 it gets crappier.
nsITobinbeyond content blockers and site specific moding extensions.. what is the appeal of webextensions.. they can't DO much more than that or what some webapi says
njsgbut you'll be able to do nothing, across "all" browsers!
nsITobinbut this is an agrument that can go on for years.. and has.. soo enough out of me on it for now ;)
frgIt is mostly lego and the real support is in the browser but this is something we can debate for years so i won't start it :)
nsITobinduplos maybe
IanN2.Next, Feature List, Planning and Roundtable
frgyeah with v3 it is Duplo. With v4 it will probabably be prefabricated :)
frgbau. Real life took over lately and I wasn't much in the modd for more but need to work on wip. Another site I use frequently broke because of js.
nsITobinwould a site to report broken sites be useful to us with some annotations?
nsITobinhave checkboxes users can check for which clients they tried
IanNdepends if it will capture new, useful information
njsgand of the SNR
frgnsITobin I can file breakage all day. We just need to fix some of it so I would say now. 90% es class fields, dynamic imports, BigInt and the css
njsgperhaps it'd be better to round up suggestions of things to check first in a tutorial-ish text, unless there's already such a page somewhere
nsITobinI'll let it simmer in mah brain for a while
njsgnot from me, bau :-(
IanNjust DST again
rsx11myepp, 14:00 UTC next time
njsgah yes
njsgnext meeting is on the EU DST day
rsx11mset your alarm clocks! 8-)
nsITobinEveryone who wants/needs CCI FTP access get at me for initial creds
frgIf someone wants a new Windows prerelease build let me know.
nsITobinlinux and mac are handled for 253 right?
IanNi'll call it a meeting, thanks for your time today, next meeting in 3 weeks, same bat channel, same DST adjusted bat time
frgnsITobin yes
IanNnsITobin: yes, should be being built automagically
rsx11mbye then!
frgewong is on Windows
IanNc u rsx11m
njsgrsx11m: cya
nsITobingood thing is the cci ftp will still be useful for adhoc build trading or indvidiual test builds
frghappy day and cu here as away
nsITobinonce windows builds are automagical again
frgnsITobin yes still good for adhoc stuff as now.
nsITobinI need to get a dromaeo instance up online .. I don't have my modified PM-related sources so I will have to logic it out again to work it..
nsITobinstill useful for excersizing the codebase and getting reletive speed comparisons on operations that aren't as useless as today's benchmarks..
nsITobini have found crashes that way
tommanmissed the meeting due to some CRT tinkering
tommandoes anyone want some 25 year old Compaq display full of curves? :D
nsITobinyou gonna drop it off?
nsITobincause if so I'll take it
tommanimgur.com/a/Bb2xLGN you just have to pay shipping from Venezuela :P
nsITobinspeakers still work?
nsITobincause I recall em not being TOO terrible
nsITobinbut that might have eben a different model
tommanthey STILL work
tommanand they sound awful if you pump too much volume into them
tommanset them to moderate volume and they will sound... more or less OKaysh
nsITobinfrg_Away: well.. there is always this addons.palemoon.org/addon/swarth
nsITobincould be reexpanded to include more content types and re-adapted for seamonkey possibily
frg_AwayIF I find some time I will try to fix the breakage. If not possible might be time to nuke jetpack.
nsITobinde-jetpacking devtools blocks removing jetpack, prior but aborted alt plan is to localize jetpack for add-ons sdk only altering many dozens of urls but I've done it before.
nsITobinjetpack for devtools-only*
nsITobinbut an advantage is 253 is close to that so mozprogression is likely prefered rather than me hacking around it.
nsITobini seem to recall looking into dejetpaking devtools when mozilla did it.. went off on some research to see if i could backport it at the time.. but devtools had a lot of work done in the 50s so it was not new enough to SIMPLY do it.. a somewhat updated 56 based devtools tho.. very close to when they did it..
nsITobinwhat change busted jetpack?
frg_AwaynsITobin not sure. That is the problem. Suspect one of the security backports IanN did for resources but was some time ago. Fixed one error in jetpack but now it might be something in the add-on. There are still problems in jetpack wrt async and promises but they usually are harmless and affect only errors logges when deinstalling.
nsITobinis seamonkey fully on dom promises now?
nsITobinor was it js engine promises
nsITobinone was transitioned to from the other
frg_Awayanythoing up to 60 should be more or less in plus later fixes
frg_AwayBeyond the jetpack remoavl point for sure. Only did it partially
nsITobinwell 7 years ago i guess we deemed jetpack promises as a reason to almost eradicate jetpack
nsITobindoesn't mean jack tho
nsITobinconfirmed, 253 has everything mozilla did to sdk promise.js
nsITobinnothing has been changed for jetpack in UXP for 7 years save some revovals from elsewhere
nsITobin... yeah this is gonna be a joy to try and fix
nsITobinand stuff that makes it more .. not australis friendly
frg_AwayMight be contentaccessible missing somewhere but just a hunch
nsITobinhmm possible
frgMost stupid task of the day done: ibb.co/wFF2jpk4
nsITobinwhen did you add that damned tab line to .49 lol
frglong ago and I like it :)
nsITobinyou also like not having xpfe style grippies.. even I got over them finally.. more trouble than they were worth
nsITobinFranklinDM turned it into an extension for Pale Moon
nsITobinthere are like half a dozen extensions for Pale Moon with SeaMonkey/Borealis functionality it's kinda ridiculous..
frgWell they are still there and can be enabled in prefs. I also like choice.
nsITobinthe core communicator has some smart design in it.. namely accessibility to functions via menu and button and often context menu too and normally a shortcut key.. this is something Firefox busted in a lot of ways with the toolkit aesthetic and certainly after australis
nsITobinis the infobars-only pref still in 253 cause I like infobars vs doorhanger popups
frgIf it is in its probably broken and untested but I don't remember. I know that I did a lot of notification changes and I am not the brightest css bulb in the house.
nsITobini am not spectacular at css either .. Have gotten better these past years but not an expert and likely won't ever be as css chanegs into a scripting language
frgAnd now back to something useful. But at least I can now build 2.49, 2.53 and central in one vm with only the VS2022 build tools installed.
nsITobinI need to redo my ntlite 2019 .. it's corrupt from prior removals with updates.. but to BUILD IT ALL.. i would have to go back to 2019 not my lovely windows 7 vm
nsITobinsince you are indicating further backports will be leaving 2019 compat anyway windows 7 for building isn't sustainable
nsITobineven for test builds which is fine
frgVS2019 should be fine for some time. Have long ago kicked the 7 build vm. It was too slow compared to 8.1 and 10.
nsITobinIn bug 1817633 patch landed that ported part of bug 1816266 which includes removing THUDERBIRD_VERSION so part 4 for bug 1952288 which was going to remove SEAMONKEY_VERSION is also gonna pick up the remaining applicable bits for suite vs thunderbird in 1816266
nsITobinalmost sounds like I know what I'm doing .. that's conserning.. FOR SOME :P
nsITobinfrg_Away: fyi when I post these updated patches to 1952288 top 1611647-2-fix-xul-references-suite will need qrefeshed again when the queue is updated.
nsITobinfor an alignment difference it seems
nsITobini have this suspicion that once thunderbird goes git it will be comm as a subdir in a single mozilla repo a thunderbird branch..
nsITobinthe IRONIC thing is if they had the xpcom binary component loader (for internal) they could have xulrunner'd thunderbird with just having to finally fix MOZ_INCOMPLETE_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE.. but they doing it sillywise
nsITobinand launched it with Firefox.exe
nsITobinand do DIST_SUBDIR .. incomplete external linkage not withstanding the rest of the changes would take a person such as my self a few weeks maybe a month of solid work.. not difficult just time consuming and test heavy
nsITobinif thunderbird was SMERT they would restore the tree as it was intended to be restored by merging comm back into mozilla at topsrcdir not subdir/
nsITobinwould also be git friendly
nsITobini actually know how to do it
nsITobinsupposing they do go gitbranch wise off m-c comm as a directory makes even less sense.. which explains why they want to merge everything under MAIL and just have mail as the appdir .. kinda incidious actually
nsITobinknow what we UXP dumbasses SHOULD have been researching is how to wrap a webextension AS a toolkit extension.. with an adapter bootstrap
nsITobinjetpack had embedded webextesnions but that was just a transitional state when both technologies were present.. basically replace jetpack with a similar abstraction layer that just does what jetpack did.. translate webextesnion shit to mozilla shit.. and there you go.. there shouldn't be any reason MOST of webextensions basic functions can't be redirected to toolkit methods via an adapter framework of some sort.. Not how Mozilla did it.
nsITobinugh i wish i knew more javascript
nsITobinsuppose i should stick to attainable things until I know more javascript :P
tomman"moar Javascript solves everything" -- a Googler
nsITobinyeah well when seamonkey has a WebExtensions.jsm or gets their bindings ported to xul webcomponents then I will know enough javascript
frg_AwayPersonally I am ok with comm. When this all goes to git I suspect suite will be left in the dust anyway. Web extensions work in our tree for a Firefox build and only missing some pieces. Could be added to SeaMonkey but not really into it any time soon.
nsITobinthey can TRY and forget and block me reminding them.. but anything Mozilla does while in the trenches can be dealt with.. it's the gap that's the big bitch with central that and the calls from components.. FIX ME FIX ME YOU KNOW YOU WANNA.. have to keep it in check..
tommanneed a hammer, quick!
nsITobindon't have a hammer will this rock do?
tommanaccidentally hit the "offline mode" button :P
nsITobinairplane mode
nsITobinfor web clients
nsITobinoffline mode is handy on occasion
nsITobinwhat would be nice is an extension that allows you to display cached versions directly somehow
nsITobinfrg_Away: before you go and pass out for the night, is hg copy or hg rename compatible with mq?
nsITobinor do i have to do it then import it
frg_Awayyes I usually do it viaTortoise hg because I usually not remember the syntax.
nsITobinfeels like I been fighting with the build system for a decade.. and i have :P
nsITobinian wanted me to use hg copy to source thunderbird files over to suite directly and then lightly modify em on the devtools cc bug
frg_Awayeasiets if more than a few files is just do a skeletop patch with on pop it and edit it directly. I made a habit of doing this in 2 patches. First the copy. second the changes. IF anything changes to the source it is really hard to fix rejects with a qrefresh if only one patch.
frg_AwaySee the xul xhtml stuff in the queue
nsITobinI think I know what you are talking about but will look again
frg_AwayBug 1611647. There it is a move
nsITobini need to sit down and learn how to use sed
frg_AwayBill did it
nsITobini like his script better than mozilla's though they both could use comments and taking a few arguments would be nice like.. specifing repo source cause localclone would be faster, temp clone checkout location, and patch location so it could be directed to the repo.
2 minutes ago