frg_AwaynsITobin don't think so. Tools should have the same layout. Just a different base.
nsITobinit chilly this morning
nsITobinGood morning #SeaMonkey
frgnsITobin greetings
frgnsITobin just did a 2.53 build with only build tools vs2022 and the 141, 142 and 143 toolsets installed so should be fine for 2019 too.
frgTools seem to have much less bloat indeed. Needed only to remove vctip.exe
nsITobinI will give it a try with the vs2019's vs2019 build tools as currently configured .. while there may not be an issue.. i remember it was hell trying to use 2015 build tools on 2017 AND keep normal 2015 working when I tried to solve it for UXP based on your attempt.. I just wanted it all.. as typical :P
frgtossing a coin if I should fix 2.49 for the 141 toolset
frgVS2017 can no longer compile 2.53 so removed from it.
nsITobinwhat would 2.49 offer that seamonkey on uxp wouldn'
nsITobinaside from XP compat
nsITobinfrg: are you still releasing updates for 2.49?
nsITobinsecurity ones
frgnope. Would just be for the xp fans to self compile.
nsITobinwell if one wants to give seamonkey 2.49 as a special gift to xp users I think one should do a special final release short of actually compiling it with special branding already in place so they don't have to do anything cause that has been a trouble point in the past.. make a big deal about it.. and then see what happens
frgNot sure if I want to spend time for doing a release. Would only do it so that I have the option in my build setup and less build envs. So mostly selfish me.
nsITobinyeah pain alreayd trying to balance these envs and keep them clean and free of mangling
nsITobini have to work extra hard to have multiple build eras working on one machine but it comes at the cost of being way easier to bust
nsITobinbut i get efficiency
frgHave 3.4 and 4.1 separate thanks to the state path now set in start-shell.bat: SET MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=d:\mozilla-build\workspace34
frgWorks for 3.2 too so they can all co exist.
nsITobin2.49 would be riding mb 2.x right?
frgNope 3.2
frgnsITobin wondered if /build/windows_toolchain.py was used. Now I know. Not :)
frgso out the door with a bunch of hardcoded msvc references.
nsITobindoesn't that bust start_shell_vs* files hacked to continue providing the vars to the build system?
nsITobin19 The ``build/windows_toolchain.py`` script is used to build and manage
nsITobin20 Windows toolchain archives containing Visual Studio executables, SDKs,
nsITobin21 etc.
frgno all in build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure and friends.
frgSee Bug 1289641
nsITobinOH that's part of bootstrap
nsITobinor .. was
nsITobinor would have been
nsITobindepends on your perspective
nsITobineither way automated mozinfra
frggitlab 2.53 updated for it
frgnsITobin rust compiles in central are still great.... ibb.co/fVZb0xp9
frg10 forking GB
nsITobincause 1.82 is behaving memory wise
nsITobinfor j6
nsITobinbut then again linking libxul has taken that much ram before on windows
frg-j8 with latest 1.85
nsITobinlibxul could have linked in shared xpcom dlls instead of rolled in and NONE of this would have ever been a damned issue
nsITobinfor fifteen bloody years now
frgIt is no longer 2010 so I can live with 8 GB for all but not 10GB plus compiles plus something
nsITobinfits into a 16gb windows vm i am fine.. beyond that i am screwed
frgHey now its 18GB for rust. Have assigned 24GB to the vm.
frg19 and 98% mem usage
frgnsITobin STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN and needs more ram.
frgTotally whacko
njsgI need to look into rust, because now I'm wondering how come it can get so high memory consumption
njsgis it doing links in parallel or something?
nsITobinnjsg: they fucked it up cause 1.82 works fine
nsITobinits always gonna be high memory consumption but this is ridiculous
frgI can go back to 1.82 but not sure it would help. j8 and normal optimize might be it.
frgNeeds more electrolytes!
nsITobin1.83 MAY be fine too but 4+ seems to have an "issue"
nsITobingonna try .. know in 70 minutes
nsITobinI think everyone should take advantage of these cpp apps going rust to learn rust so it can be translated back to plain C
njsgand of course the web gonna be the web and there's people saying this is okay because unused ram is wasted
nsITobinsolve two issues at the same time
njsglook, there are good ways to use RAM, this almost surely isn't one of them :-P
nsITobinnjsg: the world wide web or the walled garden corperate mandated open web
nsITobincause there is a difference in my book
nsITobinliving standards are not formal standards they are endrun mandates by socially and economically more powerful groups
nsITobinunused ram is wasted?
nsITobinI'm sorry.. I thought this computer was a multiprocessing system.. I do have other shit to do while I am waiting for 70 minutes for mozilla to compile :P
njsgapparently the only place where the usage of ram isn't advocated in this way is several Microsoft operating systems
nsITobinthat is kinda tough when all my ram is being used for one series of operations
njsghaving such behaviour in applications and utilities seems to go counter the idea of a system where, yes, you do other stuff
nsITobinwell windows historically without memory protection and shit has to ensure it has enough for its self and later MUST ensure it has enough for its self so it can mediate everything
nsITobinnow its just.. wasted cpu time and electricity
nsITobincause efficiency doesn't matter
tommanI miss the "you own the world" memory model of Windows 9x :D
tommannow you can't even really own your own files on a cellphone
nsITobindoes destiny.manifest ring any bells?
IanNMeeting time in 27 minutes - wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-03-09
frgnsITobin yes as in 18 minutes
nsITobinIanN_Away: sent you CCI details :)
12 minutes ago