02:24:28 nsITobin: seem to be results missing when search for nsDrag against suite/extensions/irc https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey-2.53/search?string=nsDrag&find=suite%2Fextensions%2Firc 02:26:12 nsITobin: ignore that, deleted the file at some point that's why I can't find it 02:28:35 ah ok 02:29:06 well IanN_Away there is a file name search as well in case ident or freetext doesn't pick something up 02:29:38 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey-2.53/find?string=nsDrag 02:29:54 it's basically a wrapper around find 02:32:55 I sometimes forget it is there cause I mostly free text or ident search 05:52:41 Hello, I just went to donate via PayPal and I get a 'This is not supported in your country' I have had this issue with another project based out of Europe using PayPal. I contacted PayPal and they said there is nothing blocked on their end everything should be fine. Is there any other platform SeaMonkey used for donations? 09:31:55 ruenoak if Paypal and Sepa Credit Transfer are not available all what is left is Swift Wire transfer. I would just pass in this case. Fees for both sides might be higher than the donantion for the usual amounts. In any case thank you. 17:46:03 gitlab central updated 17:47:00 greetings frg_Away 17:47:15 nsITobin hi 17:48:15 pretty bad when the cheese is more expensive than the meat in my sammich 17:51:13 frg_Away: almost need a payday loan for some eggs these days .. or put them on layaway 17:52:03 well coffee, orange juice and chocolate becomes a bit expensive here. 17:52:29 store soda .. save walmart cola is same price name brand was 3 years ago 17:52:43 name brand has gotten virtually double the cost 17:53:34 since I don't care for coffee unless it is literally half cream and sugar .. maybe I should get some caffine powder 17:56:26 I did a methodical experiment to see where I prefered it and when it got to half.. I said this is outstanding but it will give me full blown diabeetus so .. no. 17:57:21 said thought typed.. whichever it was at the time 17:58:01 thankfully eggs are "cheap" here... but then everything is expensive if your income is nil 17:58:08 (or just irregular) 17:58:21 tomatoes however... they're getting pricey for no good reason 17:58:33 are the trains running on time though? 17:59:15 nsITobin I am trying to build central after pushes. It total crap again. Glean junk has changed and the metrics file is missing for suite. 17:59:48 frg_Away: I am thinking of maintaining a top patch to just neuter glean 18:00:15 disconnect its tendrals.. I did it preemptively for an experiment on Firefox back last september 18:00:22 It was a pleasure tiĆ³ rip out traces of it in 2.53 18:01:45 yeah because I was removing components as part of the experiment https://binaryoutcast.com/res/www.binaryoutcast.com/content//updates//fireforks/protofox.png i had to sever many glean connections to get it to stop bitching at me 18:02:30 also platform/app crosslinked tests 18:02:33 as well 18:05:37 being drummed out and subsiquently banned really took the steam out of that experiment.. tho i am sure that was the idea so priority reassignment not cancelled.. 18:23:28 well putting privacy first on your application pages and then implement the most anal telemetry system which can practcally not be turned off during compilation is an intersting approach... 18:39:19 Hey and now the rust compiler runs out of memory in a 16GB vm. Yes comm-central is great.... 19:19:54 ffs.. so i may have to go metal for central 19:24:50 sure am glad I didn't wipe that ssd :P 19:25:04 i was heavily considering it just the other day 19:25:14 use the space for virtual machines 22:04:22 nsITobin just built Windows central. Needed 24GB of memory in the vm because of rust and even then close call. Updated the central patches for it. 22:04:36 jesus 22:05:18 yeah I can't give a vm that much .. have to use bare metal.. no matter 22:06:00 rust took about 22GB. Had -j8 in. mabe it would be lower without but I suspect the nearly 600 rust crates cause it. Bloatfest deluxe. 22:06:09 frg_Away: rust has had times when it spiked ram and then it started acting less greedy.. it may only be a temporary condition 22:06:39 was during building gkrust the main object. 22:06:54 right.. libxul syndrome 22:06:56 or whatever it is. libxul is now 165 MB 22:07:45 trading faster building for harder debugging and massive build requirement increases.. even Moonchild went back.. 22:08:05 I nearly had UXP un-unified 22:08:21 and started splitting libxul up 22:08:47 it took longer but less ram and debugging was easier cause js engine crashes pointed to mozjs not xul.dll 22:10:05 split out gkmedias split out mozjs gklayout was next on my queue back then.. 22:10:42 "This technology could fall into the right hands" .. if you have enough ram.. 22:12:39 frg_Away: One thing I can try is sneaking rust down below current release see if the latest rust is bugged 22:15:34 wouldn't worry too much. 22:16:27 just tried a clang build with VS2022 and fails because of hasTable. Similar to msvc now it seems. 22:20:09 really needs Bug 1641090 if we want to go forward. 23:46:03 nsITobin: milk producers in .pt: "we have too much production". Cheese prices in .pt: at least doubled over the past couple years. This is not imported cheese, this is the cheapest available, which is from within borders. I think there might be a few loose ends.