11:57:21 classy, The Hill. "Javascript disabled" bla bla bla, append "/amp", and it just loads 16:46:56 learning about XSLT today 16:49:57 hi nsITobin 16:52:20 hello 16:53:29 so given that fluent is a string transforming language this is another thing mozilla wasted time on instead of using the core tech that has been in the codebase for 20 years or more 16:55:02 mozilla could have written a superset on xslt to transform strings 16:55:23 and manipulate dom 16:56:40 likely could have used RDF as in datasource and xslt to do the transform plus some mozilla magic.. but nop 16:57:43 I think me learning things and THEN judging is somehow worse than just an ignorant dismissal somehow 17:05:00 so read basic overviews for xslt and xpath 17:12:42 now back to server work 18:07:00 $ PAM_USER="testout" PAM_AUTHTOK="time03" php index.php --nologo --path=panel/user 18:07:00 Account Settings 18:07:04 yay 18:07:54 old test account creds i regularly use up until the username could change something 18:09:27 now all i need to do is write a cli component that on request will either yay or nay a user and tell vsftpd to use it 23:44:42 the html5 parser took over for viewsource even for xml.. also other views.. 23:45:59 also I have concluded that the html content sink is effectively broken as far as being able to render html4 to the browser and is retained for programatic uses and about:blank since it does nothing but present a blank document when made to consume all content..