02:51:44 gitlab wip updated 14:25:30 Good morning. 14:25:44 nsITobin hi 14:26:05 you are at your frgstation how can I halp? 14:27:05 nsITobin as usual check biuilds and do patches. Meeting in 40 minutes too. 14:27:37 oh i best be updating mah wiki section like I never do. 14:28:21 speaking of content formats.. got markdown going too rather complete once I threw a real github markdown file at it 14:28:54 and required really no wrapping code other than instantiating and using 14:29:03 unlike every other content method i have ;) 14:34:04 Status meeting in 29 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-01-26 14:39:14 early here~ 14:40:11 Hi tomman 14:41:57 hi tomman 14:48:13 Status meeting in 15 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-01-26 14:49:29 Ready. 14:49:32 :P 14:54:03 hi .* 14:57:50 Something about the seamonkey site template I use on the new CCI.. SeaMonkey's design is based originally on a modified version of cavendish the xul org's template replicates many elements of that but is based on the BinOC layout.. which the CCI seamonkey template is built from the xul org template so ESSENTUALLY you have Mozilla, BinOC, SeaMonkey, There is only XUL, and an original footer all in one design .. its a little nuts. 14:59:03 but from a glance its just seamonkey with a different footer 14:59:09 hi njsg 14:59:13 and I find that neat.. but I am a crazy web designer 14:59:23 Status meeting in 3 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-01-26 15:00:58 Hi rsx11m 15:01:05 howdy! 15:02:00 Oh holy Zawinski, we beseech you to-- wait wrong sunday service 15:02:20 hi rsx11m 15:02:28 Status meeting time - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2025-01-26 15:02:43 rsx11m: hi 15:02:54 greetings everybody~ 15:02:55 hi IanN njsg nsITobin 15:03:01 +tomman 15:03:05 sup 15:03:55 Who's taking minutes? 15:04:11 me and late as usual 15:04:20 Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank? 15:04:23 thanks 15:05:06 WG9s for overall achivements and be there for us till the end. 15:05:11 ++ 15:05:17 thirded 15:05:39 absolutely 15:05:44 x100 15:06:41 sadly missed 15:07:01 yep, no doubt 15:07:11 yes. His last patches still need to go into central I hope I manage soon. 15:09:29 Action Items 15:10:14 I removed the links to Bills webiste and as a drive by cleaned up google groups and irc logs. Will makr it as done in the notes. 15:11:20 Nothing else for action items from me. Others are all infra I think. 15:11:26 Status of the SeaMonkey Infrastructure 15:11:58 Windows signing key expried. No news I suppose. 15:12:30 Currently no prerelease and comm-central builds done. 15:12:53 aus5 has gone live 15:13:15 aka updater 15:13:19 2012 R2 and CentOS 7 build servers are history. Not sure if ewong has decommisioned them yet. 15:13:46 the old builder are still there for reference 15:13:51 says server certificate expired when I try in latest prerelease :) 15:13:51 *builders 15:14:12 32bit builds for pre-releases should go and I think winding down 32bit releases should be started. 15:14:29 I am with you. 15:14:47 Code can stay if someone wants to do them. 15:15:03 well maybe they can contribute some builds to some ftp later lol 15:15:35 Good old tradition.. needs to come back. 15:15:54 nightly 2.53 builds for macos/linux should now be appearing 15:16:14 https://q4os.org/ is suitable for the current i686 releases but you shoud rather dump your i686 distro and hardware. 15:16:25 i will talk to ewong to see if we can work out what's happening with the cert on aus5 15:17:03 oh nice, the nightlies resumed 15:17:06 For a few now. Sorry I forgot to report it. Busy with real life :( 15:17:09 IanN: is the aus5 server config public somewhere or documentation there of 15:17:34 nsITobin doubt it. All in azure. 15:18:34 nsITobin: just a matter of working out why it's not renewing the LetsEncrypt cert 15:18:54 Mozilla made infrastructure rather opague and stopped releasing a lot of materal some years back.. would be nice to have it available at some point in the next several years ;) 15:18:59 nsITobin: have to check it's configured correctly as I think ewong just copied it across from aus2 15:19:30 I need to write a helper script for certbot to update my bind dns server .. I'll share it incase it becomes useful. 15:20:19 nsITobin I doubt we will have the manpower to document anything. Given that it is azure it is propritary as well. 15:20:33 that bad huh 15:21:08 well if it is only applicable to azure then yeah not really worth expending a bunch of effort on 15:22:08 I still don't even know how to copy to archive. But need to work out how to do Windows prerelease builds anyway. 15:29:45 Well trump should make the internet for rsx11m great again :) 15:30:50 Trump doesn't know anything about the internet.. maybe twitter but not the internet. Now W.. he understood the internet is a series of tubes. 15:31:07 Status of the SeaMonkey Source Tree 15:31:17 Not a series of tubes? 15:31:21 :P 15:32:08 wb rsx11m 15:32:16 sorry, modem trouble again... 15:32:38 check those capacitors~! 15:33:08 Hopefully all building. Updated my wip branch a bit more. With Bill no longer there we need to figure out occassional central builds and fixing them up too. 15:35:00 windows and linux 64 central ain't difficult to produce slightly easier than 253 for me .. but i keep not using a VM on linux. 15:36:28 Needs VS2022 artifacts, msys2 and later rust. If you want to keep it building happy to grant you gitlab access too. 15:37:39 I have for windows a seperate central build vm need to refresh it.. last thing I was doing on central was upsetting Mozilla. 15:37:57 Bill did daily builds but just a weekly one or so would help. l10n is borked but it does not affect us as I thought it would. New strings in our central gitlab l10n repo get translated. 15:38:17 weekly is doable .. couple hours once it gets STARTED of course 15:39:36 I do know it is important for various testing things and the like 15:39:49 Bill just fixed it up with build fixes then. Usually put them as 999999- in gitlab and I would pick them during a checking later. I usually pick only the stuff needed for buildign and left the others in as TOP- patches. 15:40:20 It just needs to build so that we still have a foot in the door. No testing needed. 15:40:42 Status of the SeaMonkey Source Tree done? 15:40:52 I bet with the move to github our source will be gone but just a hunch. 15:40:53 he was working blind almost the entire time.. it is a miricle it builds 15:41:03 IanN think so 15:41:48 nsITobin we now and then figured it out together. Only packaging and cpp fixes usually. 15:41:53 before I was banned the Thunderbird plan i got out of them was to remove suite and merge mailnews into mail 15:42:17 and chat into mail 15:42:32 basically comm-central is mail rust and third_party 15:42:41 that was the plan i was told 15:42:46 oh, I guess that'll make backports so much easier... 15:43:11 well git follows renames better than hg so there is that 15:43:31 but once they merge mailnews with mail, it'll not even enforce the separation it ought to have 15:44:05 I figure after that they will make them selves a parody of a xulrunner app launched by firefox.exe 15:44:15 mozilla still approves of that method 15:44:19 there was a fitting burntelectrons quote 15:44:56 nsITobin: http://web.archive.org/web/20150102231047if_/http://quotes.burntelectrons.org/3161 15:45:07 Release Train 15:45:16 Well mailnews is no longer something good for cross app development but that is another story. Like browser/toolkit now. Anyway lets not dive into this. 15:45:31 Till later ;) 15:46:17 2.53.20 has a borked json bookmakrs import thanks to me. Signing key expired so not sure if the next one can be signed. Still too much to do left. 15:46:50 I think 2.53.21 should be the end of the raod for i686/x86 releases. 15:47:34 will see what info ewong can pull off for number of pings from x86 clients 15:47:39 At lest one addon using the add-on sdk was broken by 2.53.20 too. 15:48:20 I also agree betas should go until such time as betas would be useful again 15:49:05 Which extension? 15:50:23 add-on which broke is Dark Background and Light Text 0.5.16. Ran out of time fixing it. I found one problem and fixed it in 2.53.20 but totally blank what the remaingin problem is. 15:51:30 jetpack can be tricky .. next time I get a build going I'll see if i see anything no promises though 15:51:46 my usual suspects still survive. Redirector settings remains broken because of the limitations to addons that hit its embedded jQuery 15:52:21 i think that's Extensions covered too 15:52:30 I know there is some brakage in it from removing the deprecated js stuff but this one still worked. Breakge showed only dorung add-on removel and just needed a restart. 15:53:07 well at some point bustages become an add-on problem not an application problem.. best effort always but sometimes bustages happen even in the old days. 15:53:32 IanN yes. My places cleanup might habe broken an add-on names check places but was last updated years ago. So be it in this case. 15:53:39 We need the cleanup. 15:54:05 better conformance to firefox places actually could open up reviving some firefox-only places related extensions 15:54:08 potentally 15:54:47 nsITobin yes but if we brak xul stuff left and right and also don't suppet webext it will be lonely out there in SeaMonkey add-on land :) 15:55:16 * frg is the new typo king after Bill left the bulding 15:55:32 frg: i still win on misspelling as a lifestyle choice 15:56:06 Typing too fast and then just hitting enter instead of looking it over. 15:56:12 Devtools still has some complaints in 253.. because no CUI needs a simple patch 15:56:29 2.Next, Feature List, Planning and Roundtable 15:57:33 bau 15:57:36 I was working on a patch to migrate DOMi from an extension to a component 15:57:43 but stuff happened since then 15:58:15 as long as DOMi works i consider it essentual for fe development 15:58:37 and add-ons development 15:58:38 nsITobin I would not do this right now. Gone in central and when we come to stylo would need lots of changes or be removed in 2.53 too. 15:58:57 fair enough 15:59:12 AOB? 15:59:16 I am gonna try till my dying breath to keep DOMi alive.. i swear it 15:59:19 bau 15:59:26 IanN: not from me, bau 15:59:40 nsITobin I don't want to remove it either 16:00:32 The SeaMonkey Community Contributed Infrastructure was launched suddenly listing community resources and official links.. still largely dev focused but intends to be useful. 16:01:14 FTP space with web access for contributors and community members and administration for it is also in progress 16:01:41 along with a thing that can do wikitext and markdown and the fabeled add-ons site.. 16:01:56 SeaMonkey Suite code its self.. no real progress this time around 16:02:37 *walks off stage* 16:02:39 :P 16:03:45 nsITobin let me know if it can be linked now. Personlly I won't contribute much. Strecked too thin already but nothing new here.... 16:03:50 thanks 16:04:13 next meeting in 3 weeks time, same bat channel, same bat time 16:04:20 thanks for your time today 16:04:31 Have fuunnn 16:04:36 frg: yeah it can be now i stablized it and setup the cci-dev subdomain to continue working on it 16:04:39 cu later 16:04:47 cya 16:05:18 frg: the WHOLE idea is you don't HAVE to but its there if needed like sharing a big file without involving a cloud provider like dropbox etc 16:05:26 make: *** No rule to make target 'fun'. Stop. 16:05:45 need to add that to some Makefile 16:05:51 or make your self an old school netscape homepage put that at your directory root 16:05:57 nsITbin yeah that would be good. I do it now and then on a different server but need to remove it fast afterwards. Not really pinball related usually :) 16:07:09 plus I can test the ftp functionality in seamonkey its self.. no one tests that anymore 16:08:19 Yes no site left where I can test ftp or composer uploads unfortunately. 16:09:04 well this will be standard ftp .. i need to switch it to the secure version .. does seamonkey support the secure ftp version? 16:09:10 or ftps whatever one it is 16:10:50 nsITobin I am not sure. At least not for composer. But for uloads I use Filezilly or WinScp anyway. Just not breaking downloads is all we need I think. 16:11:12 And here the latest reinventing the wheel news: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Rust-Coreutils-uutils-0.0.29 16:11:20 potental for enhancement if anyone gets around to it 16:11:30 dear god 16:11:50 yes. Personally I would like to rip out the gopher remains. This one is really dead. 16:12:00 I hope everyone is learning C cause we need to take over once they switch crap to rust 16:12:13 what is still there? doesn't it always require OverbiteFF? 16:12:42 Redirection to add-on but this one is broken. 16:12:54 what will for sure happen with an alternative coreutils in rust is yet another implementation of some utilities with different behaviour 16:13:02 be back 16:13:58 didn't util-linux at some point get a vlock that lacked some of the features of another vlock utility? 16:14:59 ah, kbd, not util-linux 16:16:40 (But on this front, it's not much of a difference, it pays to check which implementation is being used and which features are portable, there are just some cases that aren't between different distributions or OSes, but rather between different projects; a notable one inside Linux systems is probably rename) 16:17:16 so... will rust-based coreutils rm be GNU-compliant or POSIX-compliant in the handling of / ? 16:18:28 Well me and rust will never be friends in this life. I still think it will be interesting to see how the current code will be maintained in 10 years. It is so abstract and might need a KI supercomputer to understand it then :) 16:19:14 re: overbite, I guess I never checked again about it being updated or not, so it still lacks that Init arity change? 16:19:43 working here, but it has that change made locally 16:20:21 njsg broke long ago with network nsIChannel backports. Tried to make it work but failed. But didn't invest much time. 16:23:18 njsg: tell you what.. if I ever write a gopher necko module or revive the old one I will offer it to the seamonkey project :P 16:24:10 Watch me to be totally indifferent to this :) 16:24:26 indifferent isn't a r- 16:24:32 an* 16:24:33 IIRC two parameters need to be removed, if this is the right set of directories: 16:24:38 http://njsg.sdf-eu.org/tmp/overbiteff.patch.txt 16:25:00 njsg I think I did this and still didn't work. 16:25:25 nsITobin but it isn't r+ or checking it in :) 16:25:36 that could change 16:26:09 frg: I'll see if I can test this further. it's on 2.53.20, but the extension has been installed for a long time in the profile, so maybe there's something else 16:27:22 Like I686 I still think it is excess baggage in 2025 and I used gopher so I am not a biggot never knowing it. Was good around 1992. 16:27:44 I still known of an active Gopher server 16:27:46 --know 16:27:52 the Floodgap one 16:28:11 I want an XML based web still XML should be the basis of all 16:29:53 tomman: there's also the ones at sdf (US and EU at least), but Floodgap really is a place to focus on, as IIRC Cameron has a list of known servers there too, besides the search engine 16:30:15 Oh holy Zawinski, we beseech you to show us the way once again, in your name, NS_RESULT. 16:30:29 I just want SeaMonkey to work well enough :) 16:31:25 Well i could get all grandious about it.. it is a skill I have.. making well enough seem like cutting edge 16:32:47 seriously tho the priorities are clear but the wishes are many is the take away frg_Away 16:35:03 well I could wish for the moon but that is all what it would be. 16:35:53 frg_Away: don't.. NEVER wish for that. 16:37:45 I prefer the salt air vs regolith and choking vaccume 16:38:59 I should get some work done at some point though. 16:41:46 and I think I just discovered I need to do changes on AdBlock Plus :-) 16:42:05 njsg: don't expect any /Latitude/ 16:43:04 when Pale Moon changed it's guid we hotpatched several extensions including Adblock Plus as temporary pseudo-static versions.. I contacted ABP about the change asking for support.. I got a C&D in response.. 16:43:34 That is where Adblock Latitude and later ABPrime came from.. 16:43:49 nsITobin well if you watched For All Mainkind you might think otherwise. 16:44:31 have to check it out 16:45:03 A bit soapy in the last 2 seasons but I really like it. 16:46:29 who owns the name "Chatzilla" 16:46:38 ChatZilla* 16:47:27 rightfully it SHOULD be seamonkey but .. i dunno was it ever decaired a mark by Mozilla or Netscape? 16:51:33 Mozilla has never claimed it as a trademark or mark of any kind from 2013 on.. trying to check earlier 16:52:20 I think there are no efforts under way to remake it as a web ext but we still treat it as owned by the former maintainers. 16:53:04 because chatcore also has irc 16:53:07 i suspect anyway 16:55:44 The Mozilla Organization never claimed ownership either 16:56:17 inb4 it's owned by Yahoo/Verizon :D 16:56:44 Mozilla re-added XUL™ under the heading registered trademarks 16:57:05 it isn't registered 16:57:15 though they CAN defend it by mere usage and a legal team 16:57:57 likely in response to me actually.. I am the ONLY person in the last year that bruteforced their way in and wouldn't shut up about xul tech until they banned me 16:59:55 This is why I don't like splitting developer public chat from user public chat.. users can learn if they are interested and contributors aren't put out 17:01:23 and you get a better sense of what is actually happening 17:01:57 I think coding async javascript changes the way people's minds work 17:02:30 where everything and everyone Maybe Will Return 17:02:50 multiple streams of async chat 17:02:56 needing formal forms of expression 17:03:05 so its easily parsable when streamswitching 17:03:16 javascript has warped peoples MIIIIINNNDDDSSSS 17:03:16 lol 17:03:43 fortunately we have Generative Autocomplet... I mean, GenAI to help with that 17:03:57 Overiterated Autocomplete Chatbots 17:04:04 that is ALL Generative AI is 17:04:14 and it is literally KILLING THE PLANET 17:04:41 as surely as cowfarts and your jalopy is 17:06:55 man humanity is gonna be boned when the evironment is wreaked and all the resources are used up making an AI that at BEST will respond with... meh doesn't affect me 17:07:47 that is the best case.. it goes down hill from there 17:08:12 They're having AI solve a problem, and then they'll need to design an AI to tell them what problem is the first AI's solution supposed to address. 17:08:21 Why does this sound familiar? 17:08:26 the real threat with current generations of AI is people trusting them without question and being fed nonsense.. like interactive fox news 17:08:32 I guess, in the end, the universe might have been a bad move. 17:09:42 I will bring #seamonkey with me next time I shift into another universe so we can stick together 17:10:21 I grow tired of this parody mirror universe 17:10:26 you see njsg 17:10:32 One might wonder why bother using so much water and energy when we already know that the result's gonna be 42. 17:11:14 everyone needs to remember we are all connected by data transfering electromagnetic fields.. science can happen and sometimes unexpectedly 17:12:30 njsg: if you wait too long say 200 years and make the calculation you will have to correct it for inflation to 47 17:13:54 but we should have starships and phaser weapons by then.. 17:14:51 ... I am starting to believe that ain't gonna actually happen.. though the real struggle will be to keep the elietes from ruining this planet before we sieze their own technology and shoot them into space like they were planning anyway just less laughing 17:15:48 kicking the elites off the planet that's a reason to fund space travel.. 17:17:59 njsg: makes you wonder WHY they needed to get everyone switched to low energy crap.. cause it doesn't look like we have reduced our overall destruction of the environment or energy usage it was just reallocated.. I wonder where. 17:18:31 low energy stuff and lowflow water fixtures 17:18:44 ... where is it going.. not to those who have issues getting power and water 17:18:57 i think it is going to god damned artifical idiocy 17:20:48 also big budget 3d rendering 17:20:53 and animation 17:22:18 If you think this rendered environment looks nice you should see the ecosystem we destroyed to create it! 17:22:31 before we* 17:22:38 it to* 17:26:24 I'm using seamonkey 1.53.20 and sometime in the last 24h all images have vanished from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news for me. I'm trying to work out if this is something wrong with my install or if it's a change they've made that's broken it or... 17:29:11 TrevorH: it's worth checking if you've accidentally blocked images from bbc.co.uk 17:29:35 images load here for me 17:29:45 or well, the domain they are using for that 17:30:33 tools->images was set to default, changed to allow, hit F5, still nothing 17:30:36 TrevorH: ctrl+i to open page info, media tab, check the images listed there and whether the missing ones have the checkbox checked 17:30:37 in my case, images are coming from ichef.bbci.co.uk 17:30:57 so look for a possible block entry there 17:31:04 it did happened to me once with some website 17:31:56 the tools menu image manager selection does not change for me after blocking, I'm guessing because the host is different. the data manager does show it under bbci.co.uk 17:32:09 but the page info dialog might be simpler for this 17:32:15 check any content blocking extensions like Adblockers as well 17:32:27 works in current release linux clean profile for me 17:33:14 there were about 100 things listed on the media tab and just one of them was set to block and it took the whole lot with it 17:33:15 TrevorH: " to open page info, media tab," er I mean "then select the Media tab" 17:34:03 no idea how it got set to block, I'd guess there's some magic keystroke that does it that I managed to finger fumble by mistake 17:34:10 but working now, thanks all 17:35:03 it happens, especially when one is on a rush with the context menu 17:35:17 look in page info under permissions 17:35:18 I think the order of context menu entries was changed some time ago (frg?) because it was easier to block by accident 17:35:21 TrevorH: 17:35:51 oh ok 17:35:52 nsITobin: possibly same problem as the tools menu submenu, it seems to show permissions for the page domain and/or host 17:36:00 sorry i was poking then typed without reading 17:36:16 njsg: OH right datamanager 17:36:48 i have an ehanced permissions manager from Pale Moon that I further enhanced that I used in borealis cause I didn't care for the data manager 17:36:58 so i forgot about it 17:37:03 can you share a screenshot? 17:37:18 me? 17:37:33 of the enhanced manager 17:37:39 I was thinking for a moment whether a table could work better to browse permissions in some cases 17:37:49 well its ehanced from a dev perspective its just the old UI with a nice header 17:38:05 and words 17:38:24 hold on i will see if i have an old build avilable 17:38:50 the permissions manager and cookiemanager still exist in seamonkey but they have bad coderot unless they were cleaned up past 2.49 17:39:02 as in ditched 17:39:36 cookie manager works IIRC 17:39:40 haven't checked permissions manager 17:39:48 the data manager does have performance issues for ancient profiles 17:39:58 or did at 2.49 17:42:03 Prformance issues seem to be gone with all the backports. Have seen no new reports. 17:42:59 that's good 17:43:00 For the old cookie manager don't check Don't allow websites that set removed cookies to set future cookies. That needs to be removed and blocks all sites somehow. 17:45:12 https://i.ibb.co/72C68cJ/image.png 17:45:14 njsg: 17:46:43 I put some effort into it but applicablity for seamonkey is questionable.. maybe I'll make it an extension and override the menu items.. that way the older remnents can be ditched in suite core proper 17:47:41 nsITobin I put cookies and passwords in as a separate toolbar item 17:48:26 in 2.49 permissions manager was badly broken.. cookie manager was just out of date but the firefox version wasn't much different 17:49:29 even the native firefox 52 version was basically the same just loaded as a div overlay in about:preferences 17:49:37 I think I fixed them all. 17:50:40 entirely possible.. one issue i had when i was sourcing this was that each individual permission manager call was an individual call adhoc all different .. when i put it in Borealis i made a unified function in typical taskOverlay style 17:50:59 IanN_Awa something to put on the list of thinks to poke soon ;) 17:51:34 things* 17:53:35 I also modified the cookieviewer .. or was it the permissions manager to have the same basic layout.. so really you can't tell it isn't just part of the permissions manager 17:54:05 I was rather proud of that actually 17:54:38 The data Manager functionality is much better. Just its ui.... 17:55:18 I think it works better as a window vs in-content but it isn't BAD so much as different.. like doorhangers vs infobars 17:56:31 still better than Pale Moon's about:permissions by a mile 17:56:41 thing doesn't even have widget alignment 17:56:51 and is webby 17:57:35 it is frankly embrassing from a design and UX standpoint.. data manager is just a basic multipane XUL interface.. if it doesn't slow to a crawl or lock up the main threat its fine and dandy 17:57:49 thread* 17:58:47 it's* 18:02:16 i guess it has been SLIGHTLY improved in the last 3 years but still.. I'd take the data manager over this any day .. https://ibb.co/D1zdM6p 18:03:50 the layout metrics on Pale Moon's about:permissions still remains horrific 18:03:52 to me 18:04:34 why anyone thinks big text big icons no padding was a good idea i dunno i'd ask mozilla but they banned me 18:05:24 it's like someone misunderstood how rich textboxes worked and couldn't be bothered and did this instead 18:07:39 cause they could have EASILY done some tricks to reuse this code https://i.ibb.co/cvkvWmx/image.png .. Page Info btw in Modern Firefox.. is virtually untouched.. I used it as a basis to get a handle on xul to xhtml 18:09:21 *gets off soap box and places automated turret on it* 18:16:06 that way I can get back to work on stuff and my position is defended :P 18:28:27 so my hotel lamp with the integrated plug.. only reading 60 volts i think i burned the outlet up .. and this lamp is potentally unsafe .. internet thinks an open neutral 18:28:51 cause it has a plug on the base of the lamp 18:28:58 i think i acceeded its amps 18:31:05 yeah I am pretty sure I shouldn't be reading 14 volts across the metal to ground 19:16:11 Might be the internal line filter if it has one 19:16:53 yeah will have to see if I can crack it open and see if its worth fixing or just snip it and electrical tape the ends 19:17:41 i only paid five bucks at a thrift store for it but i like it cause it had that plug, was a gooseneck, and took lightbulbs 19:18:07 unlike the built in amber color leds people have convinced them selves is like incandecent.. tho i like cooler color light personally 21:48:09 Probably not worth a repair if glued together. And line voltage can kill so if in doubt better pass. 22:54:52 frg_Away: it's still just US line voltage .. nothing to worry about as long as you aren't holding on to a better ground or drenching wet.. just a few cursewords really no proble 22:54:56 problem 23:03:28 Chance is not high but even a light one can cause cardiac arrhythmias. I only zapped myself once when working on a pinball and no harm done but I try to avoid it like the plague and doublecheck now. 23:04:05 well I have managed to avoid it since I was a kid so that also helps 23:04:14 well teenager 23:04:29 and yeah it smarts 23:53:24 all in all not getting shocked is better than getting shocked 23:53:52 Latest news shock me all the time :)