14:55:38 I think I blew the fuse for the outlet on my thrift store hotel desk lamp.. least the lamp part still works.. Dunno if I can fix it 14:57:41 nsITobin if just the fuse should be fixable if you can open it. 14:59:28 usb type or 110V? 15:05:02 110V AKA "this is why Europeans mock at us Americans for our substandard electricity outlets" :D 15:05:18 wall outlet 15:05:22 so not usb 15:05:51 tomman: technology connections would like a word with you 15:05:57 ;) 15:06:32 even our "220V" is fake - "split phase" AKA "208V in a good day" 15:06:56 "just slap 2 110V lines together and call it a day" 15:07:26 we are allowing variences in the energy grid to fluxuate more than should be acceptable on the basis that modern devices have advanced filtering and tollerence.. its a bullshit premise primed for failure 15:07:28 at any time 15:07:29 is it true that electric water kettles are much less common in the US because of 110V? 15:08:28 njsg: its uncommon because americans aren't tea obsessed.. We're americans tea was just a pretense for overthowing the tyranical rule of olegarcs and monarchies.. which is why we re-elected trump.. 15:08:29 wait 15:08:44 nsITobin then it is probably the breaker in the fzuse box or the outlet itself. 15:08:45 (or rather, because 110V means you can't get as much power within the safety boundaries of the wiring) 15:09:06 frg_Away: we don't have fused outlets 15:09:10 in the wall 15:09:15 It is 240V here now but still labled 220V 15:09:25 but the lamp its likely fused else it would have either killed the lamp or the breaker 15:09:35 njsg: we don't really use electric kettles in Latam, which is mostly 110V American spec 15:09:48 it also has rj11 jacks for surge protection 15:09:49 if you want to boil water, use a gas stovetop 15:10:15 nsITobin: We are not tea obsessed, but many are coffee obsessed 15:10:25 yes, but for that there are moka pots 15:10:27 and while electric coffeemakers exist, gas is simply better 15:10:32 yeah and caraths and drip coffee does that 15:10:46 nsITobin somewhetre there is a fuse even in the US but if only one outlet then it probably is bad. 15:10:55 njsg: yep, I use a moka pot, but in a pinch you can simply boil water and fill a filter with coffee and drip it there 15:11:26 moka pots cost $10-20, while a electric coffeemaker is $40-50, and it will die during the first power sag/outage here 15:12:02 and I'd argue moka pots allow for tastier coffee, but YMMV and taste matters have to be IMHO 15:14:25 reboot time here~ 15:14:39 oh god their rebooting tomman 22:21:59 and I am now banned from the WHATWG 22:22:27 and Mozilla Matrix after I complied with their orders to stop using the account for a server not on their instance. 22:22:39 nothing matters 22:39:20 Love being punished for complying. 22:39:28 Love being banned and told this is not the space for me. 22:39:37 nor is anywhere on matrix ever 22:39:43 by a Mozilla employee 22:39:45 again 22:39:52 not just theirs 22:40:06 Good night. 23:02:24 The destruction is for nothing the bans are for nothing and this person is starting the trend of WebCOmponents are not the future https://dev.to/ryansolid/web-components-are-not-the-future-48bh