00:00:57 for instance my current special component has a status bar and in both html and textarea content is seated properly and includes a scrollbar 00:46:38 well I think this lib and some of my own preprocessing will do nicely for when wikitext is needed. Bit bulky but meh.. 00:46:45 now to add to generateContent 01:28:18 granted htmlentitiy encoding could be a problem but i could go without it as long as only authorized people can edit it or add more syntax to my preparsing. 01:28:41 but it sure looks WAY better with a seamonkey template than mozillawiki https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/status-meetings/2008-07-01 01:29:28 Done for the day unless I have another idear 01:29:34 ;) 01:29:43 anyone alive? 01:55:30 https://dpaste.org/vus37/raw 02:07:15 :P 02:20:49 welcome back a-865 03:56:33 nsITobin: I never left. That's the ISP somehow breaking my connection between libera and Chatzilla over and over again most days. :( 03:58:22 a-865: i dunno if it is obvious but I adore the kind of work I been doing past few weeks on the PHP and server stuff 04:09:40 that is stuff I know nothing about 05:04:23 a-865: could always learn 05:14:43 I'm more than behinder enough already 14:11:13 good morning 14:20:04 You know, friends, peers, combatants... Sometimes it IS the little things that keep us going to keep up the task of dealing with the big things. 14:21:58 nsITobin hi 14:22:41 Greetings 14:27:02 this mdn yaml hack is great for databaseless pseudo-static content 14:27:15 --- 14:27:15 title: Status Meeting 2008-07-01 14:27:15 type: wiki 14:27:15 --- 14:27:48 yaml header hack 14:28:00 best thing to come out of MDN since the last had XUL documentation 14:28:05 they* 14:31:07 frg_Away: see bug zone on https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext 14:33:17 I have also whitelisted the following to be un-entitied 14:33:18 $unEntities = implode(kPipe, ['laquo', 'raquo', 'hellip', 'mdash', 'nbsp', 'trade', 'copy', 'quot', 'bull', ]); 14:33:18 $reHTML = implode(kPipe, ['small', 'hr', 'strong', 'em', 's', 'strike']); 14:34:29 "implode" 14:34:31 :giggity: 14:34:38 that PHP function name will always make me giggle 14:34:57 i like explode better 14:35:36 public static function ExplodeStr(string $aSeparator, string $aString) { 14:35:37 return (!str_contains($aString, $aSeparator)) ? [$aString] : 14:35:37 array_values(array_filter(explode($aSeparator, $aString), 'strlen')); 14:35:37 } 14:36:23 makes sure when stuff like paths don't end up with pre and suffixed empty values which standard explode does 14:36:30 public static function ExplodePath(string $aPath) { 14:36:31 return ($aPath == kSlash) ? ['root'] : nsUtils::ExplodeStr(kSlash, $aPath); 14:36:31 } 14:37:08 but that is WELL past the general polite limit of five lines of pasted crap.. so time to stop pasting :P 14:40:32 trust me tomman my code has reached a high level of development and has been used successfully in the deployment of nofer trunions.. 14:41:00 the PHP nsEncabulator is t.... the hell am I saying. 14:41:04 dunno, I haven't touched a single line of PHP at a professional level since I made my final internship at college in 2009 14:41:43 all the memories i have are "why we are doing the same thing in 3 different ways!?" 14:41:51 i dunno if my code is actually professional level.. likely not it doesn't have enough bugs in it let alone composer dependancy hell and trying to satsify all the PSRs at once.. 14:41:55 (it was a shared codebase among 4 interns) 14:42:52 This is what builds rebel mozinfra https://phpthewrongway.com/ 14:42:53 lol 14:49:11 like i said last night I love this kind of work especially when it works 14:50:17 the best code you can write indeed is the one that actually does what it is supposed to do 14:50:42 the worst code you can write is the one that APPARENTLY does the job, but 5 years later down the road it starts failing in mysterious ways 14:50:59 then you check carefully and realize that your code was crap since Day One, and it only worked because of pure sheer luck 14:51:47 code that should have failed horrendously during testing, or right after deploying in production, but nope, it Just Werked™ 14:51:57 Phoebus will eventually truncate its xpinstall data if an add-on gets enough updates for Pale Moon.. this is a known flaw.. as far as I know it hasn't been fixed by them.. I was unconserned because Phobos redesigned the db schema to not emulate a fuckin ini file 14:51:59 ...until planets aligned and it stopped doing 14:53:52 otherwise it stands.. nearly four years without any significant development from me and a few botched patches by moonchild.. it still works.. Solid design overall the very basis of my code today. 14:54:46 that netscape aesthetic i infuse does wonderful things to code 14:54:49 :P 15:03:15 *.banana *.split 15:29:21 there I cut out the interwiki bs and merged the stuff into ONE easy to consume lib 15:29:28 file* 15:29:56 was literaly only ONE conditional anyway not worth justifing all the extra code and a massive json file 15:30:29 which I guess I am maintaining now since the forker hasn't done anything in 3 years 15:30:49 along with the old repat rdf parser for php and potentally safemysql 17:33:12 THIS should never happen.. but it occasionally does .. now its handled. 17:33:14 https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext 17:33:55 my error reporting and basic output failing 17:33:57 i mean 17:34:49 of course when not debug.. just an unexplained 404 19:24:38 eh screw that.. this will do the trick.. nsRuntime::DisableErrorHandler(); 20:47:52 be back later on 23:42:57 Anyone here able to answer this SeaMonkey question: how long will it support Windows Pro 7 SP1 64-bit? 23:48:28 Again, Anyone here able to answer this SeaMonkey question: how long will it support Windows Pro 7 SP1 64-bit? 23:49:02 Admin_Mike: I am trying to think of an answer because I am not an authoritative source.. 23:49:25 OK, just saw you logon... no problem. 23:49:32 There are no current plans I am aware of to drop NT 6.1 support 23:49:58 OK, that is what I hoped to hear, thanks. 23:49:59 Admin_Mike: we have logging I don't NEED to be here .. I just LIKE to be 23:50:50 Admin_Mike: Project Status Meetings are the best place to watch for that if you wanna catch it before it hits release 23:51:00 currently on the Mozilla wiki 23:51:30 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings 23:51:57 nslTobin thanks for the link and thanks for the quick reply. 23:52:09 I just happened to look at the logbot 23:53:32 Admin_Mike: There is also this as an outgrowth of There is only XUL dot org https://seamonkey.thereisonlyxul.org/ has a number of resources linked that MAY be of intrest though its mostly developer resources 23:53:51 it's* 23:55:16 nsITobin thanks for the further info. I am going to close the chatzilla client if that is all.... 23:58:03 Bye