08:53:52 nsiTobin: kinda like https://gitlab.com/seamonkey-project/seamonkey-2.53-comm/-/blob/2_53_20_final/suite/config/version_display.txt ? Could probably get something set up on the website itself. 13:04:11 jesus christ 13:05:21 nsITobin hi and didn't meet him yet today 13:05:59 no.. i was watching highlights of the fake ignogration.. Trump SOUNDS like he is posting on the Pale Moon forum. 13:06:08 this is very bad 13:09:26 no let me be MORE clear it sounds like shit I wrote on the Pale Moon forum and this time he has a plan.. now he is safe from relevant prosecution .. it's revenge with calls of unified calm.. 13:09:31 very bad indeed 13:14:01 because this time he is all about Merit which means EITHER making him money or sucking up to him personally but to today's MAGA Merit means not undesirables regardless of skill or capability 13:14:11 The people who voted for him because they are not so well off probably will be the biggest loosers in the end. As usual they will blame so called communists or whoever but not him for their misery. We will see. Not that the other party is a stellar star shining bright. 13:15:29 while cozing up to ACTUAL communists .. well china and neo-soviets 13:15:37 chinese government 13:15:39 i mean 13:16:30 fascism merging and using communistic elements.. sounds to me the war is with eastasia the war has always been with eurasia 13:17:34 except.. its all SO STOOOPID and still being allowed to happen 13:17:47 frg_Away: this is the aspect of "real life" i don't get.. 13:18:42 There is not one communist state left on the planet. Either light dictatorships or bad ones. For the people usually means for me and my party. 13:18:50 as if politicans and rich elite have a concept of real life anymore valid than mine.. WHICH it ain't i may be slightly nuts but they are lunatics 13:19:48 Some variations with religious fanatics or oligarchs but that is it. 13:20:52 yeah its just a label with little meaning anymore.. by all rights I am the best communist ever .. live on basically nothing .. do everything for others and rarely for me soley and historically only occasionally benefit.. one remaining complaint tho from the prole sector.. can we have a utopia and not a dystopa kthanx 13:22:03 plus I am a oldtrek fan so i think it was always inevidable LOL 13:23:33 but seriously I dunno what is more conserning.. the fact its happening or the fact I know what his bullshit .. most of the time .. actually means cause it can be directly translated 13:31:37 frg_Away: mark my words, there will be a disaster within 6 months that will expand the newly redeclaired border emergency to a nation wide emergency 13:32:16 i just wonder if it will literally be them burning down the capital building or if it will be more subtle 13:32:27 at this point anything is possible 13:34:16 frg_Away: I can't wait for Autism Speaks to get more promiance 13:34:24 terrible orginaization 13:34:43 barely better than gay conversion therapy in the amount of harm it causes 13:37:32 merit-based america (inc) first will NEVER include things done by undesirables unless they can be a slave class like the H-1B Visas for skilled and H-2B (Trump's favorite) for unskilled which are STILL ranked higher than domestic undesirables 13:37:35 such as my self 13:39:58 it is why welfare programs like social security and snap are not important to them 13:43:56 undesirable even as slave labor to elites that have everything.. facing that .. why should I be conserned about whomever this week is deemed as a communist.. 13:44:19 assuming it isn't me lol 13:45:45 when that comes up, presumably because you have no guarantee it won't be you, besides all the other implications of a state doing that 13:45:58 it's probably time to update the pledge of allegiance again 13:46:31 Last I did the pledge my hand was over my heart not stretched out.. 13:48:48 that was in 2018 just before I created the Unified XUL Platform Take 2, the one that worked. 13:49:22 Noo, that codebase isn't dutch, it's american! 13:50:35 truth was it was neither it was for everyone.. including seamonkey should that have been desired 14:03:35 I am still betting on general chaos, infighting, and only temporary conditions to prevail and keep any lasting damage minimal.. buuuut we shall see. Doesn't change that unless or until they come for me either directly or via gutting of social programs anything I was doing yesterday 14:04:13 still needs done today. 14:07:49 also ever wondered what a small meteor hitting the earth is ACTUALLY like? well someone's door cam captured it.. first ever known documented impact of a meteor on video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAR-6XTBdkI 14:07:58 its more or less how you expect 14:08:03 save the flames 14:10:48 Good morning the tomman 14:11:07 just a restart to free some RAM~ 14:11:29 hmm, now with WG9s resting in peace, what will happen to the nightlies? 14:11:38 also just checked that mine is from early December, time to update :D 14:19:39 that hasn't been decided yet as far as I know 14:21:56 if a cloud solution isn't feasable i would guess it would go to sourcing builds from those able to build and maybe coordinate using the ftp I am setting up.. or it could be something else and merely mentioned on the new CCI.. Of course I think options are needed first before deciding which one. 14:24:12 rash decisions and the suite don't often mix lol 14:36:20 tomman IanN and ewong are looking at hosting options. If you need want a build lmk. Not much in. I just fixed the json export but mostly a bit burned out. 14:51:16 same as long as its 64bit windows/linux 14:52:46 here is a question frg_Away are nightly a directive or simply a designator 14:52:54 nightlies* 14:53:56 designater can be named donaldduck version. 14:54:20 that makes nightlies so much easier if it doesn't have to be each night LOL 14:57:51 at least in recent times, it was built only when there were changes 14:58:10 shame i oped for more cpuz than ram when I went from openvz to kvm.. else I'd have enough ram to build with tho i doubt afterburst's node would be happy about it tho least my resources are not playing the pull from shared pool gain .. save for network bandwith of course 14:59:07 my 6 cores are mine to use at 100% 14:59:19 that is why I am sticking with Afterburst until they bust 14:59:23 I do wonder if compilers and linkers could be improved somehow to make space complexity a bit softer 14:59:43 njsg: sure use GCC 4.9 15:00:04 be like 5-10% smaller object code 15:00:05 * njsg thinks again of insn_attrtab.c that made GCC use hundreds of megabytes of RAM 15:00:40 njsg: mozjs .. and especially mozjs built into libxul is why building mozilla is so FUCKED 15:00:45 nsITobin: I mean as in run-time memory usage, although older versions might fare better in that regard, but probably because some complexity might exist because of newer language features 15:01:02 this bullshit lifted from chromium has been the death nail to extensiability on a binary basis 15:01:04 (insn_attrtab.c is part of GCC) 15:01:17 ah 15:03:11 https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29442 15:03:27 njsg: the fact is outside more advanced 3d graphics and nonsense like VR and AI.. we LITERALLY aren't doing anything new than we weren't doing 15 years ago 15:03:36 that didn't already exist 15 years ago 15:18:32 so why have our compilers bloated as much as the apps have 15:27:39 Achievement unlocked: compiling source file which includes header 15:27:50 Achievement unlocked: using CPP directives 15:28:01 Achievement unlocked: ICE 15:28:24 Achievement unlocked: finding a bug in perl's regexp parser [okay, this one goes to jwz] 15:29:09 ( https://www.jwz.org/blog/2025/01/now-i-have-two-problems ) 15:47:50 Achievement unlocked: kernel panic 15:48:09 Achievement unlocked: Halt and Catch Fire <= that actually happened me once at college :D 15:50:10 (also, for backlog, given the current week, it's probably worth pointing out that it means Internal Compiler Error) 15:53:08 oh, I thought it was Emirates Airlines' in flight entertainment system (which is also conveniently named "ICE" :D ) 15:53:30 I wonder what to they call deicing at emirates, then :-P 15:53:35 s@to@do@ 16:09:29 because js likely stole it from PHP and php divated at some point as php does.. the solution and canonical cause remains unclear njsg 19:42:53 THERE re-written and expanded.. no excusions.. some scathings but no one is exculuded! https://thereisonlyxul.org/ 23:59:59 Can SM be limited to how many threads it can use at once?