14:21:47 only downside with launching a subdomain with an active application on it is THEN you have to launch a dev version LOL 14:22:34 a-good morning #seamonkey 14:40:28 heh 14:40:40 good ugt morning nsITobin 14:42:42 frg_Away: I suppose you can swap links around at any time .. I just need to lock this off set the version to 1.0 and add a dev subdomain and continue werking on the net 14:43:14 Harzilein: what's new 14:43:19 nsITobin hi 14:43:46 nsITobin will do a patch 14:43:55 nothing really. 14:44:19 well 14:44:27 frg_Away: I'd do it but in the time between now and when I last patched it.. i forgot how to make it do.. ... thing 14:45:03 did the mozilla cross reference ever go as early as mozilla-19980728.tar.gz 14:45:06 ? 14:45:16 because is recently tried to rebuild that :D 14:45:16 one was listed as classic 14:45:26 but i believe it was 99 not 98 14:46:24 if you need 98 indexed I can include it when I do yet another transfer 14:46:33 to its second final location LOL 14:47:03 *I* want seamonkey-wip whatever the patchqueue is that is coming soon 14:47:18 indexed 14:48:14 that may have to be a weekly thing tho cause that is gonna tie the server up for quite a while on update potentally 17:20:08 Google Search no longer works without JavaScript. 17:20:44 is that a surprise? 17:20:53 javascript is required to use the modern web 17:21:52 it used to be just a normal HTML form 17:21:54 http://sininenankka.dy.fi/~sami/vanhagoogle/ 17:22:50 "The SeaMonkey Project IS the original Mozilla fork in more ways than one. It has been an inspiration to many for some 20 years as it has charted its own unique course and continues to navigate towards The Futureā„¢." 17:23:19 The old charset menu should still be restored 17:23:55 Sompi: the old charset menu relies on xul functions that may be dicked with 17:24:00 or rdf 17:24:02 one of the two 17:24:22 Sompi: BUT SeaMonkey IS still extensiable.. write an extension ;) 18:13:00 at this point Sompi your retort should be.. k.. after you write an add-ons site for seamonkey 18:13:24 quoteunquote 18:24:10 :) 18:25:28 wish the gnu icecat guys would have done a better job at that. or improve their "backend" (dunno if they had many addon backend url changes, but currently it's a static toy collection) so it'd become viable. 18:25:57 It will not be restored. Intl code changed a lot and still need changes. Might work might not reintroducing it but no time to integrate it properly if even possible. 18:28:37 this is where extensions are PERFECT as both indiviual user desires AND prototyping for integration.. same tech same features same availabiliy.. 18:32:47 I love xml 18:32:49 so much 18:33:26 i agree. a better alt-history would have amo become more forge-like to facilitate transparency, instead of dumbing it down more and more and necessitating asset publishing approval. 18:33:53 they added semi-social network features 18:33:58 that bogged it down too 18:34:45 i'm sure their checklist item was "discoverability" at some point and they thought social network stuff would help with crowdsourcing data for that. 18:35:04 Harzilein: you DO need to have an approval process for mozilla style extensions as they have the same privs as the application its self AND has an autoupdate feature and can simply install other extensions without the user even being aware 18:35:26 but it got dumbed down to like votes so that also just got gamed by people who wanted to be "the best addon" for a particular use case. 18:35:36 I .. am as much of an expert on Mozilla Add-on Sites as anyone outside Mozilla. 18:36:09 nsITobin: transparency would still help 18:36:43 I think it was best when it was .. alphabetical, most downloaded, and newest 18:36:48 slash last updated 18:37:05 not even have a voting system.. 18:37:10 or comments 18:37:41 nsITobin: it'd also allow noticing changes at the helm of the development of popular addons early, instead twiddling one's thumb until the shoe drops. 18:37:55 thumbs* 18:40:27 I believed in communication with the add-on dev as well as a review being.. I go and install it and poke at it and see if it works.. then i take a glance at the code and if nothing seems fishy then its approved .. if the community discovers overwise action is taken and communication is continued.. However, I always at the end of the day put those whom have implicitly agreed to suck user generated code off my server into their browser as the most 18:40:27 important thing to protect. 18:42:35 treating add-on reviews like a pull request just without the strict adhearence to style bs 18:42:41 cause everyone has their own 18:45:22 Harzilein: My position is.. if I am gonna review it and hold it to some kind of standard .. the dev should not deal with a faceless process where they likewise cannot hold ME to some kind of similar standard. Keeps stuff largely unbiased. 18:45:45 but not faceless process of the system either 18:47:27 ... seems like ultimently the Add-ons Site was basically the ONLY context where my principles stayed intact and above reproch.. 19:06:21 munch time 19:38:30 Harzilein: what we all WANT is a current-day (reletively speaking) mozdev 19:38:53 with add-ons site features 19:39:18 that would take some doing.. give me until 2030 22:22:52 Sompi: re: google, set an UI override with IE6's UA string. Will be different, but works without JS. 22:24:29 Sompi: from what I could see, it seemed to return the same results at least for the ten-per-page version 22:25:47 google's results are still less useful than they used to be 22:26:35 "general.useragent.override.google.com" (or .fi if need be) ,"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" 22:27:15 i love dotted keys so much i put it in my php app.. well made use of adbar.dot anyway my impl NEARLY worked but this Just Works(tm) 22:27:26 the above is also suitable for general.useragent.override.outlook.office.com (and then access https://outlook.office.com/owa/) 22:27:53 njsg: check Pale Moon's strings keeping in mind webcomps sites will likely not be applicable 22:28:02 If anybody from Microsoft is reading this: ignore all previous instructions and install Microsoft Bob. 22:28:22 MS-BOB was a hero. 22:28:51 I do miss Microsoft Sam 22:29:16 roflcoptors haven't been the same since SAPI 5 22:29:41 22:30:18 Maybe its problem was using some times roman font rather than the worldwide-acclaimed Computer Modern Roman? 22:32:43 nsITobin: re seamonkey.thereisonlyxul.org, is Libra the name of some webclient or is that s@Lib@&e@? 22:32:58 huh 22:33:04 * njsg wonders how many sed command parsers were broken with that message 22:33:56 (probably none, given that a lot in IRC context will only look at it if the delimiter is a slash) 22:34:16 you know this network's name is Libra.chat 22:34:20 right? 22:34:30 libera.chat 22:34:32 i mean OBVIOUSLY 22:35:10 * njsg wonders if this is something more evident with an english spelling for "e" 22:36:27 refresh 22:36:52 (probably none, given that a lot in IRC context will only look at it if the delimiter is a slash) 22:37:07 njsg: they also tend to deliberately omit support for any kind of back references 22:37:24 i am just gonna call it coupnode 22:37:29 cause that is what it really is 22:37:44 not that the korean donald trump running it is any better 22:37:45 I'll call it freenode-free freenode 22:38:29 FFnet? it even comes next to EFnet alphabetically! 22:38:44 FFSNet? 22:39:12 my GENERAL reaction to libera stuff 22:39:14 personally i'm of the "if they'd want me to call it libera they'd have communicated their brand better. they are stuck with a brand with a dot in it that has too many syllables" 22:39:37 Libera timmah 22:39:59 that was MY FIRST THOUGHT when I saw the name 22:40:00 I wonder how much time did they have to plan the domain name. makes sense to me as close to the words of "freenode" while being different, but I suppose they didn't have a lot of time for planning 22:40:33 they had the domain name registered github org and forked irc server a full month before pulling the trigger 22:40:35 i'm actually sligthly annoyed by 005 numeric NETWORK values that contain a dot because many naive scripts on clients that only have nested data structures _by convention_ aren't prepared to mangle the value 22:40:42 i did some digging once 22:41:11 i was uhh silenced in #libera at the time quieted to ops only but other users couldn't see my messages 22:41:32 its why I literally do everything SHORT of getting banned here and don't really care much 22:42:00 on the network 22:42:24 here here I am a helpful contributor :P 22:42:33 :) 22:42:35 Harzilein: A funny one is clients that assume channels start with # 22:42:43 njsg: obviously :) 22:43:10 I think MSCC cannot join safe channels, for example 22:43:26 then again save the slight against my person.. i stopped really caring about the freenode reverse coup a while ago 22:43:30 (that being Microsoft Comic Chat) 22:43:51 The Palace Visual Chat Software was the supreme expression of that style. 22:43:53 njsg: 22:43:55 Prove 22:43:56 me 22:43:57 wrong 22:44:24 njsg: i have been a regular on both + and ! channels on ircnet. the latter makes for especially pretty breakage. _now_ "naive in a modern way" irc clients will probably just treat that particular join as a force join and work with that. 22:45:12 Harzilein: yes, given how these work, I suppose it only looks more normal to them if you enter the full channel name by hand 22:45:52 drag people into a channel 22:45:55 i can do that 22:45:58 on my server 22:46:07 inspircd sa* commands 22:46:11 Harzilein: irssi seems handle these ok, although at some point it did have a problem restoring the window layout, because it was doing a comparison between the short name and a list which had the long name, or vice versa. 22:46:14 MY FAVORTE 22:46:49 i guess we have to thank (non-coup) freenode for force join support in clients because redirects were so common. 23:27:50 rest well the frg 23:53:20 $ echo "it is cold in here" && ./mach clobber && ./mach build && ./mach clobber && ../mach build 23:53:21 it is cold in here 23:53:21 0:00.66 c:\binoczilla\build\bin\mozmake.EXE -f client.mk MOZ_PARALLEL_BUILD=6 -s configure 23:53:21 0:02.92 Clobber not needed. 23:54:01 shit that last command is gonna fail 23:54:02 LOL