00:03:51 were awfultonians involved in any way? 00:19:12 nah 06:22:53 good night #SeaMonkey 11:38:46 hahahahaha bah. cloudflare check looping 11:38:53 what's new this time is that it's looping *in firefox* 13:19:46 Good morning.. while I am still not exactly HAPPY with PHP > 7.3 there are a few features I can't live without but I am not going PAST 8.1 for the foreseeable future. 13:20:19 nsITobin hi 13:21:23 hi frg_Away 13:27:29 hi nsITobin 13:27:44 hi IanN_Away 13:27:53 it's a franstam 13:27:55 hi franstam 13:43:08 which is better, IanN_Away, a bunch of diriviatives or one unified services site? 13:43:59 there are pros and cons to both 13:45:16 I am leaning more on the side of many similar dirivatives but the idea of a grand unified mozilla infrasite is compelling 13:58:50 nsITobin: what are the dependencies? one unified, could mean if it falls over, everything is down. Also does it complicate things to be on a single site (e.g. moving away from standard settings)? 14:07:28 besides code included with my projects PHP 8.1 and modules 14:12:31 aside from stuff like old rdf parsing or nsIVersionComparitor which I have basically taken over maintaining anyway cause no one else.. save Pale Moon uses it.. because I gave it to them.. the one external dependancy codewise is adbar\dot which is the core of not using a global array to store things in.. but I have also made a few mods to that so effectively mine too.. So yeah Just PHP and PECL modules .. no composer nonsense.. operates on a 14:12:31 "component" basis where the component dirves the main flow hackable in to the SITE component as pretty paths or by ?component= .. this keeps many primary functions seperate and less impact-y on other primary functions past the commonly shared "utils" code i been on about. 14:15:14 it's a battle tested design this is just an evolved form of it.. it can be specialized it can be a unified monolith or a bunch of descreet dirivatives that occasionally need their utils sync'd up. 14:30:17 we are talking ONLY 2700 lines of base code plus some logic to drive it and some logic that is called 14:31:31 safemysql adds 680 lines that ancient rdf parser is more like an extra 2000 lines with install.rdf handling 14:33:43 IanN_Away: Only enough code to do the job and make it less tedious .. that's the balance! 14:35:41 no I shouldn't fight my instincts.. besides my design would make combining various dirivatives into a unified one (providing they were running the same common code) not impossible .. Things first Unified Whole Later.. if desirable. 16:23:27 IanN_Away or ewong is there some centralized point to know the version of the current release? like some metafile somewhere people have long stopped using but exists? 16:24:39 it's not actually important just waaandering 16:56:24 and here is my solution to SeaMonkey directly linking to thereisonlyxul.org for things which may at any time on the front page show not-seamonkey stuff.. also to index, curate, and keep track of community provided infra and services without needing to affect the official site with updating links, and who is doing what where.. This site will take care of it on-demand.. also handle the ftp administration once I get it written.. but its not gonna be a 16:56:24 grand mega-app .. though it COULD be should the need arise and there is enough existing stuff to potentally justify it. 16:56:26 https://seamonkey.thereisonlyxul.org/ 18:39:00 nsITobin looks good. Let me know if Ishould link it in the project site 19:07:05 frg_Away: Soon. BTW do you think mentioning "community" all over the page will work even when branded? 19:09:45 nsITobin I am seeing no problem. If you sell adware under a SeaMonkey logo e.g. it would be different but not for a community page we know about. 19:10:01 no ads unless they are yours 19:10:12 that has always been my policy when it ain't my logo up top 19:10:43 beside screw ads anyway.. they will just deem SeaMonkey a browser toolbar and take all the money away.. they have done it before.. 19:11:17 Ads was just an example but you knowwhat I mean. 19:11:39 yep 19:36:49 also sending it with the xhtml mimetype so its XML parsed .. and yes finally I know that LARGELY xhtml parsed with xml works in chrome.. it just works BETTER in something mozilla-based. 19:37:33 one day it may even be STRICT xhtml lol 20:13:50 I think I am done for the day since I been working nearly nonstop for days.. https://i.ibb.co/VwgP8Br/image.png 20:14:57 that is the main code that makes it use my stuff and spit out a web page 20:15:20 need to snr the template change binoc- to sm- 20:15:46 that's a big old screen 20:16:57 the db password isn't REALLY 12345 btw 20:17:04 and that bit is gonna be externalized 20:17:46 same with the mainmenu 20:19:48 ... where is my more advanced ReadFile method.. 20:29:16 eh.. this will do.. 20:29:17 $file = @file_get_contents($aFile); 20:29:17 // Automagically decode json 20:29:17 if (str_ends_with($aFile, nsUtils::FILE_EXT['json'])) { $file = json_decode($file, true); } 20:29:17 return nsCore::EnsureValue($file); 20:34:57 well I for one am glad you guys see some value in it and I hope it will be helpful once it is polished up (and ftp can be administrated) after that I HAVE to get my git stuff sorted 20:59:08 I think I have all the community resources and relevant official links finalized and i made the seamonkey logo not be 0 opacity .. if anyone knows any I missed.. https://seamonkey.thereisonlyxul.org/ 21:54:05 I think the footer has too much padding on the top and bottom. Hard to read too. Not enough contast. 21:55:15 stand by 22:00:22 frg_Away: refesh 22:00:45 that should effectively be same spacing and NEARLY the same size as the SM footer also increased font size and made it darker 22:04:00 There seems to be a break after Assosiation and Creative. Or box size not 100%. I would remove it which would be 2 lines less on most displays. Padding between the last 2 sentences could also be reduced. Above the big suite plenty of space left. 22:08:39 surfing the net... might be good on the header. A bit smaller snd overlaying the ways. Something for the offcial site too. I always liked the slogan. 22:09:02 ^overlaying the waves 22:09:08 I need to redo that image anyway i didn't ut it out very well 22:10:19 How is just that 22:10:29 figure out the suite. thing later 22:10:34 for the everything 22:18:28 It still narrow with the breaks: https://ibb.co/VmQzD7K 22:18:30 Height is more or less like the official site but this one has the site map in. I think the grey is too dark and distractive but this is just personal. Ask a few others and you will probably hear 200 different opinios about it :) 22:18:48 OH RIGHT verdana 22:20:47 is that better 22:22:04 remove the width all together from the block 22:22:08 removed* 22:22:23 yes but now lots of padding below in the footer. 22:22:56 set to 0.5em now 22:23:00 same as above 22:23:19 was only asymetrical because of the suite thing 22:23:49 So did they just model generative AI after me and NOT pay me royalties? 22:23:55 :P 22:25:48 Much better. Is only so hight becuase of my window height. Same on the official site but tere is usually more content on a page and you need to scroll. 22:26:13 i suck at content :P 22:26:38 24 years of BinOC and I .. released an email client and wrote some words a few times LOL 22:26:55 and redesigned it 40 something times 22:30:41 here is what it looks like on my screen https://i.ibb.co/GMvqRQR/image.png 22:31:33 makes you wonder where the page background (behind the white) came from doesn't it.... 22:31:47 that shows in the footer 22:57:18 thank you for spotting those oversights .. i been staring at it too long.