15:20:18 Good morning! 15:29:47 nsITobin greeetings 15:31:16 been doing some refactoring and fixups for my php code.. my "app" setup outgrew what was originally JUST a bunch of utilities and a few env things.. now I have to split utils from "runtime" else its gonna be a mess down the line 15:32:30 somehow I am ending up with LESS included files in the chain despite it being somewhat more modular 15:35:22 so I have entry point and environment (including utils and globalspace bits) and THEN I have the "runtime" which is the evolved phoebus-style php application 15:36:58 runtime includes the site component mangled to be the "base" component and the components, modules, and libraries are registered during init from a preflight config array set in the entry point (normally index.php) 15:37:41 but nevermind my gibberish.. its all quite plan and simple to follow when you read the code 16:03:43 how goes it for you the frg_Away 16:04:12 nsITobin slow. A bit burned out after Bills death. 16:10:06 you aren't alone.. i have to remind my self that I been working towards these things for weeks or months but it still FEELS now like I am not adding but replacing to a degree which is explicitly not what I wanted I even told WG9s that back when I was first poking central 16:12:34 and I don't feel I suffcently made up for being all New Tobin Paradigm at him some time back cause he never deserved that well few did but.. yeah 16:13:37 very few did* 16:17:14 He desereved better from me and I am gonna remember that too. 16:48:02 really you all do. 16:54:05 well wouldn't worry about worthyness. Every contribution helps and the xref is very very useful too among other things 17:07:59 oh definitely, I haven't used it a lot yet, but just yet. being able to search for and check stuff in the code across different versions/trees this way helps a lot 17:09:53 as far as mxr goes or xref or xr or cross-reference .. or hacked 25 year old mangled LXR.. whichever you wanna call it.. it needs its directory listings but not source file output moved to PHP.. but when I do it i need to make sure I have that feature that reads readmes.. hell add a markdown thing and it could render those.. 17:11:34 idealy ONLY ident search and source file output and search/xref index generation should be done by perl.. PHP should be doing the rest 17:11:46 especially intercepting for when I make a raw request 17:12:35 I ALMOST had my head wrapped around how the identifer bit is stored and done.. but then i got distracted 17:58:44 https://i.ibb.co/yPNPJ8Y/image.png 18:05:04 Good code should be shorter than the comments to explain it.. but writing comments is such a bitch 18:06:25 good news everyone! CEOs around the globe have come up with a techology to automatically write comments! 18:06:57 / autocomments on code are fuckin bullshit.. exterminate the morons who came up witth it 18:07:10 // XXXTobin: Stop pretending to be a dalek. 18:08:14 what could possibly go wrong if you have comments written by a tool that insists the underside of a space shuttle OV is the white side? 18:08:17 honestly there is very little "magic" as in pieces of code that remain mysterious or cryptic in my php stuff.. 18:08:24 there are a few pieces 18:08:58 but otherwise ANY late-beginner PHP person should be able to get it.. 18:09:44 my php code is EITHER fairly easy to maintain or simply not breakable.. 18:10:52 that rdf parser I have ttho that is some mid-2000s voodoo i can barely keep afloat 18:11:20 what am I saying.. RDF its self IS mid-2000s voodoo 18:11:36 prove ne wrong njsg 18:18:16 Netscape as a code aesthetic.. 18:35:04 hiya nsITobin 18:35:33 hey the IanN_Away 18:36:41 IanN_Away: what's up? 18:37:24 nsITobin: just recovering from a sickness bug, so vaguely here 18:37:46 do you know of a thing called mountain cedar? 18:38:03 a tree? 18:38:27 well its my first CONFIRMED allergy aside from .. work. 18:38:36 and it SUUUUUCKS 18:38:54 you have to keep away from those trees? 18:39:03 so move then? 18:39:08 lol 18:40:06 brb 18:40:16 nah its too pervasive and there is no stopping it.. i feel like someone ran a rotoruter down my lungs and a never ending supply of mucus.. i don't recommend it for others. 18:40:19 ah ok 18:43:39 I am trying to keep from getting a sinus or lung infection but it may be too late for that.. suppose I may need to make an appointment and meet my new nurse practitioner .. who's office is just outside my complex which is nice.. frankly they should do a housecall LOL 18:45:05 welcome back IanN 18:45:19 ty nsITobin 18:46:04 nsITobin: that one is not manageable with antihistamines? 18:46:37 well i am sure i could grab some benedryl and pass out for another month 18:49:56 but in general this stuff no antihistamines aren't all that effective 18:51:04 cause it seems to do more than be an allergy that just makes it worse if you have any allergic reaction otherwise it will still make your lungs hurt and such because your body doesn't want it in there.. regardless 18:51:32 If you haven't yet, maybe ask to try other medications. I think there was at least one trial comparing sleepyness from antihistamines somewhere, but I don't remember if they covered all dosages. 18:51:59 i do have some stuff with stuff in it.. also need to find some local honey 18:52:33 even if the local honey doesn't help its still better than what you get out the bargon bear 18:52:38 njsg: 18:53:44 honey? now that made me think of selling pots with honey next to the DEFCON venue. 18:54:06 honey is an amazing thing 18:54:13 and raw honey comb is amazing 18:54:56 and yeah it will trigger the diabeetus but its better than High Fucktos Corn Poison 18:55:58 it's* 18:56:10 if this is accurate, I'd say it's really worth it to try others https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benadryl#Benadryl_Allergy 18:56:26 lol. 18:56:40 that isn't even real benadryl.. is it illegal now? 18:57:04 when your antihistamine is being used as a sleep aid, then maybe something could be a bit better with the product 18:57:40 yeah well those are from the nyquil school of bad parenting 19:00:05 same school of thought to why up until I had a computer in my room i was largely raised by television 19:01:47 television and the school system 19:02:18 there's two unrealistic portayals of real life if I ever experienced em. 19:04:25 but that was around the time no child left unindoctrinated so existing lesson plans weren't totally bent to conformity of thought and expression like my adoptive siblings went through in the 2010s 19:04:48 around the time that was getting started* 19:07:45 While I never cut class or left the building.. when I was in school the punishment was at MOST being in in school suspension but no one was gonna stop me walking out.. now they just call the cops and have kids taken to the juvinal hall for escaping the prison of the schools I once went to. 19:11:22 but that's fine.. I can code PHP they can't teach math. 19:11:29 anymore* 19:19:02 benadryl allergy does have diphenhydramine.. there ones one of thirs that didn't have any but being sold as benadryl .. maybe circa 2009 2013ish at the tail end of the mid-west meth lab crisis 19:20:15 no it wasn't the diphenhydramine it was the combo with pseudoephedrine 19:20:21 for the meth labs 19:53:07 Either way, I will be fine and indeed I am making progress. Though I wish the progress could offset the negative-ishness of the other stuffs. 19:53:13 maybe it will 20:25:52 I hope you are doing well tomman 20:27:05 testing some RAM here 20:27:20 turns out that my 12 year old Asus laptop actually supports 8GB DDR3 sticks 20:27:41 despite all the talks online that says "I tried and failed" and Asus and every RAM OEM saying "nope, it won't work" 20:28:00 cool 20:28:01 and this one weirdo saying "Well, I bought RAMTASTIC-brand RAM model RAM012324343453 and it worked" 20:28:22 found some embargoed-brand stick for $18 and decided to try 20:43:47 the dumbass should have used the RAM012324343474 .. it's faster 20:43:53 :P 20:44:10 and has a 7 in it 20:44:13 so lucky! 20:44:29 tomman: and it worked? 20:49:47 "PASS" 20:49:54 well, memtest says "yes" 20:49:56 yay 20:50:27 I now need another stick like this one 20:50:29 BUT! 20:50:40 sadly the shop had sold me their very last DDR3-1600 stick :/ 20:50:50 this is Hikvision, er, Hiksemi RAM 20:50:58 new to me 20:51:00 brandwise 20:52:20 it's that Chinese brand that makes surveillance gear that got embargoed by Uncle Sam 20:52:27 they also now make consumer SSDs and RAM 20:54:26 lovely 22:03:15 there now my PHP application has two distinct modes of operation an eviron and utils or a full application .. two flags control the variation.. when you include nsEnvironment kBootstrap will include the rest and init unless kRuntimeInit is false then you have to init and proceed to tell it what to do with its self from index.php 22:03:29 if true it operates like my junk 23:20:39 tomman: don't trust manufacturers on this without further data, especially if the manufacturer claims it doesn't support, wouldn't be my first time either, seeing a laptop support a supposedly unsupported capacity. DMI and schematics disagreed with the laptop manufacturer, and I guess with memory manufacturers, I couldn't tell whether they had tested themselves or were jsut copy-pasting the laptop seller 23:20:45 brand 23:22:31 (in that case, it needed to have a CS wired to support the modules I was considering. Not my laptop (probably that one, even before upgrade, had more than my laptops :-P); it was an interesting experience) 23:58:56 breaded chicken cubes 23:59:06 for dinner