tommanwww30.mercantilbanco.com/melp/login oh yeah, one of my banks broke under SeaMonkey, finally
tommantime to close that account for good, it seems
tommanalso, notice that they're using Clownflare for hosting/transit!
tommanclosing this account will be OH SO CONVENIENT, especially after having burned $5 to update my debit card so some almost useless MasterCard Debit
tomman...this bank still runs W7 at their branches, and their ATMs run XP... if you can still find one in service
tommanbut their home banking? Oh no no no
franstamsounds like a double standard aka hyporcite?
nsITobinI need a better way to update these let's encrypt certs and propagate them between servers
nsITobini literally got it replaced MINUTES before it expired unless i missed one
tommanyou're doing better than a couple of banks I know :D
nsITobintomman: I also know how to design a god damned website .. filling it with content .. THAT is what I SUCK AT.. and despite my best wishes.. INFRASTRUCTURE in and of its self is not actually content
tommaninfra is unsexy indeed
frg_Awayhi all
nsITobingreetings frg_Away
nsITobinis the seamonkey wordpress template available somewhere?
nsITobinsince a number of mid-range trees simply aren't useful to even really me.. but the gecko 1.x ones are as well as 52 and newer I am gonna eliminate the mid-range versions
nsITobinso .. gonna do 1.7 1.8 (seamonkey) 1.9.2, Mozilla ESR 52, seamonkey 2.53, seamonkey wip (from patch queue), and mozilla-central with comm
frg_AwaynsITobin was all before my time. I also usually leave infra to IanN and ewong
nsITobinwell in my research especially in custom or classically mozilla.. my answers are often found in gecko 1.7-1.9.2 rather than say esr24 .. its either modern (to us) modern the modern or ancient.. in NEARLY all cases
njsgI need to see how are the different repos again, perhaps next time I have to track down a change in or the introduction of a behaviour/feature
nsITobinnjsg: which ones?
njsgI think I've usually used the historical cvs-on-git and comm-central
nsITobin2.0 9ish 17 24 31 and 45 are significant versions from a whole-codebase perspective they all occured around upheavals in tech or buildsystem..
nsITobinpre-quantum that is
nsITobinbut after basically having em indexed for a decade its diminishing returns vs effort and space
nsITobinhell I'll open 1.7 just to LOOK at it and draw inspiration..
nsITobinwelp.. brb writing a web panel
nsITobini hate wikitext
nsITobini hate it hate it hate it
nsITobineverything that supports it is either integrated, under a license I can't use, or has a dependancy tree like it was written in python not php
nsITobinfirst I need to learn line by line processing.. then I will write my own subset wikitext parser that can parse enough to be useful for sucking info off the mozilla wiki
Harzileinwasn't there more than one wiki engine in use at mozilla?
nsITobinHarzilein: mdn used to be wikilike
nsITobinthen it eventually became yaml headers with html in a git repo
nsITobini long copied that
HarzileinnsITobin: at some point they had some enterprise (java) wiki engine i think
nsITobinsorry Harzilein buscuits and sausage gravy happened
2 hours ago