tommanwww30.mercantilbanco.com/melp/login oh yeah, one of my banks broke under SeaMonkey, finally
tommantime to close that account for good, it seems
tommanalso, notice that they're using Clownflare for hosting/transit!
tommanclosing this account will be OH SO CONVENIENT, especially after having burned $5 to update my debit card so some almost useless MasterCard Debit
tomman...this bank still runs W7 at their branches, and their ATMs run XP... if you can still find one in service
tommanbut their home banking? Oh no no no
franstamsounds like a double standard aka hyporcite?
nsITobinI need a better way to update these let's encrypt certs and propagate them between servers
nsITobini literally got it replaced MINUTES before it expired unless i missed one
tommanyou're doing better than a couple of banks I know :D
nsITobintomman: I also know how to design a god damned website .. filling it with content .. THAT is what I SUCK AT.. and despite my best wishes.. INFRASTRUCTURE in and of its self is not actually content
tommaninfra is unsexy indeed
2 minutes ago