14:13:21 nsITobin hi 14:13:49 greetings frg_Away what's new 14:13:55 nsITobin pushed the 2.53.20 branch to gitlab and updated the latest branch files for xr. Just fyi 14:14:10 final 2.53.20 I mean 14:15:29 need to check when the let's encrypt cert expires 14:15:37 such a hassle 14:16:59 I am gonna kick the regen in a second I have to correct permissions first 14:17:52 ... ehhhh yeah server work today 14:18:13 my poor neglected barely utilized servers need attention 14:18:57 need to figure out the hg eq to whitelisting all paths against dubious file access or ownership 14:19:03 i know it for git 14:20:15 frg_Away: congrats on 2.53.20 tho can't let that achievement slip by unnoticed cause of my useal noise 14:21:11 not much in it for web compatibility but otherwise lots of groundwork already in the beta 14:23:33 well the web has been split and the divide is growing.. 14:24:00 at least that is the assumption I am going forward with 14:26:04 I do feel the Internet Archive is essentual to support if for no other reason than to prove it wasn't always webapps and we did just fine anyway if not better 14:27:28 nsITobin the wip branch still progresses and I am on the final 300 patches for js up to esr 68 but slow go because of real life issues. 14:30:55 from a xul platform perspective what is your functional level you'd like to keep or achieve roughly ignoring the fact Mozilla closed off xul extensions long before the capability was diminished beyond usefulness 14:32:25 cause system add-ons were xul for a long time after before changing to webex manifests or converted to the new remote experiments bs 14:35:00 how about stylo frg_Away :P 14:36:22 nsITobin don't ask. One task at a time. Need to add the stuff for bindings generation to it and and and... First js the this s*cking task. 14:37:42 you know working on mozilla code for over a decade SHOULD have gotten me some sort of CPP skills but best I can manage on the CPP front is older xpcom component code .. 14:37:58 and very little of that 14:45:37 seamonkey-2.53: Checking tree... 14:45:37 seamonkey-2.53/source: Changing branch to 2_53_20_final... 14:45:37 seamonkey-2.53/source/comm: Changing branch to 2_53_20_final... 14:45:37 seamonkey-2.53: Updating Cross-Reference Search and Ident... 15:03:42 Done 15:36:22 frg_Away: how different is release vs wip now 15:36:26 well upcoming 15:45:42 nsITobin about 4000 5000 patches more 15:58:31 hello IanN-pipe 16:03:32 hi 18:51:31 suddenly had to go the store 18:51:33 back now 18:51:52 i have provisions for the next week