14:31:17 Good morning #seamonkey 14:31:53 so yeah my LTSC 2019 nlited copy just won't update anymore.. I have tried everything.. Except using a stock iso 14:44:46 hmmm 14:46:10 so the UXP cookies.sqlite corruption has deepened.. it is trigged by the sec change but also because ublock isn't actually made with Pale Moon with mind only minor ux compat was added so its assuming FIREFOX specific machinery and is failing and corrupting the store.... justoff's ublock fork of course.. 14:47:00 nuck-th is rightly conserned this could be an indicator of a larger issue when the store isn't handled properly by extensions but Moonchild is all nop its the extension he was never at fault there are NO problems in UXP 14:47:18 .. this kind of arrogant bullshit is just gonna loose him users 14:48:19 btw we should likely consider justoff's ublock busted for seamonkey as well until proven otherwise 14:52:48 ... sorry lot of deja vu there 15:16:31 nsITobin. just let it rest and go on with the things you like. You won't change the world :) 15:17:58 uBlock and NoScript just work fine here but NoScript could use an update. The mozilla bugfilx for promises at lest doesn't let ti crash SeaMonkey. 15:23:18 that's good 15:26:31 so looking at simplemachine forums and phpbb and you know what.. both are pretty bloated now bunch of JS and WAY too many social network features now instead of a bulletin board with simple category, thread, and posts 15:37:04 does this work in seamonkey or is the CF capcha broken as well https://xenforo.com/demo/ 15:38:06 cause it doesn't load for me at all.. in uxp it loads but fails and in chromium it of course works 15:39:24 wonder if CF is just gonna start offering certs, domains, and hosting assuming it doesn't already 15:40:10 they already offer certs and can register domains.. do they offer hosting? 15:41:02 no but they offer NETWORK access 15:41:07 great.. 15:41:24 and a "Magic Firewall" 15:41:48 CF wants all yer datas! 15:42:02 MAGIC WAN 15:42:17 ZERO TRUST SECURITY .. BEST PRODUCT NAME EVER I LOVE IT ITS PERFECT 15:42:40 they recently asked $dayjob for a 90k prefix limit and... got it 15:43:03 or right around 10% of the dfz 15:43:18 they got a lot of business :/ 15:43:31 they are hording ipv4 addresses? 15:43:48 they don't have the space so much as they claim they will need to announce it on behalf of their customers 15:44:03 and at any given moment, ~90k is a realistic threshold 15:44:09 i refuse to use ipv6 15:44:28 many people above my pay grade agreed so i just came to the conclusion they have a metric shit ton (technical term) of customers 15:45:36 granted they announce most specific /24 so comparison to dfz is crude at best, but it does sort of put things into perspective 15:50:44 indeed 15:51:18 xenforo is terrible all around at least phpbb and smf have good public interfaces just their mod and admin panels are trash and complicated 15:51:34 everything with xen in the name seems to cause me great upset lol 16:17:06 xcp-ng? 16:17:36 i've been using ameliorated win10 for about 3 weeks now, no complains 16:18:06 dunno why i even need windows 10 in a VMware virtual machine windows 7 should work fine 16:18:19 or XP if its not compiling shit 17:22:10 hey frg_Away might be a good idea to voice logbot_cc too 17:28:14 I am bglad that both exist but one is enough I think. What I really need to do to fix it on the webpage because its online again. 17:29:16 i need to set it up again to get the absolute proceedure down 17:29:39 also log my own channels 19:42:39 this seems like a really bad idea 19:43:43 i CAN get it so i can use sshfs over samaba in a windows vm BUT i have to force both to have root privs so windows has more privs on my local machine and servers than my logged in user does on the host.. this SEEMS unwise 19:57:08 oh yeah I said I'd share a kickstart for a super minimal el8 server.. https://dpaste.org/KtmS0/raw 20:56:12 https://i.ibb.co/jgYq4Nw/image.png 20:56:14 yep.. 20:56:29 windows over samba over sshfs 21:21:55 you know.. I'm actually impressed both with my self and IE11.. BinOC renders fine save for the layered gradient backgrounds 21:22:22 likewise with thereisonlyxul.org 21:25:08 Web Accessibility by Design.. its a lost art. 21:25:41 it's* 21:37:18 lol mozilla github 21:37:19 Mozilla 21:37:20 This technology could fall into the right hands. 21:37:28 as the description for the org... 21:37:35 silly Mozilla..