21:36:10 what the hell Google 21:36:32 they're now compressing the search results to ~1/3rd of the screen since today! 21:42:36 tomman: we need to fork the web, i keep saying for the past few days.. obviously JUST forking a browser engine isn't cutting it anymore. 21:49:39 by all fairness and equality nothing should stop me, us, anyone from deeming a group into existance, writing specs, impl in these powerful rebel mozilla codebases we love so much and just deeming it a world wide standard cause we are all over the place.. and to ignore it or attack it or try and derail it and not embrasing it will prove once and for all what kind of Internet this species is gonna have. 21:52:08 cause i dunno maybe I am just so off-kilter from everyone else that I believe that an internet of protocols and a world wide web of resources is far better than the mandated mediastreams of the neo-ABC, neo-CBS, and neo-NBC. 21:52:29 whatever current companies fills the role of course 22:04:18 even in terms of seamonkey.. your audacity to continue the suite is the very basis of my audacity when I joined up with those sufficating moon people.. the same audacity that fed back to SeaMonkey 2.53 to some degree and though badly corrupted keeps them chugging along as well.. Alex didn't get it.. and couldn't hold on to it for very long.. This is a chance and oppertunity. As someone who has literally missed nearly .. all of them for one reason or 22:04:18 another .. I think its worth pursuing. 22:07:20 from a certain perspective i don't share the document/resource based world wide web has held back the web of apps .. it would only be their greed and ignorance that would shun a fork and a valid alternative evolution since they are making it a binary stream over udp. 22:51:12 google, compressing? but what about the blank space, what will we do without blank space? 22:51:56 I don't notice much differences, but I think I'm still identifying as IE6