00:30:47 Sompi: I guess yle tends to be the exception for text articles with noscript, and yes, I think we've discussed some breakage already at yle too... 00:31:21 still, they did have full-text in feeds some years ago, which was even better. now feeds just have the "summaries". 00:31:48 And I haven't tried Areena in ages... 01:12:16 yes, even Yle is becoming more and more closed, and it is funded by our tax money... 01:12:36 Their RSS feed has became 100% useless 01:29:08 not 100% for me, it now means I can't read directly, but can still be used to follow their news 01:29:24 now I'd rather have the articles directly in the feed, yes... 01:32:35 https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica3/internetgoogle105.htm 01:53:18 but at least yle still has teletext :) 01:53:48 but yeah, rss feed becoming useless and not containing anything "above the fold" has become more common 01:54:20 and it's rare to just get article feeds 03:41:41 https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2024-12-01/google-chrome-is-now-an-anime-in-japanese-shorts-starring-sumire-uesaka/.218446 omg NOOOOOOOO~! 04:21:42 tomman: well chrome is kawaii don't you know.. baka 04:22:28 what's next, Chromium The Isekai? :D 04:22:55 "My Web Browser Died And Reincarnated Into A Chrome Clone" 04:23:27 my guess it will end up down the line as a magical girl anime... but techwise 04:24:16 tomman: well maybe we need a fan-based parody of chrome 04:24:30 Chromium Abridged 04:26:56 or maybe we can get it to show up in the DevilArtemis universe for Cell to kick Chrome's ass 04:27:01 tomman: 04:27:30 assuming DA Cell ever actually fought anyone in those videos.. 11:38:06 Another page that refuses to work with seamonkey: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/fluorocarbon 11:38:18 It says "your browser is out of date" but I have the newest Seamonkey 11:38:33 It has a browser check and it refuses to show the content if the browser is not "supported" 11:41:07 why are "science" websites suddenly all doing this? 11:44:32 and why are they even doing that at all? on that page there seems to be nothing that would be impossible for seamonkey 11:57:39 Tobin: Chromium, an anime character which rallied to make hair extensions only 1cm long, and uses these to promote them, even if they're not that useful for the original purpose anymore 11:58:50 Sompi: seems to load for me although it may need CSS hacks to expand the content further (unless the extension is dynamically loaded...), so it's a needless check made with JS 12:00:25 Sompi: I'm not able to test that right now, but, if you didn't try that, check if a recent Fx UA makes it go away 12:01:03 of course it could also be that sect that does error "handling" in the fashion of "at the slighlest non-conformity with what we want, show 'unsupported browser' or 'browser out of date'" 12:21:05 I think the latter is nowadays more common 12:21:40 JavaScript has so many new "features" (chromeisms) that do exactly the same thing as some older, simpler and easier "deprecated" API does 12:24:45 And deprecating features from a locally interpreted language like JavaScript is just asking for problems... 12:25:04 There will always be web pages that use the old way of doing things 12:26:07 And why those new ways of doing things are always so ridiculously complex? It's like they aren't even meant to be used without some complex megaframeworks and libraries in between the programmer and the actual JavaScript API... 12:51:51 njsg: "in the fashion of "at the slighlest non-conformity with what we want, show 'unsupported browser' or 'browser out of date'" 12:51:54 " 12:52:06 <- they are probably relying on some undefined behavior in the "supported" browsers 12:52:24 it is increasingly common 13:20:48 Tobin: Chromium, an anime character which rallied to make hair extensions only 1cm long, and uses these to promote them, even if they're not that useful for the original purpose anymore 13:20:56 i think i should add that to some fortune file :D 13:45:40 btw, what happened to quotes.burntelectrons.org 13:45:41 ? 20:46:06 github.com & Assets. https://github.com/martok/palefill/ didn't seem to help. 20:46:08 PaleMoon uses a UA override for github, & while PM works (with override & whatever other code it may natively have), an override was not enough for SeaMonkey. 20:47:34 Palefill had stopped working long LONG ago on non-PM browsers due to some specific API that SM didn't implemented, IIRC 20:48:10 https://github.com/martok/palefill/issues/67 20:48:24 dom.getRootNode.enabled 20:49:01 IIRC frg even declined to implement that patch back then for sound reasons 20:52:20 the Unified XUL Platform has nearly complete support for shadowdom and customelements. 20:54:14 We need to implement more of shadow dom web components. I still hope we can make stylo working and then it would be a breeze but there are not enough hours in the day and people actually doing frequnt backports you can count using te fingers on one hand.... 20:55:09 build system, frg.. it all comes back to build system.. 20:56:49 I don't think so. You need to invest some time and thsat what 99.9% are not willing to do. 20:58:22 frg_Away: I do have one thing.. I am VERY close to ACTUALLY understanding the relationship between a xul custom element and its xbl forebarer.. 20:58:44 to the point where I ALMOST understand basic custom elements 21:01:35 and i am getting a clearer picture of how the progression went.. its very facinating also intensely infuriating 21:10:13 time to update the nightly here~ 21:10:23 any gotchas for today before I do The Usualâ„¢? 21:11:05 tomman should be very stable 21:11:21 going for it then, noticed it's now at .21 21:13:49 i need older deps to build the "nomans land" of late 60s to 90s specifically older cbindgen 21:14:57 tomman: did you survive? 21:15:32 apparently yes~ 21:16:07 oh, the weird bug with cZ's user list seems to be gone 21:16:14 at least we're better than Pat Gelsinger :P 21:25:49 gcc pass 2 21:33:12 tomman yes since 11/06 I think 21:33:57 When we get stylo to work it probably needs xbl fixes and if not it probably needs other stuff and xbl fixes :) 21:40:40 frg_Away: at some point lingering XBL code not removed in the purge is slaved to shadowdom in refactors 21:41:15 the key is if XBL its self becomes a burdon to focus on perserving XUL features within xul customelements 21:41:44 becomes the next option 21:46:28 Not a fan of xbl but want to keep it for add-on comaptibility. But I find web components worse. Opaque and murky seems to be it here. 21:57:59 When was the last time that JavaScript got some new API feature that actually does something that wasn't possible before by using some older standard function? 21:58:25 EME 21:58:27 MSE 21:59:05 technically all the webcomponents wasn't possible before because xbl was never a standard anyone used on the web 21:59:18 but it certainly isn't NEW 21:59:43 the question you should ask Sompi when was the last time anyone did anything original in tech 22:00:28 I meant that many new JavaScript APIs seem to do things that were already possible by using some older JavaScript API 22:00:46 Well optional chaning and dynamic imports are ok among others. Turing js into a java bastard with private fields and others stuff not so. 22:00:47 And then they "deprecate" the old API, which is a very stupid thing to do in a locally interpreted language like JavaScript 22:01:00 its more about adding stuff to javascript and dom that have no business being in a document object model or event scripting language 22:01:10 the browser is an OS client 22:01:33 its why I keep saying navigator in contrast whenever possible 22:02:06 What functionalities do dynamic imports make possible that weren't possible before? 22:02:18 frg_Away: php is becoming js like on top of its pythonic nonsense additions 22:02:44 importing modules on the fly 22:02:56 its an eq of dynamically loading a jsm 22:02:59 that's why its there 22:03:07 The biggest problem is no real versioning and release management. just lets add stuff and call it the release the yera draft xcviii 22:03:10 this is all still in some shape mozilla concepts 22:03:11 But isn't that already possible? 22:03:12 remember 22:03:40 EMCAScript the only language with a Stage 4 22:03:42 ^of the year draft ... 22:04:01 only other thing I can think of with a Stage 4 is.. cancer 22:04:42 well i never understood how javascript versioning worked past when EMCA not Mozilla was defining it 22:04:53 there was Javascript 1.7 and... 22:05:05 How HTML5 versioning works? 22:05:11 ES4x ES5 ES6 and ESLGBTQ+ i guess 22:05:13 Isn't it officially just a "running standard"? 22:05:29 "Living Standard" 22:05:31 So HTML5 can basically mean almost anything 22:05:37 but no semblance of a Standard of Living 22:05:39 ;) 22:05:52 Sompi: yes 22:06:02 this is why all us lunar freaks were pissed a decade ago 22:06:44 well it was why I was pissed i dunno why they were REALLY i know I imposed me being pissed about it upon them.. that much is certain 22:07:17 I still prefer HTML 4.01 over HTML5 just because HTML 4 at least doesn't change all the time 22:07:24 If something _has_ to work _reliably_ 22:07:31 no fuck you, xhtml/1.0 transitional 22:07:35 :P 22:07:45 It is also good 22:08:34 It's XML or nothin! 22:08:53 html 4.01 is better supported by old browsers 22:08:56 xml is our rightful future 22:09:05 I always write it in such way that it is also mostly html 3.2 compatible 22:09:33 I used to compat to gecko 1.9.x 22:21:07 maybe one day 22:21:41 I am tired of ignoring this lesser new technology 22:23:26 something I thought would be nice Sompi is if I wrote a JS lib that would just.. be "XBL5" as in read an nearly-xbl xml file and do the boilerplate for me.. like exactly how it was done before