00:05:35 oh wow that IRC username bug... 00:05:45 well, "bug" 01:29:37 also, code pages are still a thing with modern hardware because graphics cards are still VGA compatible and their text mode uses code pages 01:30:09 so it would make sense that a web browser could at least display text files correctly using code page charsets 01:30:26 code pages aren't going away 01:31:08 not really: modern GPUs are not even 2D anymore 01:31:17 they simulate everything via the 3D pipeline 01:31:28 but they are also VGA compatible 01:31:30 even the text mode BIOS is largely emulated on shaders 01:31:39 of course, everything is emulated 01:31:50 on x86 CPUs the entire instruction set is emulated, and has been since Pentium Pro 01:32:15 nowadays everything is just highly specialized RISC CPUs emulating the actual instruction set that is visible to the programmer 01:32:21 it doesn't falsify what I wrote 01:33:06 maybe Transmeta was right... and wrong at the same time 01:33:13 the future is emulation, but not with VLIW :D 01:34:17 I did enjoy being told to use VESA when I was trying to figure out the appropriate linux or gentoo settings, was it for the virtual console or x11... problem is it wasn't an "IBM PC-compatible" :-) 01:34:51 <+tomman> maybe Transmeta was right... and wrong at the same time <--- the future is clearly quantum computing then :-P 01:35:58 the future has been quantum for the last 40 years we've been hearing that "the future will be quantum" 01:36:20 and so far the only pieces of quantum hardware I have are a bunch of old dead Quantum Fireballs and Bigfoot HDDs :D 01:36:22 no, computers must be deterministic 01:36:36 ...and a local ISP called "Quantum Xfinity Networks" 01:36:42 (that ALSO STOLE the Quantum logo!) 13:19:11 (More about Finnish news outlets:) Maybe it's just a coincidence, but looking at memory usage and doing "flush memory", as well as alt-tabbing back and forth: are Ilta-Sanomat webpages excessively heavy even without JS? 19:07:49 . 19:08:51 just making sure the logbot was still recarding 21:33:41 cloudflare's anti-ddos thing doesn't let SeaMonkey through anymore 21:34:01 It doesn't even give the "verify that you're a human" box at all 21:34:04 No errors in the browser console 21:34:30 The page just doesn't include the actual task to prove being a human 21:37:16 njsg: Every Finnish website is bloated, the IT job sector here is completely broken and competent people are unemployed 21:38:41 most websites don't even work without javascript at all 21:38:53 they have at least megabytes of minified JS 23:48:43 Sompi: try threatening the Turnstile box with devtools 23:48:51 that's how I can get it to show at my side 23:49:02 it doesn't load, and neither it doesn't error on the console 23:49:16 but when I inspect the space where it is supposed to render... oh, magically it comes on! 23:49:42 that's Clownflare warfare for you 23:54:37 That sounds like they are probably relying on some undefined behavior in Firefox