02:48:44 many javascript libraries that used to work with SeaMonkey have stopped working when a new version of the library has been released 02:48:55 no new features, just rewrites that break things 02:49:15 and of course they also make everything more bloated with each new version 02:50:31 now even Iltalehti does not work with Seamonkey anymore... the articles don't load, it just shows a loading animation and throws the console full of errors 02:57:30 Modern JavaScript development should be considered a war crime as per the Vienna Convention 03:09:05 about two years ago that site worked with lynx 03:10:32 tomman: the problem is incompetence, many web developers today are genuinely unaware about the fact that every element has a static HTML tag that can be used instead of JavaScript 03:10:46 and they probably don't even know about other browsers than Chrome, Edge and maybe Firefox 03:11:17 They work in the IT field without actually knowing anything about computers. They understand some basic programming logic but that's about all 03:11:20 hope that when Google gets forced to divest Chrome, a 10-year moratorium is placed on JS feature dev 03:11:46 no new features allowed, only bugfixes and removal of useless "standards" 03:11:53 And they don't believe when someone tries to educate them about these things, they just become angry 03:12:09 ha, the "move fast and break everything" SV mindset 03:15:23 they just keep insisting that no, everything MUST be made with JavaScript, there is no other way and static HTML tags are old and deprecated and not supported by browsers and server softwares anymore 03:16:01 no amount of evidence will change their minds 10:36:58 maybe allow Google to maintain the current version of chrome, but without adding features, say, for 10 years 10:37:02 so that we get a new IE6 10:37:26 and yeah, I can see IL now is unusable 10:37:35 IS still loads fine :-P 10:39:19 I made the mistake of opening view source 10:39:21 ow. 10:44:06 * njsg bangs head against desk 10:44:28 Sompi: looking through the source... please don't tell me they're serving the article as JSON-in-document, and failing. 10:45:15 search for <<"items":[{"text":"Mika Salminen">> 10:49:30 ... damn, that was from a random link I clicked, not something you shared 10:49:38 I mean at https://www.iltalehti.fi/politiikka/a/0cce0476-b6e6-4c02-b36f-c74bcd4855db 12:50:44 why so many websites always adopt the same new chromeisms at the same time 13:10:32 Now when Seamonkey has also became useless with news websites, we need that old charset menu back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUdrVRsn5L8 13:11:23 I often browse demoscene and programming related websites that have a lot of old text files and Firefox and Chrome cannot show them correctly 13:11:40 Seamonkey can but sometimes the correct character set is not on the new menu 13:12:12 code page 850 is missing 13:18:14 interesting you mention demoscene 18:43:59 demoscene, "we got you covered up, be it running BASIC code in an emulator, on the real hardware, running current-day code for graphical demos on linux or repurposing old Metro platform displays!" 18:49:28 njsg: i believe gentoo ricers are an offshoot of the demoscene 18:49:57 along with the beta archivists 18:53:23 :) 18:53:57 nsITobin: i think those would like being painted in that light, can't speak to historicity. 19:14:28 now do define gentoo ricers :-P 19:15:36 njsg: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/by-others/funroll-loops/Gentoo-is-Rice.html 19:19:55 Gentoo Ricers scare the hell out of Javascript Bros from the Applestan Union 19:20:35 i don't need gentoo use flags i can build from scratch .. 23:57:55 ah yes you're on LFS?