21:08:53 is github broken (again), https://github.com/philipbutkiewicz/SharpCut/releases/tag/v1.4.10 ? 21:09:05 Assests: does not work 21:10:09 build 20241017222127 & no github related extensions (palefill) installed 21:30:51 Giggityhub has been broken for ages now 21:31:03 it just happens that every week there is something new 21:31:18 yes, the Assets one is a recurring one 21:32:06 https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/releases/tag/v7.0.0.0 OK, I'm pretty much sure this DID work a few hours earlier 21:32:10 as i had downloaded that file 21:32:14 now... it's broken again 21:32:20 yay Giggityhub 21:37:05 can't confirm as i don't have Chrome, https://www.ghacks.net/2024/11/28/google-claims-that-ublock-origin-is-no-longer-available-for-chrome-but-that-is-not-true/ 21:37:34 not to mention article is confusing, plus he mentions UA, but didn't check if that were a method of bypass (for Chrome) 21:38:24 as far as NoScript for Chrome, they're up to up v12.0.7 21:38:58 at this point, installing adblockers on Chrome is like repairing a cracked window with duct tape while your roof has massive leaks in the middle of a storm :D 21:39:00 there have been a lot of teething problems with the Chrome version (FF is still on the 11.5 line) 21:45:13 a neat trick (for Win7 users need a program that needs .net 4.8.1), https://old.reddit.com/r/windows7/comments/1c8vmix/net_framework_481_workaround_to_install_on/ 21:56:32 therube: expanded_assets hasn't been working for a long time, not sure if that was only w/o js or with js too 21:56:41 what was it, s@releases@expanded_assets@? 21:58:59 therube: s@tag@expanded_assets@ https://github.com/philipbutkiewicz/SharpCut/releases/expanded_assets/v1.4.10 22:00:46 why can it serve these as HTML but can't serve it in the release description directly? no idea 22:01:39 that's a neat trick. (now, i'll have to try to remember it. *that* will be hard ;-) ) 22:02:13 I guess if handed four pairs of unshielded twisted copper and told to implement a networking system on top of that, GitHub would either say it does not work or implement it alongside a different network topology, requiring metadata exchange encoded in JSONx 22:04:35 If handed a single shielded wire, they'd say "that's impossible! how can you send signal over a single wire?", for added points they'd say that on a chat done over a GPON carrying several separate signals on the same fiber 22:04:58 ... I need to get 10base2 set up again here :-P 23:21:23 njsg: arcnet :) 23:22:28 i think i only kept a single card. maybe i still have a machine somewhere with a card in it. still, all the arcnet hubs (i even had hub cards) are gone :/ 23:42:14 ugh, the NY Times *really* hates SeaMonkey 23:42:31 every single time I click on an article, the whole thing instambombs 23:42:34 --instabombs 23:42:37 the article loads, then... boom goes the dymanite - a crash 23:42:40 time to add the NY Times to my DNS blocklist then - if they don't want me, I do not want them either. US media sucks anyway. 23:43:37 they changed how articles are loaded a while ago 23:44:07 some archival sites have full static copies, but the NYT website very often, almost always serves partial content statically and then builds the article with javascript 23:44:31 I'm not even sure if it's *fetched*, I think it's a case of "serving content as json in the document" 23:44:46 now don't ask me how do they manage to make that heavy, but I'm sure they've found a way. 23:45:40 not even artery-blocking Mercadolibre's unhealthy megabyte JSON blobs managed to crash this thing 23:45:47 burn lots of CPU? Yes, but that's it 23:45:58 instead the NY Times has actively declared war on my browser 23:46:47 burn lots of cpu was interesting when i first tried some _relatively_ lightweight appliance admin interfaces with edbrowse when it still used duktape 23:47:16 probably not a world of difference with quickjs still 23:47:28 but it clearly helps too :)