01:56:01 https://techcrunch.com/2024/11/05/mozilla-foundation-lays-off-30-staff-drops-advocacy-division/?guccounter=1 01:56:11 i didn't know about that 12:09:38 shortens to "adv", they probably want to avoid any ambiguity in being an advertising company? 12:09:52 * njsg notices his sarcasm dial is a bit too high and thinks about procuring more coffee 13:20:01 I am kinda disappointed that Marc Andreessen is actually a piece of shit 13:25:07 oh and he basically prototyped software as a service selling it to HP.. 13:26:36 and sold skype to microsoft 13:26:42 wow this guy 13:30:00 yeah so Marc Andreessen is a major thread in how we got from there to here I never realized that i figured he faded away once he sold netscape 13:30:36 cause his name isn't one that persisted in early mozilla 13:35:30 I only know a bit of what he's been up to from what jwz reports 13:40:38 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2023/06/i-liked-it-better-when-he-had-me-blocked/ 13:43:46 njsg: read his wackypedia article 13:43:55 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Andreessen 13:51:29 njsg: tell me honestly the world wouldn't be on balance better off if 90% of these companies had failed or stayed small and competitive https://a16z.com/portfolio/ 13:55:06 https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/27/microsoft_word_excel_ai/ everything you say these days will be used to train an AI model 13:55:25 you have the right to not complain 13:56:49 and the right to autosave, but apparently *where* it is autosaved is not something very clear 13:57:04 i probably won't rtfa 13:58:14 > "There are circumstances where enterprise customers may want or consent to our use of their data for foundation model training, such as custom model development requested by the customer." 13:58:47 suuu~re 13:59:54 I can now imagine the CEO and the CTO of Widgetcorp saying "We're now an A.I. Corporation - your work contracts have been amended unilaterally to allow us to milk your ideas into a business model" 14:04:46 ugh, awesome, I now have to think on switching hosting providers 14:05:07 my current hosting (whose support / payment portal does NOT work on SM) is now throwing me double captcha hell 14:05:17 first Clownflare's Browser Integrity junk 14:05:21 and on top of that, Recaptcha 14:05:24 UUUGH 14:44:53 it feels great to hardblock 3rd-party autoplaying video crap on your DNS~ 15:05:42 I can't wait for Microsoft to require that in their login form 15:06:28 I mean, they currently already depend on CSS transitions, so the CSS hack I have to disable these makes it not work... 15:31:48 MS ripping off Clownflare? You don't say~ 15:32:13 I'm kinda surprised MS doesn't have its own captcha solution by now 15:32:20 hell, they even seem to be generally anti-captcha 15:32:39 I've never gotten one on any of their products/services, not that I'm a heavy MS user here... 15:32:52 they do like lockouts and disabled accounts, tho 15:43:50 microsoft 15:44:27 well microsoft isn't in to creating things anymore 15:44:58 why should they .. they created the modern world (in an arguably better form) 25 years ago only change is it isn't xml based 15:48:17 and everyone else is on the hook for it cause microsoft is just using 3rd party code more and more 15:49:10 i cast micrsoft's doom the moment they installed wordpress rather than use one of their asp(x) systems 15:49:42 why does a global billion dollar tech company use wordpress? 15:50:49 because they're not a global trillion dollar tech company yet 15:51:37 why shouldn't they? 15:56:22 wordpress is and always has been trash AND microsoft has its own technology 16:28:51 interesting opinion 17:33:23 Ximo-: you a fan of wordpress? 17:42:30 i don't use it. but if wordpress is so "trash" why do they dominate the CMS space? seems like a ripe + ready opportunity to make something not trash and kill their game 17:43:52 Ximo-: This is Tobin you are talking to I know better than everyone that the superior option vs the popular option the popular option wins almost always 17:44:24 business is about being popular 17:44:30 wordpress is a business 17:44:34 you get it? 17:44:48 absolutely i just don't agree with it ;) 17:45:09 Wordpress shouldn't be a business. 17:46:35 i dunno something seems wrong about open source software as a business in and of its self as I compile more free software for my self as I see fit LOL 17:47:00 now a business to otherwise support an open source project that's a different issue but requires careful navigation 17:47:16 redhat used to have a good balance for instance 22:55:46 Ximo-: nsITobin: Wordpress is a bunch of things and there has been somewhat of a little storm recently because of how many of these things are a guy called Matt 23:03:05 https://github.com/bullenweg/bullenweg.github.io 23:03:18 question is how much is this going to affect wordpress the CMS software 23:03:57 some person who used to work at Netscape was indeed asking pretty much that about a recent WordPress update on Mastodon 23:05:42 of the things I did see, it seems he added a checkbox targeting WP Engine, and then pretty much said the state of it didn't matter, I wonder if it can then still have any legal value at all