00:02:51 "Eternal Youth" 00:03:33 webdevs realized they can't age beyond 35 if they keep adopting the latest bleeding edge Chromeisms, er, "features" every wek 00:03:44 otherwise they will turn 70 by next Sunday 00:22:42 tomman: is THAT what happened to me.. i didn't so now I am aging faster? 00:26:06 there's a trick to work that around, so that we can say you're aging slower, and it won't look like slower to you 00:26:14 you just need go move very, very fast 00:27:07 cf. "On the Elecrodynamics of Moving Bodies" 09:49:46 lightning doesn't work with the new build 2.53.21 beta 1 pre from today 10:33:04 hardys there were 0 changes in the code for Lightning. Works for me. Make sure you have 6.2.21 in the add-ons manager. If not you probably have an old copy in your profile whivh needs to be uninstalled. 16:44:22 frg_Away: Thanks for the hint, Lightning didn't update automatically 16:45:45 frg_Away: now all good again :) 17:43:31 hardys if it didn't update automatically there is a copy in your profile 17:44:17 Don't install it manually or you will have the same problem with the next version 18:13:08 it would be really nice to eventually rearchitech lightning into a seperate suite component rather than leeching off mailnews ui just with a few inetgration points 18:18:55 done in central but people always complaining about it when the not use it. Would no longer be possible to disable it. 18:23:36 frg_Away: so let me get this str8.. people would complain about a suite being more of a suite 18:24:24 yes but eventually I would like this and cZ move in 18:25:27 also if people will accept programaically disabled rather than not-installed.. well shit that isn't hard.. 18:28:17 there is this seperation of the suite as Netscape Communicator and the suite as a toolkit app in the context of SeaMonkey and the Suite toolkit featuresets are .. and i can't believe I am admitting it.. less important than the application as an integrated suite is.. 18:29:12 I would like to uncouple Lightning a bit from mailnews and add ctrl+3 for it. Just no time to pursue it. 18:30:27 standalone calendar UI would have helped.. it decended from the XPFE form.. would have to build a new host window then transfer from extension to the ui component 18:31:02 create a proper prefpane etc 18:32:47 I think this topic popped up before and we discussed it. Just no time to actually do it. 18:33:00 next life maybe :) 18:33:02 maybe in its earlier form when i was planning standalone calendar 18:33:24 lightning threw a wrench into so much of Interlink's dev 18:33:32 virtually haulted UI changes 19:07:43 bbl 19:07:48 store 21:32:16 re disabling components, a question is how much is saved/avoided if it's not compiled, it would be interesting if having just the browser could narrow down the build size 21:32:28 (standalone calendar UI, like Sunbird?) 21:36:31 yes njsg 21:36:44 but only the extension parts remain 21:36:54 and whatever was reused from sharedui 21:53:09 njsg doen't matter much. You won't even notice. 21:56:37 well as I said if people are willing to just out of sight out of mind certain components of the suite so what is presented is what they want and use most then that has some good potental and cheap impl 21:57:55 and as a matter of history xpfe still had mailcomps and mailnews core built in just the UI was excluded as xpinstall would populate the chrome based on your choices 21:58:35 only difference between that and disabling programatically is that the actual files are still there its just you aren't presented any entry points to it