10:54:39 tomman: some day I have to go dig the address book of my first profile to see what's there. I don't usually use the address book nowadays, but it'd be fun to see! 10:55:17 that'd be a profile used with Netscape 6 on Windows 98 or what was it, unless I didn't copy it to the linux install 22:30:55 was someone here participating in skyscrapercity? wondering about a change in behaviour, it now automatically "follows" topics where posts are made, I wonder if this is a change in XenForo or if there's some cookie that is not set on this profile... 23:22:08 I just read forums, don't even have an account 23:25:20 ah ok. I'll try to see what's up, it certainly wasn't doing this before, I was expecting a checkbox or something, but I don't see one 23:25:41 it's possible they're relying on something new to show it (nothing like reinventing form elements!) 23:25:56 worst case hopefully I can just turn off the alerts for new messages in followed topics 23:30:11 ... name: watch_thread; value: 1; type: hidden 23:31:24 FWIW, Skyscraper City forms often do break in weird and wonderful ways under SM (even as a lurker), but they tend to fix up themselves after a few days... kinda 23:32:07 in my experience things have mostly been readable with noscript, but I do have a surrogate for lazyloaded images 23:32:26 currently I need to update the CSS hacks to undo the modifications they did 23:32:55 sigh. vBulletin was so nicer. And it didn't lose track of "last read post" like XenForo does 23:33:26 they eventually did something, it now remembers for much longer, for a long time after they switched to XenForo, it still would forget about where you were just a couple weeks later 23:34:14 which is absolutely great with SSC... but I guess a lot of the issues was that they had no idea how the forum was being used 23:34:43 for a change, at least in the parts I'm active in, things are under topics, and there's no "necrobump" comments, you 23:34:54 're expected to use a suitable topic if it exists