njsgtomman: some day I have to go dig the address book of my first profile to see what's there. I don't usually use the address book nowadays, but it'd be fun to see!
njsgthat'd be a profile used with Netscape 6 on Windows 98 or what was it, unless I didn't copy it to the linux install
njsgwas someone here participating in skyscrapercity? wondering about a change in behaviour, it now automatically "follows" topics where posts are made, I wonder if this is a change in XenForo or if there's some cookie that is not set on this profile...
tommanI just read forums, don't even have an account
njsgah ok. I'll try to see what's up, it certainly wasn't doing this before, I was expecting a checkbox or something, but I don't see one
njsgit's possible they're relying on something new to show it (nothing like reinventing form elements!)
njsgworst case hopefully I can just turn off the alerts for new messages in followed topics
njsg... name: watch_thread; value: 1; type: hidden
tommanFWIW, Skyscraper City forms often do break in weird and wonderful ways under SM (even as a lurker), but they tend to fix up themselves after a few days... kinda
njsgin my experience things have mostly been readable with noscript, but I do have a surrogate for lazyloaded images
njsgcurrently I need to update the CSS hacks to undo the modifications they did
njsgsigh. vBulletin was so nicer. And it didn't lose track of "last read post" like XenForo does
njsgthey eventually did something, it now remembers for much longer, for a long time after they switched to XenForo, it still would forget about where you were just a couple weeks later
njsgwhich is absolutely great with SSC... but I guess a lot of the issues was that they had no idea how the forum was being used
njsgfor a change, at least in the parts I'm active in, things are under topics, and there's no "necrobump" comments, you
njsg're expected to use a suitable topic if it exists