02:15:14 https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/5/24289124/mozilla-foundation-layoffs-advocacy-global-programs 02:26:50 tomman, https://battleda.sh/blog/ea-account-takeover works in pale moon 03:06:00 well i think we will see our Ted Cruz spanner again.. he just won re-election by the dumbasses in this state 14:05:42 frg_Away: Ilandedd 2 just no clue what to do with the tobin crp 14:05:56 delete it 14:06:02 doesn't matter anymore 14:06:29 OK are you sure? 14:06:30 nsITobin central stuff? 14:07:10 central stuff is what I was asking about. 14:09:05 I am giving strong consideration to shutting down everything and just vanishing.. and focusing soley on my own survival 14:09:17 nsITobin: reason not sure was i had said would need patches and you did not seem to submit any 14:10:06 so with aptches expaloning the issue and how the patch fixes it woudl be just a great thing 14:10:34 those patches weren't developed that way 14:10:45 they were focused on fixing things not satisfing proceedure 14:10:56 they need redone and I am not likely to do them 14:11:38 because I have to figure out how I am gonna survive as a MAGA Traitor on disability when trump is gonna gut social security so excuse me for not being all about mozilla's nonsense today 14:13:26 with btw no friends and my family is dead 14:13:27 MattATobin: I kind of feel same way today about election results. but not sure that sould alster what we try to do for SeaMonkey 14:13:28 so yeah 14:14:02 is the seamonkey counsel gonna pay me a living wage when social security gets screwed over? 14:14:49 i wil ask again in af ew days. give you time to figure out how you are dealing with this. Actually I have the same issue so my idea was to just do SeaMonkey things I guess you are on the opposite approach. 14:16:09 so I have 4 of your pending patches listed here https://www.wg9s.com/comm-central/ 14:17:20 i did take one of your patches adn land the mozilla part sithout it being dependent on the comm part so just an #ifdef MOZ_SUITE rahter than depending on a no where documented definition 14:17:31 MattATobin sorry to hear. Lets first see how things pan out. 14:17:36 i don't even remember how many patches I had before I had to stop six months ago so you can try and figure them out 14:18:37 i would have to start again from scratch 14:19:37 wrt patches I did thre same with the library and while I think it was the right thing to do then I would avoid it now. Trying now to get places to 60 without the functionality loss mozilla added. Have no idea what is really in so need to go thru the mizilla patch queue. 14:19:55 MattATobin: so are you saying I should ditch the 4 patches for you I am still carrying in my builds? 14:20:28 do you get a working buoy window in your builds? 14:21:03 because if not it needs redone because I obviously made a mistake somewhere and it needs redone 14:21:18 either in explaining or impl 14:22:27 MattATobin: it was only yesterday that I relaized that to get a buoy i needed to add a mozconfig option so just a day trying to get a buoy window 14:23:05 https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/20240823#c234998 14:25:19 If I had focused on it at the time I likely would have navigator.xhtml SOMEWHAT working by now cause I'd just do it like the toolkit transition and just modify it with Firefox crap and make it look like netscape 14:25:29 that is literally this project's core mo 14:25:41 MattATobin: so for some readon I missed that form a month ago so build going now is first one where I am building sith the buoy enabled 14:26:24 enabled that a few days ago but no sucdessful build with that. the pending wone would be the first one 14:26:34 its what i was so excited about when I got SOME sort of window and was able to spawn and even adhoc fudge in overlay support using that former-jsm 14:26:48 but that was months ago things have changed 14:27:34 let's see what happens tonight this is actualy the fist build acter I added the mozconfig line that might actually be successful 14:27:56 this is what you should be able to get assuming my patches weren't busted by platform changes https://storage.binaryoutcast.com/pub/labs/pipedreams/screenshot-2.127a1.png 14:32:55 if it works for you WG9s I will see if I can clean up my patches and file bugs for them that is what I been LARGELY waiting for.. that and central is so devoid of joy 14:34:02 no have net yest got it to work. I will let ou know. I think a better name that developement buoy might be emercgency UI 14:34:14 I just dunno how much it will matter.. I spent a decade doing Pale Moon and way more than any project including this one (yet) and it fell apart for me for reasons the american public JUST deemed invalid. 14:34:33 so like a UI that works if it ails before brining up the real ui 14:34:56 Ah i was just sticking to the nautical theme 14:35:10 ;-) 14:35:27 you know I like naming schemes right? 14:35:28 but then called it a lifeboat 14:35:59 well i didn't want to freak tb devs out given their lack luster response 14:36:09 might have backfired 14:36:23 MattaATobin well if it wasn't fro SeaMonkey I would quit IT. 14:36:29 if seamonkey made a bold central statement with an emergency component for disaster recovery 14:36:56 could have accelerated their plans to kick us out 14:37:10 or look like a desperate attempt to stay latched onto mozinfra 14:37:21 My money is still on 2.53 99% and I still think it can evolve alone. 14:43:38 frg_Away: so then why do you ask me to do these central builds nightly? 14:45:15 I understood it as compairitive analysis and testing LARGELY and translation 14:45:25 which is what motivated how I approched it 14:45:39 because we still need them for l10n and as a last insure policy among other things. 14:45:42 cause PARTS are coming down to 2.53 regardless 14:45:46 right? 14:45:55 yes 14:46:29 Lately mozilla cleaned up confvars.sh and this is something I would like to 2.53 too. 14:47:09 they moved to moz.configure 14:47:39 yes. 14:48:22 If I like moz.configure is another case but stuff scattered all over different configs s*cks. 14:48:23 still hate how moz.configure is done internally but the app moz.configure does save some time cause you don't have to split between confvars and configure.in 14:48:31 and has logic 14:48:36 .. after a fasion 14:48:37 :P 14:49:27 they treated it like mozbuild files and not configure.in is all once you get that and know the tree you know where to look.. besides we have cross-referece ;) 14:50:57 BTW while I was doing the dishes between 0835 and 0844 I reviewed my options.. and I .. got nothing.. So sure working on seamonkey is better than not working on seamonkey while reviewing options beyond my reach. 14:53:28 When it comes to software these days you can open a bottole and crawl in. But I rather enhance SeaMonkey than to do nothing. 14:53:37 ^bottle 14:53:53 but what does this really mean.. actually not a lot if you igore the Social Security timebomb.. i am still autistic.. still Tobin more or less and a massive abusive corrupt group of people are taking power.. its NOT ACTUALLY THAT DIFFERENT save for the timebomb 14:54:24 and I have managed so far so WHY can't I now? 14:54:31 I think I can.. so let's do that. 14:57:09 Sorry its a lot to deal with cause I have worked so hard to break my self out of that nonsense and the moment it seems I have ACTUALLY succeeded Trump somehow slurs and screams his way back into president 14:57:16 its quite a whiplash actually 14:58:04 anyway seamonkey 14:59:13 the issue i have with moz.configure is it is based on some decorator syntax that seems to async resolve values all at the same time but async so you can't just have a small function and access some vars and call it you have to jump through many many hoops 14:59:57 if it worked like moz.build i think it would be a better configure system but how they did it.. its net-worse than autohell if you have to dive into the guts of it 15:00:02 frg_Away: 15:01:10 nsITobin you can't change the world. Just wait for now and sees what goes. 15:01:13 I just don't understand this modified decorator syntax in python let alone mozbuild 15:01:28 err moz.configure 15:02:58 the GOOD NEWS IS that the result of moz.configure is in a sandbox environment where only the final results matter so if worse came to worse i could reverse engineer it to something else based on outputs 15:03:18 i was experimenting with that in 2023 15:12:06 so for me moz.configure is not some tech-moral blocker for me like it used to be but of course it must serve its purpose ;) 15:13:44 as for the non-2.53 extra curricular activities .. i still am trying to get 71 to build.. my cbindgen is too new and none of the patches that fix it seem to apply to 71 15:14:17 rust is still terrible.. that's reassuring in a depressing way 15:15:28 I am on a good way with esr 68 js but juggle around too many items so nothing done in the last week here. But dynamic imports and bigint work and private fields is on the way in. 15:15:57 what about shadowdom and customelements 15:16:46 one thing I always wanted to try and get them to pursue was trying to do customelements api just hooked into XBL 15:16:54 instead of a seperate system 15:17:22 and give XBL more capabilities as well 15:18:43 basically consume shadowdom and customelements and map it to an xbl binding and just insert it as XBL for content has always been done 15:18:44 If it wern't for the missing needed rebases of regexp and optional chaning wip would be great right now. 15:19:11 yeah 15:19:43 nsITobin shadow dom and custom elements needs more stylo . No time at the moment .Bindings generation is broken. 15:20:49 First need to address js and then I will continue with stylo. IanN and I are the only ones working on this from time to time. Glad that Myckel does python patches. 15:25:15 Well I am gonna redouble my efforts to complete everything i have pending for seamonkey before the end of the year. Prioritize primary bugs we been chatting about I am attached to then the stuff on my queue .. Central needs a fresh evaluation of exactly what you want it to do to facilitate the testing of stuff and any experimentation.. so I can plan new patches with .. descreet bits to prioritize those bits important to the project.. 2.53 i just 15:25:15 think its gonna be more fe and cleaning and conforming stuff to either SM's standard or the standard of the patches being ported.. 15:26:46 unless I magic up an updated mozilla build system with all the current SM code conformed to it.. cause it pisses me off one too many times and I just might... 15:31:23 frg_Away: here is a question: Would you ever be willing to remerge comm and mozilla so there is just one patchqueue and one massive hg bundle to deal with? 15:34:08 not just the comm subdir added but at topsrcdir 15:48:45 nsITobin currently I can just take the patches fro backports and apply. It is a real timesaver. Depending on the patch I have very minor fallout. Couldn't do it with a merged repo. One of the reason I prefer straight backports. Would be different if more devs were there but I don't see this. We 4-5 could do it for years and not succeed in the end I fear. The current option is not optimal but... 15:48:47 ...the best I can think off. 15:49:36 deja vu 15:49:44 anyway 15:50:05 yeah was just a thought to reduce complexity for contributors 15:51:30 what really needs done is I just have to try a simple cut and paste and see what conflicts cause that's the real complexity where patches hit comm files that are reletive to repo root for both 15:51:48 but even then there is all that scripting to make comm work under mozilla 15:58:34 nsITobin the build system is not the real problem. Its now emerging ok and Myckel takes care of more backports. I think when we are at around 102 iwe should stop for the most part. Current central build system is horrible at lest for Windows. Downloads gigabytes and then chokes on locally installed VS2019 for example.. Backend js and css are now. Frontend could use some work but mostly... 15:58:35 ...independent from backend. 16:32:40 102 is basically the stopping point for anything not explicitly bent to Mozilla-as-we-knew-it so yeah.. 16:33:03 err remove "not" 16:33:29 frg_Away: can you build 102? 16:33:47 cause if you have SOME artifacts I could experiment with that build system 16:34:09 nsITobin didn't try in a long time. Now and then only central. Needs at least oder rust I think. 16:34:36 hopefully cbindgen isn't too new for 102 or if it is patches actually apply lol 16:58:24 I'd still like to next year look at what cna be done to simply add USEFUL embedding back to Modern Mozilla and then just embed and control it from a xul platform 17:02:27 oh wow 17:02:35 THAT'S WHY EASY EMBEDDING WAS KILLED 17:02:43 because of xulrunner 17:03:17 EmbedLite aka XULRunner API replaced the 1.9.x and earlier style of embedding 17:04:12 wonder why this didn't come up sooner in my searches 17:06:26 nsITobin: because the code is sort of spaghetti and not at all following any normal build direction. 17:07:20 vot those who do not get it spaghetti code is you throw something against the wall and if it sticks you keep it. 17:08:24 WG9s: did I tell you because mozilla removed global history the embedcomps history idl when I changed the build order because I redefined the tree took precidence over the places version and fucked up dev for a few weeks.. I guess they left the IDL there for extension compat but xpidl interfaces seem to be newest takes presidence embedcomps became primary and history busted 17:09:15 if seamonkey has not removed the globalhistory2 idl i suggest you do it just so this doesn't crop up and confuse the lot of us for months 17:09:32 I am on the idea that we jst got with 2.53 and ignore anyting that has happened after that 17:10:19 that takes a lot of coordination to accomplish 17:10:53 seems like we are on the waanr to stay with 2.53 but want to backport after crap patches. seems to me that will never work going forward 17:13:36 either we stay at 2.53 or give up on backproting future patches 17:13:44 backporting 17:14:21 the 2 ideas are completely incompatible 17:15:12 if you were closer to 56 i'd agree with that wholeheartedly but frg has said that an ESR68 equiv should be reached and we are close to it.. from there maybe something else maybe more backports but after 68 if we come up against the XBL removal its gonna be difficult for the project 17:15:45 either in keeping it or converting to XUL WebComponents 17:16:15 I can't for the life of me understand why there are literally no resources or artifacts save for broken website for already converted and removed bindings 17:16:27 and why no one at mozilla for six fuckin months would help me learn dick about em 17:17:15 I heard Mozilla was too busy this week imploding as usual 17:17:39 so sad that mozilla pwople when you ask have zero interest in helping you learn. 17:18:07 i put emillio through the ringer for it so don't worry.. one of my last vengeful acts 17:18:20 that snuck into 2024 17:18:49 Proctically everything but DOMi in 2.53 goes upstream. Downstram too or we could forget 2.53. 17:19:04 my earliest memories of being in #seamonkey are the comm split and ratty helping me learn. 17:19:06 nsITobin: and Emilio is one of those who is actually trying to help. 17:19:46 I thnk he is as frustrated as the rest of us 17:20:29 well maybe i owe him and appology and if i ever climb and scratch my way to being a kind of person someone like him would accept an appology for I will attempt to make it. 17:20:40 from* 17:22:01 he gets a bad rap because the diactricts in his name make it hard to apply his patches. 17:22:16 and maybe Standard8 shouldn't have shoved me into an off-topic channel with no one there and assigned emilio to watch over me while still not really attempting to help.. he was kinda agast at the UXP turned SeaMonkey nsStyle patches 17:23:35 i showed it to him cause he wrote the stuff in stylo i wanted his opinion on it and I had hoped to understand more of rust 17:23:41 or at least the rust system 17:23:43 to deal 17:24:11 cause even if i was to be contributing to Firefox i'd still have to learn that.. 17:26:05 I don't want to learn rust I want to learn C 17:26:25 with C i can do anything 17:27:04 but i was at that time willing to start learning some stuff about rust to help like I did with python 17:27:13 well standard8 is great for getting old code to work emilo is what is going on now on the mozilla front i have similar issues 17:27:55 but i try to dea with emilio but with a trying to keep it working as before. 17:28:31 https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/5/24289124/mozilla-foundation-layoffs-advocacy-global-programs 17:29:28 I am gonna be pissed of Mozilla goes MAGA 17:29:52 because in any universe if I ain't running that MAGAzilla it will be a fucking disaster of epic proportions 17:30:00 seems to have people who want it like it worked like years before and others who want it to work like emilio wants. i think perhaps needs a compromise view. 17:30:02 but its likely just becoming google adcompany 17:30:06 so i will settle down about it 17:30:39 ut oh 17:30:59 WG9s: Hi I am tobin from 2014.. this is gonna be fucked.. now back to present me. 17:31:11 not everyone has al the bad ideas nor does anyone have all the good ideas. that is why we should all work together. 17:31:26 we SHOULD 17:32:31 cause a part of what is driving me remains this mozilla fractured division 17:32:41 its what started all this for me 17:33:04 https://youtu.be/wGGW4IezbC4 17:34:25 As long as each one of us especially me remembers not everything labled "Unified" means it is good 17:37:24 well to me SeaMonkey and whatever i can manage to ACTUALLY GET OUT THE DOOR at BinOC are the most important things right now along with each and every one of you and those few that remain on my irc server 17:38:10 ... I was seriously supposed to be FAR MORE POWERFUL than this by now.. its not realistic but I believed it and it is so hard to come to terms with that 17:41:33 WG9s: you might know this.. how large is the releases archive? 17:41:49 of all the releases SM still has and hosts 17:46:09 no idea 17:47:30 nsITobin: nos i am back on one of my sons fav really stuip jokes. what do you call a deer with no deer? 17:47:43 nsITobin: nos i am back on one of my sons fav really stuip jokes. what do you call a deer with no eyes? 17:47:56 no clue 17:49:21 ok then what do you call a deer with not eyes and no legs? 17:49:57 and the really lame answer is "Still no idea" 18:31:26 no eyes and no legs.. i doubt it is a pun 18:31:38 well its a pun but not an obvious one 18:32:21 i still have no idea.. so i guess I am lame but so was this MP3 encoder i used once 18:42:55 WG9s: I guess I am just not as creative as I normally am today not in abstract concepts 18:43:38 no eye dear 18:44:04 no eye deer 18:44:12 i knw i could get it 18:46:02 so a deer with no eyes is no deer i deer but a deer with no eyes and no leggs is a still no i deer. 18:46:59 the lack of legs kept the deer still (as in non mobile) 18:47:29 well my terrible LAME pun should explain it.. puns operate on a more abstract similarity and word play rather than a direct compare/contrast. Verbally I would have got it even drained as I kinda am 20:04:55 I am gonna go relax.. I'll save the world tomorrow. 20:05:06 :) 21:26:26 Hallo, there is unofficial Debian/Ubuntu package https://repo.vitexsoftware.com/pool/main/s/seamonkey/ - packed using https://github.com/PureHTML/SeamonkeyDeb