oneforall2gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/falkon its not opening the content ?
nsITobinTimestamp: 10/29/24, 3:35:55 PM CDT
nsITobinError: SyntaxError: '.js-quick-submit :is(input[type=submit], button[type=submit])' is not a valid selector
nsITobinLine: 25
nsITobinif i am not mistaken that is trying to address a custom element
Sompianother reason to not use github
nsITobinthat is a gitlab instance
Sompiyeah, I misread the link
nsITobini need to write a script to generate my dns configuration i have reached the limits of what I can do using a preprocessor
nsITobinneed to get my bismuth server revampped..