tomman30 years ago, a nightmare began~
njsgtomman: s@.*@<marquee><blink><font face="Comic Sans MS">&</blink></marquee></font>@
tommanA paranoid nutter I know from another channel filled this bug report: bugzilla.mozilla.org/1917926
tomman(not SM-related, but it hits FF)
tommandoes it have any merit?
tommandoes his bug filling have any chance of getting any traction?
tommantrying to convince him to structure it better instead of yelling at me "IT'S A SERIOUS BUG, MOZILLA SHOULD FIX IT!"
njsgit is not incognito mode, there is a sort of restore going on... I guess it depends on how the firefox team thinks the pinned tabs should behave
njsgbut yes, if refreshing logs out, as said there it might be something with caching
njsgbug? probably. serious? IMHO probably not