05:48:17 A self-signed certificate should not be treated as it would be worse than plain unencrypted HTTP, like browsers do now 05:49:20 But we still need a uncentralized peer-to-peer-based certificate authority. I see these as two different problems that are both created by those who want to control who gets encryption and who doesn't 05:49:55 Nowadays browsers stupidly treat self-signed sertificates as a "security risk" which it isn't 13:55:04 So I made a php based openbox pipe menu to control the main menu instead of just editing the xml directly.. uses a standalone-modified couple of functions I developed over the years.. Handy for many things.. including this .. https://dpaste.org/MsKVa 14:00:12 nsITobin hi 14:00:40 sup? 14:06:54 I should modify ArtwizBoxed to use SeaMonkey Modern colors 14:09:03 I was able to find a few copr repos so i could get lxterminal and nemo on el8 14:09:49 just need thg workbench and vmware and I can basically switch over 14:24:11 oh god.. i just realized I could process an rss feed and create menu entries in openbox for it 14:44:29 https://usenothing.com/ ironically the idle counter does... nothing (it seems it wants dynamic imports) 14:44:54 that's what I get for clicking meta philosophic links on HN 14:45:53 (relevant thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41551084 ) 14:49:54 tomman: doing nothing doesn't work for me.. think about me in late 2022 into 2023 15:23:56 well i got spectrum coming at 1ish pm if there is anything specific you want me to do before that bs starts I'd be happy to 15:24:38 also quantum-dev is once again searchable.. I think it was a permissions issue 15:30:32 also IanN_Away there is no way to control glimpse result ordering according to the documentation.. I would have to split and sort the results likely in a new impl in php however it will loose identifer linkification if I do that.. identifier linkification in free-text search results are of limited use imo but that would be the tradeoff for getting ordered results 15:32:37 other advantages however are that it would lift several mxr-imposed limitations on free-text searching with glimpse and could be swapped out for something not long-abandoned later on 18:40:41 http://vanilla-js.com/ 19:10:25 nsITobin: thanks for checking 20:29:06 Sompi: absolutely stunning 20:29:28 that is the ONLY js framework 20:29:37 i would ever willingly use 22:42:54 welp 22:42:58 screwed by rust 22:43:00 franstam: 22:43:01 err 22:43:02 frg: 22:43:32 nsITobin can't be. rust is perfect 22:43:45 this program I used to control my GPU fans is rust gtk app and it has some dep somewhere that relies on a dep that makes glic available.. glibc newer than el8 22:44:27 the glibc-sys dep is not a direct dep from lact 22:44:36 well first error is using a rust app for fan control :) 22:44:44 it is the ONLY one 22:44:46 tho 22:44:53 IT is probably in a dependent crate 22:45:25 Is there a toml file available? 22:46:19 its a multi-part program so there are a few cargo.toml files 22:46:25 https://github.com/ilya-zlobintsev/LACT 22:47:12 but I agree using a rust system util is a mistake 22:47:53 i didn't actually think it was rust being gtk app but what do I know.. besides you know rust is just a c++ framework 22:48:09 like PHP is to C 22:50:53 check the Cargo.lock file. It lists all dependencies. 22:51:04 There is a package libc referenced name = "libc" 22:51:18 This might be it but too many to just do a drive by check 22:52:29 https://github.com/ilya-zlobintsev/LACT/blob/master/Cargo.lock#L1238-L1246 22:53:25 this is glib not glibc 22:54:18 yeah sorry .. 22:54:52 glib2 glibc keep getting those swapped 23:06:06 The only direct reference to glibc is in pkg/README.md. If you use a binary might have been compiled with a higher level. 23:06:16 so recompile needed 23:06:50 yeah I am trying to compile that's the issue 23:13:49 ../meson.build:1:0: ERROR: Meson version is 0.58.2 but project requires >= 0.60.0 23:13:49 A full log can be found at /binoc/users/mattatobin/projects/glib-2.78.6/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt 23:13:53 i give up 23:22:04 nsITobin welcome to rust. I am glad that mach vendor rust works in 2.53 now. Too a few dozen backports for this 23:22:29 windows dll hell is noting against crate hell 23:22:43 makes python dep hell and composer seem reasonable 23:48:59 well elrepo ml kernel failed spectacularly even tho its the same version as fedora 39 is running now..