02:11:38 I'm tired tomman i been doing research all day 02:44:16 I now officially hate Pipewire and HDMI 02:44:28 it's 2024, and audio is still miserable on Linux 02:44:40 and it's 2024 and the best you can get on new computers is... Realtek HDA 02:45:11 I can't figure out why the firefox urlbar needs 800 different files and provider things .. you enter a url it sometimes shows autocomplete or search why is it super duper screwed up 02:45:16 modern mozilla sucks 16:23:54 Greetings 16:29:55 nsITobin hello 16:34:45 I was supposed to test the patchqueue for 253 release on the linux today correct? 16:34:51 not wip 16:55:54 nsITobin yes would like to see if elfhack works. 16:57:30 well the long part will be cloning and applying the queue .. I think I can just do LDFLAGS=whatever in mozconfig and it should work 16:57:42 but i dunno 16:57:53 I was always told never to override that stuff 16:59:03 nsITobin maybe try without. As stated mozilla doesn't have it. Hope tha the latest fixes make this not needed but unsure. 17:01:46 frg_Away: do we have https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1423822 17:03:01 yes 17:06:54 looks like just LDFLAGS= in mozconfig should be enough 18:26:47 frg_Away: I can already tell WIP has superior build system patches 18:26:50 vs release 18:28:19 kicked off 18:43:21 yeah but without the optional chaining and new regexp not much good 18:50:51 https://dpaste.org/qddGY/raw 18:50:53 frg_Away: 18:51:44 wip or 2.53? 18:52:29 2.53 18:53:05 when I had elfhack on in wip it built fine but wouldn;t package 19:09:56 frg_Away: anything else you want me to try other than --disable-elf-hack? 19:10:30 nsITobin put another patch in but would only work if linker was bfd during your failure. Otherwise it probably needs updated ldflags as buc suggested. 19:13:08 i changed it from export LDFLAGS= to just LDFLAGS and reran configure and build and it finished but then same error i had before 19:13:44 without it enabled 19:14:01 I don't actually know how or where to set this ' 19:14:07 that is the chief issue 19:14:10 nsITobin with latest patches from just now? 19:15:10 in mozconfig export LDFLAGS="..." 19:17:01 yeah that is what I did with patches cloned an hour or so ago with an elfhack patch at qtip 19:17:47 now in the spec file for fedora it seems to be exported to the environment not via mozconfig 19:17:54 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/seamonkey/blob/rawhide/f/seamonkey.spec#_384 19:19:47 should dend up the same in this case. ymmv 19:20:14 afk for a while 19:20:38 well i don't think we ever used the elf hack in UXP or earlier.. MAYBE access2godzilla did on 24.. so I dunno if it is important to seamonkey 19:21:43 I don't thinbk it ois but just want to know if it works :) 19:22:16 i would assume so in fedora builds 19:22:25 since its being accounted for 19:22:50 but I build "from scratch" first and foremost 19:23:34 https://dpaste.org/69qYS/raw 19:23:39 this is my mozconfig 19:24:52 I'll rerun the patch queue for the updates made 10 minutes ago after i test to make sure i didn't screw it up 19:26:14 My professional opinion as a Mozilla Build System "expert" is .. we are lucky it works at all. BUT least the toolchain is no longer steeped in whispers and dark incantations 19:34:33 frg_Away: with flags exported i get build failure 19:34:42 like in the pastebin 19:34:49 k grabbing updated queue 19:45:52 hi grey_gandalf 19:46:19 hello! 20:22:56 EHLO 20:29:25 hi njsg 21:10:55 frg_Away: same issue 21:11:13 with flags exported i get a build failure during build without i get a package failure 21:13:49 so unless buc can share some additional details on what I should do.. elfhack is busted for me 21:43:04 thanks for testing. Maybe buc can take a look lster.Notloosing much sleep over it. Works without. 21:45:02 frg_Away: no problem