ChefHabe Browser und Email geöffnet. In einer Email-Nachricht ist ein Link angegeben und wenn ich diesen anklicke , erscheint im Browser nur ein leeres Fenster. Was mache ich Falsch?
tommanyay, release~!
therubethank you :-)
nsITobinspectrum pulling crap again so i literally have to terminate service and restart it and go 30 miles into town
nsITobinbe back later on... i hope
nsITobinbtw thans for reviewin mah patches frg_Away
frg_AwaynsITobin first one only. DidnÄt have time yesterday but overall they are good. I changed the subject a bit in gitlab so please check if ok.
frg_Awayand hi
nsITobinfrg_Away: so i have to wait 24 hours or i don't get the promo i was promised so my net will drop and will be out until they reconnect tomorrow
nsITobinyeah I am out of practice for bug titles those are much better
nsITobinduring my frienzied create-a-new-plan-every-week i was like "Do the things for the thing"
nsITobinin my commit titles
nsITobinor "A bunch of stuff I didn't commit"
nsITobinso I get... half a megabit down and THREE UP
nsITobinwell i guess it is better than total discon but still its almost useless
nsITobinexcept for .. well most everything i like that doesn't involve much data pushing