00:00:01 the more I learn about Google WebComponents™, er, CustomElements, the more I wonder on why webdevs are so allergic to server side frameworks nowadays 00:00:20 why punt the complexity to client side, and make JavaScript a hard dependency of it!? 00:05:21 exactly 00:05:28 XBL and XML was the way to go 00:07:04 tomman: one day I will write a lib that eats an XBL-like file and construct the custom element for you 00:10:56 well tomman tell me the logic in prefering HTML because XML syntax checking is too hard or annoying but then its all javascript where every error is fatal 00:11:11 and you get no parsing error and often not even an error page 00:11:15 just a blank white page 00:11:33 why is a blank white page on error better than an XML Parsing Error message 00:18:41 no, it should be a blank page with two words only: Something Happened. 00:18:45 nothing else. 00:18:58 and a ref code 00:19:17 tomman: seriously blank white pages are still a thing for js failures 00:19:46 see, JS even fails at failing! 00:26:55 well javascript is an abomination even eich agrees 00:27:21 but classical use in Mozilla was pretty good until a while ago 12:40:08 Okay so some fuzzy animal musta hit my keyboard lol Good morning everyperson 13:05:38 nsITobin greetings 13:17:51 sup 13:36:05 god I hate mozconfigure 13:37:46 unlike mozbuild it doesn't just operate as sandboxed python it has some strange decorator thing that just screwes with what I expect the execution code paths to be.. its like stuff exists but not but sometimes 13:48:28 finally 13:48:30 'MOZILLA_COMPATVERSION': '"91.0"', 13:48:30 'MOZILLA_COMPATVERSION_U': '91.0', 13:48:41 build/milestone-compat.txt 13:50:01 I thought confvar and I thought configure option with defaults and i already did the pref this is just less of a hassle lol 13:51:18 else I'd be duplicating too much or it being all convoluted 13:52:40 thinking about it .. if you can set site specific user agents why does the user need to twiddle with the compat version on a global level 13:53:38 seems more like something they will forget they have done because it worked and they got on with it at the time and cause more support issues than needed 13:53:51 later 14:30:13 nsITobin some sites alredy give me grief with 91. Thought about trying setting to 128 and see how it goes. 14:30:57 Need to fix theip branch. Private files also sin out of control now on websites. It s*cks. Wonder what is next. Mandatory WASM on all sites probably.... 14:38:22 if wasm was used for things like that damn good winamp clone in html .. i'd be more for it.. but we know it won't be 14:38:55 and why is blackbox js executed code better than isolated (theoretically) plugins? 14:39:53 it's all a bit nuts 14:40:41 Granted I don't subscribe to "but mah security sandbox" very heavily it has its place but I am still struggling to find what is so stellar and better about this stuff vs 10 years ago 14:41:30 it just seems more complicated and shifted around at best 14:43:38 oh my build successfully completed.. lets see if it works now 14:44:42 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.53.20 14:44:56 privacy.resistFingerprinting;true 14:45:02 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:91.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 14:45:19 ... i dropped a parenthisis somewhere 14:47:09 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:91.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 14:47:25 is it supposed to be Windows 7? 14:47:56 I'd think that would make you stand out like a sore thumb these days 14:50:42 eh that's a different patch lol 15:07:57 frg_Away: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=9421942&action=diff 15:08:07 more what you were looking for? 15:30:31 nsITobin yes. Thsnks. Will take a deeper look later. 16:19:18 and patch for 1737436 hardcoded revision and firefox version to use the build var is up but it does depend on the snakeoil patch 16:37:28 Testing 2.53.19 right now and do some backups. Will check both later. Might be something for todays or tomorrows 2.53 for a wider audience. 18:34:59 fun times 18:36:06 i just got back from the store 18:37:55 2.53 is much easier to follow by bug i dunno why I have such an issue with central.. just seems to activate my disaster recovery fix the everything senses i guess 18:43:59 nsITobin just tested 2.53.19. Your bug is next but maybe a bit later. Time flies. 18:44:43 its cool dude just glad to help clear some of the bug queue and move it into the patch queue 18:48:19 I need to resist the urge to be too clever about shit.. going overboard all at once on changes. 18:49:12 so it can be allocated where it really needs it when it is actually needed 18:49:28 if that makes any sense 18:52:35 I could easily get lost on some chunk of the codebase spending days and days doing half a dozen barely related things and yeah it would be great but is it NEEDED that sort of thing 18:53:41 or i can do half a dozen barely related tthings that actually NEED fixed 19:13:01 hiya 19:13:04 ? 19:13:05 hi 19:13:12 ok 19:13:20 it's working right 19:13:23 see y'all 19:13:27 ? 19:13:35 k 19:13:36 lol 23:14:45 Rest well frg 23:15:10 is it time for Saturday Night SeaMonkey? 23:15:17 tomman 23:19:28 Hello Artea