11:10:14 Oh god 12:50:15 Hi TobinWithTooManyNames 12:58:10 good morning 12:58:20 nsITobin greetings 13:26:24 frg_Away: i threw a bunch of links related ssuao from UXP into the log.. as for a UI that shouldn't be too difficult with XUL technology especially seeing as I can reference one of i think moonbat's extensions.. it's a bit crappily designed but I hear it works well luckily I know a few things about UX design .. especially SeaMonkey's 13:28:37 well scratch that extension.. it's GPL for some reason 13:29:04 no matter pref manipulation isn't hard.. 13:29:19 nsITobin swamped as usual. All on the backburner unless I get a patch which applies. There is also Bug 1862395 which i would handle together with it. 13:30:20 that would need a check in useragentoverrides to not do anything if that is set 13:31:21 oh 13:31:29 wait wtf 13:33:12 well you know you have the firefox version for release 56 set to 60 right? 13:34:12 i say.. subst in a value set in confvars 13:34:25 get rid of this hacky math 13:35:16 nsITobin yeah thought about setting a constant. 13:35:29 or that 13:37:40 frg 13:37:56 uint32_t firefoxVersion = appVersion.ToInteger(&rv); 13:38:05 appVersion not platformVersion 13:38:08 maybe 13:38:30 2.whatever -3 ? 13:38:42 = -1 13:39:11 thunderbird matches firefox versions so it would work as expected 13:39:26 if it mattered to thunderbird 13:39:38 i am almost sure that is the cause of the math screwup 13:40:16 appInfo->GetVersion 13:40:29 is that the app or mozilla version tho 13:40:31 checking 13:44:12 has to be appVersion 13:44:18 not platformVersion 13:45:03 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey-2.53/source/xpcom/system/nsIXULAppInfo.idl#32 13:45:04 yep 13:45:54 appInfo->GetVersion gets version which is app version so ye seamonkey's version is being used to calculate a firefox esr version and that is why it is broken 13:46:21 yeahh has been broken for ages 13:48:12 I dunno why this isn... yes i do 13:48:21 i know exactly why this isn't using the xpcom interface 13:48:28 and calling xreappdata directly 13:48:38 or whatever 13:50:12 of course even if fixed it will operate on a value of 60 not 56 and even then the esr version is so old hardly anthing is fixed so... i return to recommend trashing it and just having a constant 13:50:38 hardly anything would be fixed by it* 13:51:55 it sure is one of those roadblocks to having not-thunderfox 13:52:36 But i defer to an old Mythbuster's saying.. when in doubt? C4. 14:37:58 frg_Away: so which do you want "fixed" or fixed 14:38:29 fixed version as in constant 14:38:30 one being as intended and the other being as actually needed 14:38:37 ye 14:40:17 Its not really supported and snakeoil too. I would rather rip all this out but this will start a ton of discussions. You will be tracked anyway with or without resist fingerprinting. 14:40:18 frg_Away: as long as you make sure to unapply the patches before switching using multiple queues on workbench is pretty smooth 14:41:19 i dunno if it will error out or qfinish it for you if you switch with applied patches 14:42:23 revisios are unknown. It will not end well. You then need to delete the status file and do a purge and clean up. 14:42:57 Happend to me a few times when I accidently overwrote the status file. Can be recovered but time consuming. 14:43:07 frg_Away: If it was Pale Moon, pitch forks and violant forum posts unless there was something Latest and Greatest to take over for it plus a long winded post explaining it no one will read.. Luckily this isn't Pale Moon 14:43:29 but it is classical mozilla so always a risk 14:44:26 and of course normally I'd be deployed to intemidate users into stopping complaining for no reasons creating a distraction larger than the issue its self.. thus resolving it.. 14:45:18 i doubt that will work on mozillazine LOL 14:45:25 or for me 14:45:27 sooo 14:46:10 wrong vm 14:48:16 frg_Away: do you want just a simple hard coded constant or do you want it tied to something else? and what value to start? 14:50:50 What does mozilla do currently? I think they set ti to a constant or not? 14:51:03 I'll check 14:52:50 That is why I wnated it to fix with the ua overrides. VCurrently setting 91.0 but scattered over in the code in 2 places. 14:53:14 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/quantum-dev/source/toolkit/components/resistfingerprinting/nsRFPService.cpp#899 14:53:17 refactored 14:54:22 MOZILLA_UAVERSION 14:54:30 oh there it is 14:54:33 yeah 14:56:19 seems they are using the current version so would be 91.0 for now as in our ua. 14:56:22 'MOZILLA_UAVERSION': '"60.0"', 14:56:42 milestone.txt controls those defines 14:56:53 values* 14:58:51 we need it tied to general.useragent.compatMode.version 14:59:12 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey-2.53/source/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpHandler.cpp#476 14:59:18 uarghhh... 14:59:25 and it was me :) 14:59:53 that should also be tied to the pref 14:59:55 lol 15:00:09 yeah or constant used in the file 15:00:27 was something quick and dirty. 15:00:31 yeah 15:05:39 some of this stuff I can just rainman it other stuff confuses the HELL out of me 15:17:25 in UXP we did a bunch of other crap to the UA like app can be build id instead of version and added a gecko compat slice cause the gre slice was renamed to goanna but you don't need all that crap I figure set a confvar value which sets the pref default value and then the pref prevails.. simple and clean 16:05:12 ugh frg_Away waiting for a build i didn;t actually start... 16:05:56 I am new to virtual desktops :P yeah I know right? 16:06:21 not the concept but using them effectively 16:09:41 nsITobin all depends on the host too. With vbox and 2 cpus I can actually do 2 builds at once becuase of 2 more or less independent numa nodes. 16:10:25 currently still slap dab in the middle of fedora 39 unfortently 16:10:40 its only a matter of me building an entire distro from source 16:11:02 and vmware 16:11:19 I have attempted multiple builds before but the bottleneck for me is disk io 16:11:26 not ram so much or cpuz 16:13:32 6 cores, 16gbs ram 16:14:00 cause I also run paint shop pro and some webdev off tthe SM one.. the clone for central is just that 16:16:04 config.status and a cursory objdir check is a great way to figure something out about the build system without actually waiting for it to build as expected 17:34:17 Google Photos don't work with Seamonkey anymore. It only asks to log in and doesn't let see the pictures 17:34:35 With Firefox it just shows the photos without asking to log in, even in privacy mode 17:34:59 So they are showing different content to different browsers 17:35:24 And it only seems to happen with certain photos, and some photos are displayed normally also on Seamonkey... 17:36:15 Sompi: could be worse 17:36:29 Google Docs finally broke here, and worse, you get stuck at a reload prompt 17:38:18 Why are they serving different content to different browsers when the page itself clearly works on Seamonkey? 17:39:01 Sompi: check the actual image encoding 17:39:09 also play with ssuaos 17:43:14 Earlier I thought that the stylesheets of Google Photos are somehow broken on Seamonkey, but apparently it looks just the same on Firefox so it's supposed to look that way... 17:43:34 No contrast, no indication of what is a link and what isn't 17:44:06 How can I see the image format? 17:44:29 They are using JavaScript to show the image and the browser does not recognize it as a normal image element 17:45:24 Nevermind, I got the link to the actual image via inspector 17:45:42 It is just a normal JPEG image and Seamonkey can show it just fine 17:46:03 But if I go to the actual webpage with Seamonkey, it just redirects to the login prompt 17:47:26 And that only happens with some specific images, and with some other images Seamonkey users are allowed to view them normally 17:48:52 can you check the encoding on em 17:48:59 "Identifying as Firefox" seems to fix it... 17:49:03 nsITobin: What encoding? 17:49:08 on the image 17:49:14 maybe some are some new format 17:49:24 and others are webp and png 17:49:27 and jpg 17:49:33 does seamonkey have webp 17:49:36 it should? 17:49:36 The problematic image is this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/U6TDgEXAciwE1PqB8 17:49:42 It is just a normal JPEG image 17:50:03 If I try to load that page with SeaMonkey, it just redirects to a login page 17:50:14 Identifying as Firefox and then opening it in a private window works 17:50:32 "image/jpeg" 17:50:52 it does work in IBM Qauntumnewt aka Pale Moon 17:51:35 and works as-is on seamonkey on linux 17:52:05 Maybe it's then somehow tied to my identity and not exactly a browser thing 17:52:30 you have adverisize as firefox right? 17:52:34 in the preferences 17:52:45 I toggled it on and it started working in private mode 17:53:17 yeah google already discriminates against non-blink 17:53:27 firefox is a barely maintained exception 17:54:16 also works on wip 17:55:18 wasn't this checkboxes not too long ago? 17:56:17 I like it. 17:57:09 Sompi: identifing as JUST SeaMonkey it works on private and otherwise 17:57:11 on WIP 17:57:15 so .. 17:57:54 Why is modern web like this... 17:58:03 because we let it happen 17:58:12 I feel responsible 17:58:15 anyway 17:58:25 I don't use other Google services than Youtube 18:04:48 and I always write my own webpages so that they don't discriminate against any browser 18:09:38 historically just targeting basic mozilla compat was enough cause if it worked in Mozilla it tended to work everywhere save IE6 edge cases 19:24:42 https://logbot.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey/20240827#c5587 I wouldn't mind betting he really, really dislikes you too. 19:29:47 to be fair that was under the banner of the moonpeople so that MAY have had a thing cause I didn't become the asshole I am recovering from until well after he was a dick 19:29:55 oh he left 19:32:42 it was when Pale Moon changed its guid so very early on and he was like massively rude to me when I was reaching out to extension developers for future support he took all my posts and merged them into a single thread and then shoved it out of the way... after that he was hostile from then on 19:36:14 it's why I stopped posting on Mozillazine 19:40:08 I write my web pages mostly to the xhtml spec (only deviating when there are Good Reasons) and test in Gecko and Webkit. I stopped bothering about IE support years ago and have never cared about MS Edge. 19:40:33 If they support web standards, they should be fine. 19:40:56 jonadab: xhtml/1.0 transitional the best seems to quirk its way into cross-browser support nicely vs trying str8 html 5 19:41:15 HTML 5 doesn't add anything I care about. 19:41:31 i mean video and audio tags are cool but those have baggage as well 19:41:54 The one thing I want that XHTML doesn't have, is the ability to embed block-level elements in a paragraph. I work around that by using
as my standard "paragraph" markup. Which is annoying, but it's the best option I've found. 19:41:55 dunno why we needed several specialized divs and why it isn't xml-based 19:42:22 wouldn't a span do the job? 19:43:00 It's possible to style a span to be block-level, but why do that when div exists? 19:44:48 good question 19:44:59 why don't we have vbox and hbox in html 19:45:02 that would be useful 19:45:18 I can't fathom the logic behind why

is block-level but not allowed to contain block-level elements. What, the XHTML authors have never put a blockquote or bulleted list inside a paragraph, really? Dunno. 19:45:33 But that's the only thing XHTML lacks that I want. 19:46:37 My preferred method for audio and video files is Get the foo video here. 19:46:56 frg_Away: please confirm current latest patch in wip comm queue is Moonchild's patch cause the normal stop is above the ipdl work 19:47:08 I understand why YouTube doesn't want to do it that way. They want to show advertisements to pay their bills. I get that. But I'm not them. 19:47:43 nsITobin it is. Put it into 2.53.19 too. 19:47:57 cool just wanted to make sure my script or system didn't screw up some how 19:48:08 I will move it around later. Need to align with 2.53 again. 19:48:14 no problem at all 20:14:56 this is how webpages should be: http://sininenankka.dy.fi/leetos/ 20:16:45 Similar examples: http://www.slackware.com/ https://www.openbsd.org/ 20:18:29 Sompi: is BinOC and co too fancy? 20:18:30 lol