00:22:40 # lsof | grep monk | wc -l 00:22:41 20770 00:22:43 :~( 00:22:45 There are no open SM windows. I X-d out the 3 there were. seamonkey CPU pegged to 50%. :( 00:26:18 over half those open files are fonts 00:26:52 it makes sense a browser would have an open handle to fonts 00:28:21 lots of open files are to Wifi\x20M, but there is no Wifi in the installation 00:30:00 670 lines contain string Hang 00:31:26 should I just kill the pid, or is there a better way to shut it down? 00:32:36 it seems to be tying up about 20G RAM 00:33:06 or maybe 17G 00:37:11 Who in here would seriously help fund training an unrestricted AI on all relevant Mozilla documentation? 00:39:15 and commit history 01:08:12 MrMazda: if you closed everything and CPU usage is high, then I'd say kill 01:08:56 MrMazda: there are a couple conditions where the process can start having higher CPU usage, and IIRC when that happens it also comes tied with the process not terminating 01:09:34 0706|01:25:49 <+Culex> it makes sense a browser would have an open handle to fonts <-- the interesting thing in that statement is that I'm sure some would have the opinion that all fonts should be webfonts :-P 01:10:24 I, for one, find it sad that one needs to have more work to have a font loaded from the local system when it exists locally, and it has been specified as a webfont 01:11:10 njsg: webfonts DO help with cross-platform consistancy.. but there are some cons 01:20:01 I killed, then rebooted, and it seems to be OK 01:32:29 I don't think the web should have "cross-platform consistency" in that regard, I still think that goes strongly against what the web is 01:59:53 njsg: the fact is webfonts can't die until every computer in existances has verdana.. once that happens I won't need any other fonts 02:00:15 tho redhat display is nice 02:49:40 Verdana is a scourge, never used here when I can help it, which is pretty close to 100%. 02:51:17 Droid Sans is my preference, while serif and demis where every glyph seems to incorporate a pure circle get the same treatment as Verdana. 02:53:30 I don't remember since so long thought about, but I may have primary profiles set to discourage or block downloaded/web fonts to favor Droid. 02:54:02 Artsy I don't need 02:56:45 it's kinda hilarious that Google Droid fonts are the new core fonts for the Internet :D 02:56:55 Google just needs to reinvent Comic Sans and the circle of life will be complete 02:57:09 ...or maybe not, hipsters wouldn't appreciate it 09:37:37 my preference is Adobe Helvetica, but that says more about font rendering than font design... 12:32:42 Hi nsITobin I am at Bug 1441651 Part 2 12:35:39 I don't know exactly why I didn't get the notice in the browser profile I've been using (perhaps it's NoScript?), but in another profile I got an on-screen notice that Microsoft is now apparently planning to remove the lightweight OWA webmail... 12:36:22 (this is not the heavy takes-several-seconds-to-load probably-requires-accelerated-graphics blue envelope webmail, this is the interface from when the webmail was called Outlook Web Access) 12:40:46 arghh needs Bug 1512990 12:46:58 didn't know they still had the old frontend around njsg 12:47:38 njsg: ask me why oauth2 was what killed Interlink not MCP. 12:48:35 mrnhmath: I think it's only available in exchange-style accounts, not hotmail.com, it's at /owa/ instead of /mail/ and might require an IE6 UA to avoid a redirect 12:49:11 i miss the_bot 12:49:25 he used to gruble about c++ and tell us what bug numbers are 12:49:55 Guess I should break out the ol' crappy php irc bot and get it to resolve bug numbers 12:51:11 frg_Away: 1512990 looks tedious but not overly complicated 12:52:18 likewise for deps of it 12:52:32 of coirse I am assuming the code is reletively applicable as-is 12:52:43 how's the reality of it in compairson frg_Away 12:53:10 need to check. 50/50 I assume 12:54:49 i was also assuming manual porting 12:58:24 part 4 looks tendious 13:07:50 bz has slowed the fuck down 13:07:57 unless its fine for you 13:19:45 HA 502 13:21:13 what 13:21:16 how.. 13:21:55 "I accidentally closed a window with >50 bugzilla tabs open", not sure that has ever happened to me but probably yes 13:22:19 no how did THIS patch get uploaded.. I haven't even ever exported this patch 13:22:30 ugh 13:22:50 OH 13:23:37 nsITobin You mean the top one? grabbed it from uxp applied with qpush rebased qrefresh and changed the header to hg. 13:23:49 yeah I did.. and why it got uploaded is due to the poor design of the GTK3 File Chooser (and my habit of calling everything patch.diff) 13:24:29 GTK3 filechooser defaults to "recent files" and its sorting is always messed up.. 13:24:53 nsITobin just displayed it in the browser and added ptach to the url. 13:25:01 ^.patch 13:25:16 nice trick in case you didn't know this one. 13:25:38 yeah but I did it manually cause it didn't apply cleanly when git tried to apply it 13:25:50 you have superior patching skills 13:26:08 that is why I use hg mq. Way easier to rebase 13:27:56 /mnt/0xA1D/binoc/workstation/projects/hash.patch 13:28:14 Windows data partition. 13:28:29 New rule. No Bugzilla when tired. 13:28:34 will solve everything. 13:29:23 this isn't unprecidented but merely unacceptable ;) 13:31:43 frg_Away: +r but I gotta go to the store and get provisions will return 15:44:35 back 15:46:01 so yeah it is identical 15:46:31 I am gonna boot into winders.. 16:05:42 I am in windows now if anyone needs anything tested or whatever 16:06:12 nsITobin: when you said it shows "recent files" by default, is that really gtk+3 (well, if inside seamonkey should be nowadays...) - I'm wondering why don't I have a setting in place for that... 16:06:38 nsITobin: ah yes, sounds like I was right on time for the cue to ask something re: GNOME/linux :-P 16:07:07 that's it.. 16:07:11 that's the missing piece 16:07:16 Gnome/Linux 16:07:24 that is EXACTLY what they are doing overall 16:07:31 Thank you njsg 16:07:57 I prefer BinOC/Linux but failing that not existing closer to GNU/Linux than Gnome/Linux 16:09:16 Well njsg SeaMonkeyOS can be a thing 16:09:51 my approach to GNU/Linux is to use it when I mean GNU userland on top of Linux, I think it'd then make sense to use GNOME/Linux, systemd/Linux, etc. And I don't mean pejoratively, I mean to address something that concerns that specific combination. 16:09:58 a small distro who's job it is to ONLY build and run seamonkey lol 16:10:12 although from me it can be hard not to get a bit angry when it concerns the GTK file picker. 16:10:33 * njsg has bad memories from when they introduced a new one that wanted to sniff. every. file. all the time 16:10:40 well at least KDE just copies one version or another of the Windows Common Dialog 16:10:47 have to give it that.. I GUESS 16:11:01 KDE or Qt? 16:11:29 I think Qt has a file picker that looks like the one from comdlg32.dll. But now that I think of it I don't even know if I've recently looked into what KDE offers as a file picker 16:11:52 (unlike GTK, I think Qt has its own file picker, instead of offering the same thing GNOME wants to use?) 16:13:05 well for qt5 you basically have to use kde frameworks for most modern stuff else it is a slog.. 16:14:51 but i believe the common dlg is in qt but kde also has one based off dolphin 16:14:58 or it looked like it 16:15:13 what, requiring kde frameworks, that'd deal a blow to one of the advantages of qt 16:15:29 nsITobin: no idea if this works, and no idea how to edit it without DBus https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1519687#p1519687 16:15:45 I have some settings set but it's gconf, which according to that forum topic must then be gtk+2 too 16:15:58 I don't mind gtk2's file picker 16:16:09 I'm puzzled because given how much that file picker annoys me, I'd expect to have had to configure it already 16:16:26 maybe I just don't use any gtk+3 application where I need to use the gtk file picker 16:16:30 but gnome gimpped the gtk3 one also progressively removed options just like how they progressively break themes cause tthey want to do away with it entirely 16:17:12 i mean njsg this is the same old story 16:17:37 I seriously have come to believe the 2010s set us back 20-30 years 16:17:40 overall 16:18:05 in getting where humanity generally should be getting to socially, technologically, just across the board.. 16:19:09 why else would any of us find 10-20 year old tech even if it isn't yet capable of everything expected today is still objectively BETTER. 16:22:55 I can't reproduce the starting in recent files mode, but might be a specific invocation of the file picker (if so compare e.g. with opening a file in composer?), and I hope that dconf pointer is helpful, startup-mode cwd would hopefully emulate the configuration fix I have for gtk+3 16:23:41 every GTK3 file picker ALWAYS goes to Recent Files, refuses to keep sorting correct, etc 16:23:54 oh and maybe I should indeed test with Gimp, might be that then, some do not set the location 16:24:01 it hampers my ability to use gui file pickers 16:24:03 nsITobin: including from inside SeaMonkey? 16:24:25 i dunno 16:24:42 i'd have to boot back to linux to check 16:25:22 but I'd assume so. 16:26:08 this is Fedora 39 gtk3 version uhh.. 3.24.41 16:26:56 of all the GTK3 file managers only nemo works properly in terms of remembering and applying default view and storting settings 16:27:46 it's pretty pathetic actually since stack overflow and everything is full of reports about it and no one does spit 16:28:03 trackers forums stack overflow etc 16:28:43 doesn't the codebase have a XUL file picker? Why can't we use that? 16:30:57 thanks for installing copilot on my machine microsoft... 16:31:34 if you run windows and have vs check the installed components.. I think Microsoft is making decisions on our behalf again about installed software. 16:33:53 nsITobin: I use that XUL file picker every day :-P 16:34:31 ui.allow_platform_file_picker -> false 16:35:10 I think SeaMonkey needs a file manager 16:35:12 component 16:37:47 seamonkey file picker seems to set the inital directory 16:37:53 but it is gtk3 16:38:50 seems like most apps don't bother to keep track of or set where to look for files 16:38:56 including msedge 16:40:50 https://github.com/lah7/gtk3-classic?tab=readme-ov-file#file-chooser 16:40:55 sound good lol 16:58:00 nsITobin Bug 1512990 is a bit much for this weekend. Part 1 is fine but part 2 needs x changes. I suspect so are 3 plus 4. 16:58:23 ah 16:59:19 more than the dep bug you think? 17:01:17 yeah I am pretty sure Bug 1515437 needs done before 1512990 17:01:49 A 1000 small changes scattered. 17:01:57 yeah tediousness 17:02:11 but is it all applicable? cause if so I can attempt the gruntwork 17:03:52 The python scripts should be done first. Rest might be gruntwork only. Might be missing formatting mostly but makes no sense to format all the directories. Would be needed to be rebased constantly then until we are at 67 with the other directories. 17:04:15 which scripts? 17:04:30 oh part 1 17:04:48 Did part 1. Part 2 17:05:38 Needed only to rebase one small part for part 1 17:06:03 unless I a mistaken part 2 won't work because 1515437 changes stuff from override to virtual 17:06:23 yeah needs to go in first it seems. 17:06:39 I honestly don't know for sure.. its my gut feeling tho 17:06:52 it's* 17:08:04 well Bug 1515437 needs a 100% rebase too 17:08:50 is it just not alined enough? 17:08:56 Formatting again. 17:09:00 oh THAT 17:09:32 ... maybe we should clangformat the platform tree leave comm nsFormatted 17:09:55 or selectively format perhaps where needed 17:10:00 the hotpaths 17:10:42 nsITobin that is what I did with js and intl but was more or less already at 67a1 17:11:50 i'd say clangformat dom layout and toolkit as well 17:17:08 https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/d900e4a27954 small patch tho 17:41:30 nsITobin I am with you but currently need to do it via esr115. Highly manual and needs to be repeated when there are changes. 17:47:56 how would you even do that 17:48:52 syncing the cpp and h files via total commander and then syncing them back. First stel delete the esr115 cpp and h files. 17:50:26 clangformat is a sh*t show. Downloads artifacts so doubt we will be able to have this working in 2.53 anytime soon. 17:50:47 so you are altering esr115's history to produce patches for the modified codebase you produce now 17:51:07 or am i still missing a piece of it 17:51:15 No just the current directory structure. can do a hg revert any time I want 17:51:51 copy over 2.53 files do clang format and copy them back. 17:52:01 OH 17:52:12 right 17:52:28 sounds like a SECOND reason to have ESR115 The Build System Only lol 17:53:07 windows toolchain installation and access to the build system secondary tools from a newer codebase 17:54:20 pretty sure it will get broken soon esr102 chokes. Tried this first. It downloads packages from mozilla which might be deleted and replaced with newer version. This is only really supported on central 17:54:40 frg_Away: well I can do something about that 17:55:26 strip down esr115 to build system only, grab all deps and have them available too.. 17:55:42 modify said build system to get em from a RELIABLE store not mozilla 17:55:56 I wonder if I should try to do the clang format from esr 115 with files outside its source tree. Would make it easier. 17:56:27 frg_Away: I dunno if it will allow it.. 17:56:35 Unfortunately this totally ignores files which whould not be reformatted like autogenerated and third party oney. 17:57:15 on windows a junction is transparent to msys1.. vista style symlinks however are not 17:57:37 so you can use junctions to link crap in 17:57:58 unless you wanna re-add external source dir support 17:58:06 and old school comm the bastard 17:59:18 I think I am gonna do the esr115 bs stripdown.. heh bs 18:00:03 mozbs 18:03:51 ftr XP_TOBIN is my almost-always-on-craptop and nsITobin is my workstation where I can actually do things aside from browse and maybe watch videos and irc 18:18:23 this is already more annoying than esr45 lol 19:27:35 hey configure completed successfully 19:27:47 had to remove JS configure 19:28:04 its a bit screwy in 115 the js subconfigure it seems 19:30:25 there we go a successful build of.. a few header files lol 19:30:31 now to widdle it down more 19:41:23 I am pushing the stuff to github and will try it on windows after I eat my sandwich 19:42:20 https://github.com/binaryoutcast/mozbuild-115 19:43:57 that inital work didn't take too too long at all.. thank you eXPerence! 21:15:29 ohh 21:15:39 bootstrap is dependant on taskcluster/ci 21:15:45 guess I better include it