14:53:56 var tobin = Components.classes["@binaryoutcast.com/service/irc"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsITobin); 15:00:50 var tobin = Services.tobin; 15:04:49 frg_Away: I'd like to maintain a patch for seamonkey to reinstate classic.jar (in jar.mn) instead of toolkit.jar for skin resources so that the build system can be persuaded to generate reference default skin jars so people have a decent chance at rebuilding the theme library once you guys have an add-ons site of your very own. 15:07:13 I have seen it mentioned in places recently in my research of what people outside this channel may be wanting as well 15:07:48 they want much and do nothing :) 15:10:01 well we don't have a Ryan (Lootyhoof) to do 30 themes for seamonkey so if they want em they are gonna have to learn how but breaking into omnija is a bit much .. and you'd have to do it for 2-3 versions .. its a bit of a barrior before you even touch any css. 15:11:09 most of the old themes are missing quite a bit especially in the toolkit area 15:13:58 frg_Away: were you gonna keep modern integrated or were you planning to eventually make it an external theme? 15:14:37 no changes planned 15:15:52 There are pros and cons to both.. the number ONE pro to keeping modern integrated is it will completely skin everything and bypass crap gtk styling 15:16:05 or Windows styling 15:16:37 the other pro is .. you gained another maintainer for the modern skin.. i love the son of a bitch. 15:18:56 the third pro less work to update the internal skin. 15:30:02 there is some work that could go into the modern skin.. if we can resolve the color scheme to css variables and also finish making sure all images like toolbar icons don't have backgrounds we could then write an extension or component and give modern a changable palette 15:33:47 I am a bit of a css dummy. need completre patches and a corresponding bug to test 16:01:30 well for simplicity sake consider how modern is this lighter steel blue and everything is a variation on that.. if each of the colors is assigned to a css variable and you change the variable value then you change every place that color is used. With the ease of xul tech you could then just make a color selector window for each color var and then save it to a preference that gets read and applied making Modern a universal style in your color scheme. 16:04:41 make it light grey, solaris purple, that horrible pink and mint green scheme from Firefox color.. oh and it doesn't involve the web at all.. just enhancing and using what already exists to bring extra benefit. 16:12:32 well it all sounds reasonable coming back into my head as it did while in my head so I will put it on the list. I feel it has benefit. 17:57:05 nsITobin do you have VS2022 instlled? Didn't compile in VS2019: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-esr68/source/js/src/jit/VMFunctions.cpp#113 17:57:22 c2440. clang is fine. 17:58:08 msvc disliked the void* 17:59:10 Personally Idislike this code as being a bit too clever and depending on specific compilers to figure it out right... 21:31:30 tomman: oh my god https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/06/modern-web-technologies/ 21:31:38 tomman: see the top comment... 21:31:57 does the guy realize where he's commenting? 21:32:28 > Jeff Atwood 21:32:35 > the asshole that made Dischorse, er, Discourse 21:32:39 checks 21:33:02 I'm surprised JWZ hasn't chewed his ass yet 21:34:07 > If they're running Rails main branch, it now requires browser versions from last December: Chrome 120, Safari 17.2 21:34:12 added to the blacklist, yes 21:36:45 ...oh, but JWZ did chewed some web boy down the thread, sadly it wasn't Atwood :/ 21:37:35 > This program is a god damned TODO list. It puts things in columns with checkboxes next to them. It's not rocket science. It's not Fallout. It's not even Breakout. It's not even VisiCalc . 22:45:24 shit.. sorry frg i was away.. I do have it on windows. 22:49:07 another comment "not supporting Safari 13 is really not an unusual or unreasonable position for a web app." jzw: Counterpoint: eat a bag of dicks. 22:49:30 and people question my status as emboding the Netscape Beast? 22:50:52 my guess is that jwz is just way too tired of that kind of boilerplate reaction from the web incompatibility crowd 22:51:25 he is our lord and savior.. until he opened a nightclub 22:51:54 so looks like I will have to do a chunk of it lol 22:52:00 maybe we should rent his nightclub once :P 22:52:21 a seamonkey meetup at jzw's club? what could possibly go right? 22:52:38 emolument your bartenders~! 22:52:50 * njsg imagines a weekend-long hackaton that ends with an Emacs clone in XUL 22:53:02 gross but I'll allow it. 22:53:47 I am seriously considering officially going by nsITobin everywhere i am not just Matt A. Tobin 23:49:49 hmm... https://caniuse.com/css-revert-value