01:38:05 does anyone know whats the use of having so many copies of edge, edgewebview, edgecore in the c:\program files (x86) folder? 01:38:25 like 1 copy of edge is enough, webview cannot survive without copies of itself? 04:17:10 https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/24/mozilla_product_chief_sues_over/ gawd, Mozilla CxO drama! 04:18:06 > desire to increase profit margins at Mozilla 04:18:10 WHAT. 05:49:13 ok 05:49:40 hope this will wake up mozilla idea and make them a viable competitor to chromisms again someday 05:49:53 classic xul addons ..... were the bomb 10:47:16 it's hardly debatable that extensions are a huge thing that increases the possibilities with the browser/mail-news client/... 10:47:45 to the extent maybe it'll get people arguing against it in the same way some bully anyone who dares not use wayland or dares have use cases wayland does not cover 11:02:03 «He's further credited with growing Mozilla's advertising business, and AI capabilities, and with reducing investment in the money-losing Pocket service.» so not only they've sidelined him, they're also insulting him? 11:02:56 s@they've@& reportedly@ - after all I'm just reading that article... 12:49:04 njsg: I'd go ask mozilla about this article but i am sure it is off topic 12:51:45 SOUNDS like party politcs using cancer as a reason to get rid of someone 12:52:33 poor guy likely caught cancer from working at mozilla.. disgusting story 12:57:12 sigh 13:09:46 usually two sides of the coin aand the truth in between when it comesto such lawsuites. He would wanted them paint deep black for it. Will b interesting to see the outcome. 13:11:26 Truth is a three-edge sword. 13:13:39 The reference to head cuts in production is intersting. That is what I think will happen again with github. Getting rid if infra and system staff 13:14:30 frg_Away: Do you believe I should mirror my repos on my own forge instance even if it isn't public cause github could crap out? 13:16:15 Personally I dislike github so much taht I am biased :) I would see that you have an up to date copy around locally so all shhould be good in case of a github outage 13:16:47 I am far more conserned with geting screwed over by 2fa 13:37:08 did you mean "SPF" 13:38:47 i mean i shouldn't have to show my papers to do stuff and my personal access code is sufficient for me. 13:58:31 someone should write an authiticator extension for seamonkey 13:58:57 could likely just abuse the password store to store the token to generate from 14:10:39 0625|14:10:27 <+nsITobin> Truth is a three-edge sword. <-- truth is a pentalobe iSword 14:11:11 nsITobin: the good thing about DVCS is that you do get to mirror easily, at least for the repository. Now yes, there's a bunch besides that 14:11:32 and that's usually what people end up wanting to overuse when they want github, not git... 16:10:11 the only issue is gogs/gitea is streigned with codebases as large as UXP and sm is larger and m-c even larger still.. i can't do massive trees on a locally hosted forge 16:10:23 unless its like gitlab or something