MattATobinholy shit
MattATobinsorry.. anyway I been reading through Phoebus, Phobos/Ascendant code and damn I next leveled just before it all fell down.. This is good code. github.com/mattatobin/ascendant/blob/TRUNK/modules/classXPInstall.php
njsgwhat did DuckDuckGo shove AI into now?
MattATobinI am surprised I commented it so well as well
MattATobinnjsg: There is most of the basics for any add-ons site right there lol
MattATobinjust a second, I have to get my slaveglass to prove i can make it public
MattATobinnjsg: try now
MattATobinwha what is el's deal?
njsgmy guess would be IRC client sending too many commands at once
ContributorTobinas an oper he should be immune to that
ContributorTobinleast I am on mah network
ContributorTobinno one is gonna tell me how many commands I can send ... not even me
njsgtry MSCC, IIRC the server software crashes it or at least makes it unable to use the connection
njsgunless that has since been changed
ContributorTobinircv3 features crash android clients
ContributorTobincause they are all crap or old
ContributorTobinnjsg: these two items make it possible for me to make a Mozilla Add-ons Site and be completely proper to the client. github.com/mattatobin/ascendant/blo…NK/modules/nsIVersionComparator.php
ContributorTobinthat i got from an unrelated project
ContributorTobini salvaged from remora
ContributorTobintho it has been around since the earliest days of update.mozilla.org
ContributorTobinI never could get a copy of remora to actually work like InstantBird did..
ContributorTobinbut who wants expired php fish cake from 2006
ContributorTobincertainly not el
ContributorTobinhe is excessive about it
ContributorTobinjoin #libera
ContributorTobinseems like sound effects someone may have when someone enters and leaves the channel
ContributorTobinanyway yeah its kinda a trip refamilarizing my self with Add-ons Site internals after all this time. Little tough when its a special case for something I wanted to do to make things better but yeah
frg_Awaymom it didn't crash: