01:26:47 https://hotwired.dev/ wow, a kid rediscovered/reinvented AJAX! 01:41:07 tomman: https://youtu.be/jKA5IKOq-7s have 9 minutes of Tobin running Linux 03:27:51 HELP! I need an English version!!1 03:28:36 an English version of... what? 03:29:12 dreamweaver 03:29:35 wrong channel for that then 03:29:53 channel?? 03:31:03 Uh, I doubt there is a channel for Adobe products on this network 03:31:25 you're better asking for help at an Adobe community forum or something, since Dreamweaver is an Adobe product 03:31:27 what can i do? 03:31:30 and AFAIK it has been discontinued for years 03:32:13 i need a free site find and replace 03:36:40 internet archive added a tag to all my files 03:37:03 i dont bknow what tondo 03:38:49 i dont know what to do 03:39:39 i have a 699+ page site and photos and videos 03:40:15 again, this is the wrong channel for your question - this is a support channel for SeaMonkey, a web browser 03:40:35 (and email client, and a bunch of other tools, including a HTML editor that nobody really uses nowadays) 03:41:52 i built the site in the 90's with html 03:42:13 withdreamweaver 03:44:24 sea monkey find and replace is confusing' 03:45:23 i was sent by google 03:50:43 please steer me to a html free editor 03:52:18 Plenty of stuff these days 03:52:33 although the popular stuff is hardly lightweight 03:53:03 I use Netbeans, but then I'm a Java dev that does webapps, so not exactly the best option 03:53:24 there is also VSCode, but... uuugh, that one is HEAVY, but it's what kids love using today 03:53:29 how can i revise me huge content please 03:53:40 and since HTML is text, you can use whatever text editor you like 03:54:18 i cant find one 03:55:20 are you serious!? 03:57:06 can you suggest one i can google asnd works on windows 10/ 03:57:48 something light? Notepad++. Something heavy but popular? VSCode. 03:57:52 now, go~ 03:59:56 gone with the wind~! 08:00:30 sounded like a bot 08:00:40 also, I'm going with coffee, no bacon 08:00:45 would change the taste too much 08:01:06 or, let me reword it: caffeinated bacon, but instead of bacon, add more coffee 14:32:57 frg_Away: Good morning 14:33:17 CaptainTobin Greetings 14:34:31 so for this add-ons site can we expect some exporting by the thunderbird team or do I need to be dusting off my amo apiv3 scraping stuffs 14:41:37 cause actually the most tedious part besides making sure the web fe can't be exploited is doing a migration/import to populate the thing. 14:42:59 so far the day has not come. All up i the air Ithink. Unless IanN already inquired nothing don yet. 14:43:27 bbl. need a reboot 14:51:18 so xpiprovider in your platform is now soley tracking extension types by name 14:51:30 not a bitwise value 14:51:49 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey-2.53/source/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm#202 14:51:53 what a mess lol 14:53:05 frg_Away: are you using rdf locales and dictonaries or webex? 14:53:15 yeahh picked sone patches but not all too. 14:54:15 locales are now webext. Not sure if rdf ones still work but don't think dso. dictionaries should both work unless i screwed up porting stuff. 14:54:34 which are used on atbn? 14:54:39 webex dicts or rdf? 14:55:57 Later ones are usualy webext. But some old ones should still be there and in rdf. 14:57:06 frg_Away: now in Pale Moon the project the soley responsible for langpack dist .. are users allowed to submit langpacks as policy or current capability? 14:59:10 CaptainTobin I know exactly one language pack and that was for cZ. IanN and I had some funwith it. It is now integrated. The SeaMonky language pack is no longer updated there. 15:09:54 so.. xpinstall types 2 4 and 64 assume extension if no type.. and find a way to parse manifest.json to determine type.. 15:10:50 assume extension is default.. and look for keys theme and dictonary near as I can tell 15:37:45 and another reboot 15:40:40 frg_Away: problems? 15:41:58 MattATobin no just needed to install the nvme driver in my Winodws 7 boot partition. "New" laptop Lrnovo P50 15:42:09 ah 15:42:11 ^Lenovo 15:43:03 seems MS forked up installing a fingerprint reader in Server 2019. Only problem left. 16:01:39 so unless it changes I am just gonna continue considering langpacks and dicts something the project provides so only those with Admin privs can update them.. which basically simplifies rdf type checking to just 4 and 64 (theme and dict) and assume everything else is an extension for rdf manifested types 16:10:22 here we go.. thought I lost this https://dpaste.org/ruHtj/raw 16:13:30 of course xpinstall update types are .. extension theme and .. item 16:13:31 lol 16:30:00 personas bahhh... 16:38:56 lightweight themes 16:41:02 an idea for the now cancelled Phobos successor to Phoebus was to introduce some additional virtual types which for simplicity of parsing and code paths would be submitted as XPIs read and unpacked and served things like the Personas user scripts user styles etc 16:42:02 avoiding stuff like trying to store style and scripts in databases through post submit and the horror show that can bring 16:43:41 there is a lot of potental that just went untapped because of other conserns reasons and conflicts 16:44:54 frg_Away: if I am not mistaken gitlab can mirror github repos correct? 16:45:48 also gotta consider serving the blacklist both xml and the kinto form 16:45:55 blocklist* 16:49:21 didn't ever try so far: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/mirror/ 16:50:02 pull needs primium account 16:51:47 ^premium 17:27:45 ffs 17:27:52 eh whatever whats one more remote