11:52:59 is it a trend that sufficiently advanced websites require webgl without falling back? 12:35:12 just like Wayland :P 12:37:51 https://starbreaker.org/blog/links/js-naked-day/index.html I agree with this message™ 12:38:58 tomman: please tell me you're joking and that wayland doesn't require 3D acceleration 12:39:15 well, llvmpipe is a thing :D 12:39:20 a sloooooow and painful thing 12:39:23 but a... thing? 12:39:58 also soon the future of desktops will be Vulkan-only™, which means anything prior to Ivy Bridge will become ewaste 12:40:05 but cool, "noone is forcing you to use it" 12:40:16 (just had a rant about this at #debian-offtopic, and it didn't ended well) 12:40:30 doesn't look fancy. 12:41:15 I was just thinking requiring openGL would be the kind of think that'd require swearing in Finnish 12:41:33 but then maybe the point is that it's not used unless it's enabled somewhere? 12:41:56 or is this going to be like all software assumes there is hardware acceleration and uses it, without fallback? 12:42:51 all software these days assume you've just bought a new ARMac 12:44:02 but what if I want the POWER!!? 12:44:42 no, IBM no longer makes personal computers :P 12:45:02 ah, you mean that other POWER? Sure, that's what the AI-powered Cloud™ exists! 12:45:47 funnily, the only POWER computer I held in my hands was from another maker, not IBM... 12:46:28 but the one which machine-screwed screws so tight even the right screwdriver would have trouble 12:47:31 it's a shame PowerPC went nowhere outside Macs, and even then it turned out to be a dead end that could not match x86 watt-per-watt 12:47:38 * njsg does not recall if he went as far as building SeaMonkey; or perhaps as far as launching it 12:48:30 because I think I didn't get X11 working 12:50:23 njsg mainframes are power based 12:51:13 at least i and p. Not so sure about z 12:51:29 https://www.ibm.com/power 12:52:25 hence why I said PowerPC, which is the consumer-aimed brand 12:52:48 I know that IBM keeps POWER alive because they need something to sell that isn't hot air 12:53:23 but sadly, nothing you can place on a desk or slip into a backback 12:53:27 --backpack 12:53:59 okay, I'm not sure I'm acquainted with the IBM branding, I was meaning just the arch in general, although my experience was indeed only with experimenting in a laptop 12:54:30 frg_Away: I don't think I've ever played with such a mainframe system 12:54:42 would be interesting, though! 12:59:59 njsg have an emulator. Old MVS is available for free. Look for hercules. But if you never did this just pass. IBM ruined it like everything else they touched. Now just there to milk the last customers. 13:01:28 I've Been Milked™ 13:03:27 I still remember OS/2 PS/2 Token ring, IBM personal compilers and Thinkpads. All gone now. Almost no one knows what DB2 is/was. Oracle took over. Now Red Hat. Personally I will never buy anthing IBM again. 13:04:50 I couldn't really buy anything IBM even if I tried, but then I'm just a consoomer 13:06:00 I did at the end of the 80ies. My first PC was an IBM PS/2 model 80. It was great for its time. Still use the keyboard. And one of the power supplies for testing pinball boards. 13:08:52 http://john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/alf/ps2_80041/ 13:09:48 I have two IBM metal here from their final glory days on the Think brand: a Thinkcentre M50 and a Thinkpad T40, both 21 years old 13:09:55 they can get drunk legally in most of the planet :D 13:10:39 Still use a T30 and T42p for eprom and xilinx programming. 13:11:39 just got a good battery for my T40 13:11:51 100 cycles, but it can power the thing for 2+ hours while playing games 13:12:43 it now quadboots 98SE/Me/XP and Debian (well, two separate HDDs), so I now use it for old games mainly 13:12:53 world's most awkward GameBoy 13:14:33 well the T42 line uses a later ATI with much better drivers so I picked this one. In theory even 7 woks on it if you have too much time and like self mutilation. 13:15:04 the 9600? 13:15:34 mine has the 7500, and while it's basically among the lowest end Radeon junk for its era, I'm still surprised of its performance 13:15:57 yes or a fire gl too based on a 9. 13:15:58 it beats the crap out of any integrated Intel/SiS/VIA video of the era 13:16:39 The first usable Intel was the 965 in the T61. But they made sure to discontinue drivers fast. 15:01:20 https://starbreaker.org/blog/links/js-naked-day/index.html back to this site the guy made a update that kinda invalidated his rant: 15:01:26 he switched to an .AVIF image for a meme 15:01:48 of course, it's a image file that won't render on anything but Modern™ followers of Chrome 15:14:45 "more dynamic and *colorful* experience" 15:14:48 wait, what 15:14:58 gray on gray is more colorful? 15:26:32 tomman: ah, so that's what that frame with border is! 15:27:09 so wait, it links to the png but loads the avif? 15:28:45 that deserves the question of why is it using .avif and only .avif in srcset 15:30:56 good ol' OBJECT would allow to fall back to PNG; if I'm reading correctly, srcset does not allow for this? 19:33:41 huh, a browser crash... 20:07:11 tomman: last one i had was actully glib issue supposedly fixed in GLib 2.79.2 22:22:27 How would I contribute code to seamonkey?