00:00:08 did I mention that these folks have a package tracker that rarely works? :D 00:00:41 like, the tracker says your stuff is "in transit somewhere" days after you picked it up from the destination office! 00:02:30 and yes, I avoid using that shipping company as hard as I can, despite being everywhere in Venezuela, and also the cheapest folks 00:02:46 the service is 50 shades of awful, and so is their website 00:02:59 sadly sometimes you have no option : 00:03:00 :/ 00:04:22 is it possible the site is actually misconfigured? 00:10:06 api.mrwve.com isn't reachable at all, is it? 00:14:43 hmm, you're right 00:14:46 that one fails to connect 00:15:56 on FFESR however on top of the network error, I also get a "blocked cross origin request" 00:16:06 ...with a "null" status code :D 00:16:33 OK, so that one is a legit backend failure, and knowing those folks... par for the course 00:16:45 that doesn't explain the mysterious failures to render the site sometimes