16:29:00 beep boop beep 16:29:26 frg_Away: is there an existing bug regarding devtools on central? 16:29:48 MattATobin for SeaMonkey? 16:29:52 ye 16:30:31 don't think so but maybe an older one. Need to check 16:31:24 MattATobin Oh Bug 842942 is a meta bug 16:31:38 cause the first patch I was gonna do is introduce my slighly genericized loader with the devtools and chrome clh flags (removing the flag from suite glue so it doesn't conflict if/when it gets fixed. and because --chrome is a dep on --devtools functioning) 16:32:42 which will allow you to spawn any chrome window again and launch devtools on whatever startup window starts up first 16:32:56 MattATobin is this mozilla oder comm code? If mozilla code can probably only exist in the patch queue forever. 16:33:07 comm code only 16:33:23 ah ok. Did you get my email? 16:33:37 I did 16:33:40 electronic mail! 16:33:46 you doing ok? 16:33:56 anyway the only mozilla patches I have made are to free up the few spots of hardcoded thunderbird only exceptions to firefox 16:34:08 oki. Was just for clarification so you know what is going on. 16:34:43 I appreciate that! 16:35:38 restoring a form of useable devtools is internal to suite/ only along with a couple of required ftl files the platform expects the app to have. 16:35:48 THO central is buildbusted right now due to another issue 16:35:58 mailnews relies on an xpcom interface defined in mail 16:36:09 because openpgp is no longer optional 16:40:48 Bill did a few patches which need to be applied: https://gitlab.com/frg/seamonkey-central-patches/-/tree/master/comm-central/patches?ref_type=heads 16:41:34 https://gitlab.com/frg/seamonkey-central-patches/-/blob/master/comm-central/patches/9999999-suite-bustage.patch?ref_type=heads 16:41:40 oh about redirector 16:42:42 neat 16:44:35 one of the big jobs is converting js xpcom components to xpcom enhanced jsms to esm modules 16:45:05 from js xpcom component to xpcom enhanced jsm is mostly mechanical 16:45:20 i think 16:47:01 frg_Away: if I could get https://github.com/bgrins/xbl-analysis working i might be able to use it to convert xbl bindings to xul customelements 16:47:17 including stuff left out of even Thunderbird 16:47:55 as well as some from extensions as well 16:48:25 Well rdf and xbl are things I not even care about much in 2.53 so if we can get stylo working later might be something for there too. Not that I am hot about custom elements too. 16:49:29 the following also need to happen xhtml wise.. all non-window root elements need to be made window and then xhtml with a xul namespaced body minimum that includes prefpanes wizards and pages 16:53:26 and the import statements changed numerous times too. 16:53:50 well Services is just builtin now 16:56:49 editor .. composer is the component least likely to survive because there is no guide to follow past thunderbird's useage of it. 16:59:15 not saying it can't be fixed just it seems more like a final boss .. you've faced devtools, and glue.. navigator and slogged through mailnews NOW you face the dreaded SeaMonkey Composer! 16:59:16 heh 17:00:23 So old it doesn't even have toolkit customizable toolbars 17:00:56 unless you added that in 2.53 17:01:38 Well when we are at a point where Composer affects us we could decide. IanN_Away did some patches for 2.53 so not sure about the toolbars any longer. I think they are in 2.53 and central. 17:05:03 Thunderbird's take on customizable toolbars is sure closer to the toolkit form than customizableui is.. and they previously translated the xbl to a xul ce so that exists tho xul toolbar spring element no longer exists.. but thunderbird has something in their new customzable unified toolbar so some hope. And yeah I am actually learning webcomponents 17:05:33 and it is confusing 17:05:42 now my online bank has also stopped working on Seamonkey 17:05:51 they use at least jquery, react and google's tracking scripts 17:05:56 but once I got xr to figure out mjs is javascript that connected some dots for me ;) 17:06:20 but the page somehow detects when the browser console is open and doesn't render anything, so it is probably almost impossible to debug 17:06:52 "TypeError: O.get(...).then(...).catch(...).finally is not a function 17:06:52 [Learn More] 17:06:53 CsrfProvider.tsx:19:9" 17:06:54 yeah that is a consiquence of scammers using devtools to scam people by editing the dom 17:07:21 the page has three megabytes of javascript and it's all minified 17:07:30 it used to be pure HTML just few years ago 17:08:11 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1019116 17:08:30 this one is on for sure 17:08:36 i figured it was 17:08:56 you're more or less what 62-68ish js wise? 17:09:09 probably private class files or something else again 17:09:33 but that file doesn't even have a line like that 17:09:33 2.53.18 60 soso plus/minus 59 for sure 17:09:41 the line 19 is completely different 17:10:28 actually the whole devtools somehow goes completely crazy about that 17:10:31 Sompi: debuggig minified js is a pretty impossible task when you don't have cooperation of the people who wrote the site and there is still a lot of discrimination for not being latest broken mess perpetually 17:12:05 yes, but I'm trying to figure out what part the js parser fails at 17:12:21 but it's impossible because the server just serves some random crap when the page detects that devtools are open 17:12:33 check for import statements or # declarations 17:12:46 half of the lines are html and half of them are javascript 17:13:02 in a way that is in no way correct syntax 17:13:15 well it likely isn't standard js 17:13:23 or obfuscated 17:13:31 what site is this? 17:13:36 op.fi 17:14:06 I think some script tells the server that the user opened the devtools, and then the server starts outputting some nonsense instead of the documents that it should 17:14:11 could run a manual broad regression with firefox see when the site starts working 17:15:22 start with esr52 go 60 68 78 once you narrow down the range between esrs you can switch to release versons.. Just make sure to disable auto-updating on firefox via a preferences file so it doesn't automatically update str8 to latest 17:16:04 narrowing it down to a specific firefox version could help in figuring out what is happening if manual scan or a text search for known new shineys doesn't turn up anything all that useful 17:16:19 why are they even using such advanced javascript on an online bank? 17:16:35 because money 17:16:42 they used to have a pure html version of the online bank and it worked on lynx 17:16:49 but they removed it for "accessibility reasons" 17:17:05 Is that relevant? 17:17:13 and replaced it with a javascript hell that only works with internet explorer, firefox and chrome 17:17:52 and now this new online bank doesn't even always work with firefox 17:17:56 anyway first do what frg said and see if there are any import statements or # declariations 17:18:00 now it is completely broken on seamonkey 17:18:15 I'm too tired of this shit 17:18:48 well it would help if you could see if those two things are there like frg asked 17:19:04 and if not maybe do that regression thing 17:19:13 but the site refuses to load when I open the devtools 17:19:17 I don't have an account so I can't do it 17:19:18 so I cannot even see what's in there 17:19:24 view source 17:19:38 the javascripts are in separate files 17:19:40 open the individual linked js files 17:19:44 and they cannot be loaded individually 17:19:49 yeah aren't they linkified 17:19:57 in the markup? 17:20:02 they are 17:20:06 click em 17:20:12 but the js files cannot be loaded individually 17:20:18 the server doesn't allow that 17:20:29 and now it already kicked me out 17:20:47 https://www.op.fi/opfi-base-theme-theme/js/op-common.js 17:20:50 that opens 17:20:50 and logging in costs one more one-time-use password 17:21:00 those aren't free 17:21:13 huh 17:21:26 i generate one time password codes on linux? 17:22:43 anyway Sompi I do completely understand your frustration but mixing in a technical issue with the asides of how crap new stuff is just distracts from the issue at hand. 17:22:57 yeah 17:23:25 but that online bank seems to be impossible to debug, so it is not relevant in the context of browser developing 17:23:55 now it stopped working on seamonkey, while I was using it and paying things 17:24:00 suddenly a blank page 17:24:05 they updated something there 17:24:43 Well if you can't access the JS.. go play pin the tail on the firefox to find out what gecko version it works.. That way I can look into what changed between those releases and HOPEFULLY find what to tell the frg what needs ported 17:24:48 That's the theory anyway 17:25:28 even the ESR version of Firefox is nowadays "unsupported" with many websites 17:25:43 meaning that when they detect an ESR version, they just refuse to work and show a message that your browser is outdated 17:25:46 they jumpped the gun.. new esr isn't till july lol 17:26:23 but i am saying esrs are a good way to broadly segment the releases for this kind of manual regression testing 17:26:34 and the non-esr version is broken in many other ways 17:26:36 or future feature testing 17:26:42 because... because it's non-esr 17:26:48 Sompi: wait so this doesn't work in firefox? 17:26:49 unstable shit 17:26:55 MattATobin: I haven't tried yet 17:27:02 because it costs money 17:27:08 then how is it broken? 17:27:16 I don't know is it or not 17:27:53 well you are only interested in finding the version it started working in 17:27:58 do test current firefox tho 17:28:08 I go buy groceries 17:31:34 well what do you expect me or someone actually apart of this project to do for you dude, i mean the js is account walled off and even when you log in you can't inspect the js. If you want an answer dude let alone a fix it would help to have at least a hint of what the issue is. Only way I know how to do that besides devtools and error consoles is to test each version until it works except *I* can't nor can frg or the others .. 17:31:34 unless we banked at that bank 17:35:25 Sompi: let me put it like this.. when you run windows or whatever os you are on.. do you automatically blame windows when some random program breaks or just won't run anymore.. the browser is being treated as an operating system these days and websites as applications.. So in that context, how much does microsoft fix windows because one program is broken by their own changes not microsoft's 17:36:16 i mean pre windows 8 windows 17:37:05 I kinda feel it is unfair to put so much emphasis on the browser being compatible with the site when it should and orginally was the site was compatible with the browser 17:37:40 imo and by all rights this site should be open to anything that has basic html5 and es6 support 17:37:46 that is what I believe 17:38:17 tho i'd prefer xhtml and es5 personally 17:40:08 The WhatWG has rejected