CoordinatorTobintomman: what about sailor moon?
CoordinatorTobinI thought I left that project
CaptainTobinGood morning
CaptainTobinso anyone wanting to do vmware on fedora or similar kernels should really also do github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/tree/workstation-17.5.0 as that seemed to fix a number of issues.
CaptainTobinNow what did I say I was gonna do when I got a build env going again? OH YEAH, visual studio to 2022 testing.
CaptainTobinfor seamonkey
CaptainTobinmrnhmath: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1091…d267c6ae91ae1752770314971906048.png heh windows.
CaptainTobinguess the shock was too much for mrnhmath's connection lol
mrnhmathCaptainTobin: looking good
mrnhmathover here i'm doing this cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1202…5715942/1202348357473804298/121.png
mrnhmathmoving to linux full time and trying to make it a little less annoying
CaptainTobinI been doing the same to fedora
CaptainTobini decided lfs is likely easier in the long run lol
CaptainTobinbrb ramen
mrnhmathnever liked rpm distros
mrnhmathalways been a debian guy
CaptainTobinwell you will all use BinOC/Linux in the end cause the alternative would be way worse. Just needs to exist at some point to get the ball rolling
mrnhmathmake it el9 based and i'll think about that
mrnhmathcan't keep up with fedora changes
CaptainTobinlfs based
CaptainTobinas in.. not based on anything
CaptainTobinbut sources
CaptainTobinand me
mrnhmathbtw comm-esr52 and 2.49.5 are identical CaptainTobin
CaptainTobini know
CaptainTobinoh you meant diffwise
CaptainTobinthought you meant version wise .. ramen is distracting me lol
CaptainTobinThe issue with ramen distracting me is RESOLVED FIXED but not verified.
CaptainTobinit was however delicious
njsgsome have that impact, yes
CoordinatorTobinabout vmware or ramen njsg
CaptainTobinmaybe frg and wg9s don't like ramen
CaptainTobinthat's sad