14:34:01 Status meeting in 30 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2024-01-28 14:46:51 checking in as preswnt for mt 14:47:24 hi everyone 14:47:45 checking in as present for mtg 14:49:59 Status meeting in 15 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2024-01-28 14:54:42 breakfast done and gone~ 14:57:12 hi .* 15:00:15 howdy (yawn...) 15:00:41 hiya rsx11m 15:00:47 hi njsg and tomman 15:00:51 hi WG9s 15:01:05 rsx11m: you are yawning, my cat is sleeping 15:01:17 good combination ;-) 15:04:06 helloworld.exe 15:04:19 Status meeting time - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2024-01-28 15:04:41 Who's taking minutes? 15:04:43 hi all 15:04:45 me 15:05:00 thanks 15:05:02 hi frg 15:05:13 Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank? 15:05:17 IanN: for his continuing work on developer tools 15:05:25 seconded 15:05:29 thirded 15:05:36 4th 15:06:20 thanks 15:06:27 Action Items 15:06:43 bau 15:06:56 ditto 15:07:41 Status of the SeaMonkey Infrastructure 15:07:46 Rainer was mentioning something about the Wiki? 15:08:22 and the mozilla.apps.dev.seamonkey mailing list is defunct 15:08:47 seamonkey-members still works fine 15:09:11 rsx11m we need to do a website patch for the mailing list. I think the wiki was abotu the next meeting date. 15:09:42 i suspect the fromer is because of mozilla in the name mozilla seems to be trying to diassosiate themselves from us 15:10:17 looks like that :-( 15:10:36 isn't it like the non-dev list? I forget what the names are for both lists on google's side 15:10:47 it sounded like somebody cleaned one group too much 15:12:02 there was simply a "will shut down on ..." message a week before, and then it was gone 15:12:15 no time to react or respond 15:12:28 hours before, I think? 15:12:42 that's how things are done at the Valley nowadays 15:12:48 move fast and break things, etc. 15:12:52 few days max 15:12:53 yeah, not much time to object 15:13:05 but then how is the other google group still working? 15:13:35 it's a different server 15:13:45 (I guess, different group) 15:14:21 Wasn't Google Groups due to close soon? 15:14:52 no, it's the USENET link that is 15:15:16 both should be mirrored, or at least they were 15:15:28 apparently someone inside google escalated a ticket and their solution to their service being used to spam USENET was to discontinue that part 15:15:35 the google groups aren't linked to the usenet ones 15:15:57 oh, that's where I got confused then 15:16:08 this for Google Groups as the google service as a whole, starting from February 22, there will be no more feeding to/from USENET 15:17:15 well the whole point of google groups was to have a google interface to usenet so now they want to make google groups seperate from usenet? 15:17:16 the dev and users SeaMonkey google groups are actual google groups (as in mailing lists manageable with google groups) created after the announcement that mozilla was moving away from network news (even if giganews kept the server on for a while after that) 15:17:41 they're now mirrored to network news via gmane, but that's not an action from google or mozilla 15:18:53 confusing world :-p 15:20:09 Status of the SeaMonkey Source Tree 15:20:25 of course usenet was something no onger relevant was based on low speed dailup connections between servers and users being on same local netowrk as the servers. 15:21:06 so replication of the entire usenet crap between server, whish is how usenet worked made sense in that environment 15:22:03 source is fine. I worked a bit more on my separate js wip queue and Myckel also added some stuff. Now got it working and Spidermonkey which is basically at the end of 62a1 minus some dross. 15:22:59 Wokring on dynamic imports and bigint there now but needs more stuff. 15:26:45 great :) 15:26:57 Release Train 15:27:52 not sure if we should wait with the next beta a bit more or just cut it? Not much new in it devtools, sync bookmarks api gone and some minor js stuff. 15:29:55 I would say wait a bit more, see if we can get a big chunk in 15:31:22 this is what all projects seem to be facing with should next version be time based or new feature base. others seem to be going towateds time based. 15:31:44 I think it has to be a balance 15:32:03 we don't want to just release because it's been 4 weeks since the last one 15:32:19 but we don't want it to be 4 months between releases either 15:32:19 agreed, just cutting a new version "because it's time" shouldn't be the lone reason 15:32:38 balance is good 15:33:11 well depends on sec updates but nothing urgent out I think. 15:33:24 And we could always do a if needed. 15:33:34 yeah, sure - security is a different interrupt to the process 15:34:44 I think some projects would event bump version if zero patches because then would get great feedback on how smooth the change to the new version with zero code change other than the version number. 15:34:58 :-D 15:36:27 :-D 15:36:48 * njsg just version-bumped that smiley 15:36:59 * rsx11m thought there was just an echo 15:37:29 Extensions Tracking 15:37:45 bau 15:38:15 balance is good indeed, but then Google is who sets the pace these days, sadly 15:38:34 and yes, it's ridiculous to have a 4-6 week release cycle just because "that's what Google does" 15:39:10 OK, pdf.js still works here, it's amazing that a years old .xpi still works here without breaking 15:39:19 that's like the one I've never had to patch yet 15:42:37 just updated my website to change to the it is snowing here backbround 15:43:23 2.Next, Feature List, Planning and Roundtable 15:43:51 tomman well I wanted to integrate it for some time now but it is either this or other backports. urgkkk. Just fored myself to do some bookmark updates for suite. 15:43:59 bau too here 15:44:28 nothing else has broken yet, thankfully~ 15:45:43 tomman most of the old stuff is out. There are one or two things not yet in wrt object and js handling but I try to avoid them. might not even break something. 15:47:55 keep chipping away 15:52:25 for roundtble i am still trying to find a good time to work with ewong sho is like 180 dgree out of phase with me timezoneaize so that we canwork together on how i can get my nightly stuff posted to the new archive system. 15:52:56 so like witn i an awake he is sleeping and vise versa 15:57:13 AOB? 15:57:35 WG9s roundtable is something you can do yourself. I never touch the personal section when I do the notes. 16:01:03 bau as usual too 16:02:58 okay, thanks for your time today, next meeting in 3 weeks on 18th February, same bat channel, same bat time 16:03:47 have fun! 16:04:14 cu 16:04:22 later 16:04:27 cya~ 17:54:02 damn missed it 17:54:45 feel free to add that tobin is rewriting the future, again to the roundtable lol 17:54:47 frg_Away: 19:14:18 CaptainTobin was the usual meeting. Nothing exciting :) 23:42:42 WG9s: you'd know this.. what was the last version of seamonkey that half worked on the mozilla train? 23:43:04 like could display a main window and kinda worked 23:44:12 guess the last one that supported bindings 23:44:18 i'd think 23:44:31 CaptainTobin: we did have a 2.57 that sort of worked. 23:44:44 as far as i know nothing later than that 23:44:58 that's 60 right? 23:46:37 yes 23:50:03 at one time was talk agout trying for mozilla 68 but nothing ever came of it. 23:52:03 the latest version of 2,57 should still be on archive.seamonkey-project.org 23:54:07 so at https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/nightly/