20:13:40 hey frg_Away 20:13:51 CaptainTobin hi 20:14:06 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1192245432982704189/1200561463400607937/gLKCNCcARrVXHDBMhHIXqNUW.png 20:14:14 if you didn't see it in the backlog 20:18:28 CaptainTobin saw it. Based on central or older branch ? 20:18:36 release 20:20:33 i spoke with emillio in the mozdev matrix channel 20:21:50 my main blockers right now are https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/services/settings/dumps/gen_last_modified.py#52 and https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/base.py#962-1023 20:21:58 but there may be a few more 20:22:33 these prevent anything but firefox android thunderbird and heh seamonkey from building 20:23:36 i kinda get why they are currently like that but it sure makes it hard to build especially with rapid release 20:23:45 i am sure you can sympathise frg_Away 20:26:18 Not sure if the first is needed outside taskcluster. Second one yes. There are other dependencies in too all over the place but mostly for tests. 20:27:13 well i expressed I didn't know if I should just make it assume everyone gets at least the central copy or if i should do a wider patch to make remote settings build conditional 20:29:30 the main issue is ./mach run won't execute if it isn't those things 20:29:49 i kinda would like ./mach run to work 20:29:59 doing it manually is a pain 20:30:29 fix those, I do my experimental example and Mozilla is a platform again. 20:30:33 easy 20:32:20 there is another effort abusing firefox's residual xulrunner functions but it requires node and still requires building the codebase.. it is an interesting idea and approch but I like approching it kinda old school as everyone here well knows 20:34:14 frg_Away: fluent is kinda a strange input format 20:34:33 and i am not sure how I feel about how it rewrites the dom rather than xml entities 20:36:05 I am approching this as not what has been lost or mutated but what is still there and what is the current equivalent 20:37:40 and is it still possible (yes it is confirmed) and if mozilla would permit it and especially if anyone still values the potental albeit not the same as it was but potental none the less contained in a mozilla codebase as a platform 20:39:14 I also want mozilla to build with a qt toolkit not gtk 20:39:28 Well we have fluent now in 2.53 but it still needs some more work/backports. I think it is another case where it is very flexible but you actually don't need all of it. I prefer stuff a bit more static if you know what I mean. 20:40:00 well you can keep dtds 20:40:44 but maybe I could just write a converter 20:41:12 and it just transforms dtd and properties to ftl which transforms it into its properties format 20:41:23 throw that in as a build step 20:41:26 and there you go 20:42:28 it stands for firefox translation language doesn't it 20:42:29 ffs 20:42:30 lol 20:42:39 CaptainTobin I think it acutally exists for dtd to fluent 20:43:11 you backporting remote settings? 20:43:16 or did you already 20:46:30 no remote settings 20:58:10 frg_Away: any idea how I should handle jsdownloads in a simple way? 20:58:36 I shunned it from the start lol 21:00:28 I forgot half the things about it. I know that I cleaned up our implementation a lot but it took time.