00:28:49 So uhh tomman .. i kinda started a never before existing new Mozilla but NOT Firefox application on current day mozilla sources https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1091572226748321833/1200234268488634529/gLKCNCcARrVXHDBMhHIXqNUW.png 00:29:00 a sample 00:29:03 example 00:29:08 experiment 00:29:31 _nuke_: 00:29:47 Just to see if it was possible. 00:29:55 WG9s: 00:30:43 I did have to make some modifications to the build system to get past hardcoded sourcedirs 00:31:34 Now let's see if I can add a menubar, browser element, content area context menu, and basic downloads handling 00:31:51 since it is jsdownloads 00:32:01 now being tomorrow 00:32:31 Yeah, I in a day started a new mozilla application and made it display a main window that says Netscape Now 00:32:39 whatcha gonna do about it lol 00:39:08 clap clap clap 00:39:21 and shove it up mozco's u know where 00:45:40 maybe it's time to do a Kickstarter to buy Mozilla 00:45:51 I propose renaming the new entity as... Netscape Communications Corp. 00:46:21 wait, who does own the Netscape brand nowadays? Verizon? Facebook? 00:47:17 ah, Verizon. 00:47:55 (but they did dumped the carcass of the former NSCP to Facebook, something something New Aurora) 00:56:12 tomman: use my soon to be existing work to port SeaMonkey up to mozilla current 00:56:13 lol 00:59:23 https://github.com/binaryoutcast/mozxhtml-example-app/commits/TRUNK/ 00:59:54 https://github.com/binaryoutcast/mozxhtml-platform/commits/TRUNK/ 23:30:14 Hey, have you considered giving archive.seamonkey-project.org a nice and shiny favicon?