_nuke_CaptainTobin: I am still doing it but it is just experimental builds right now... if I get Mac PowerPC working I'll be releasing it regularly for that.
_nuke_I'm ok with you reducing the UXP prominance, but just increasing the prominence of non-XUL apps? That seems wrong on a site called "There is only XUL" :P
CaptainTobin_nuke_: Perhaps the issue for you is because it is still just one page.. but that was never the totality of what the domain was for.
CaptainTobinthat won't remain true nor is it true that there is .. only xul.. but even things have changed and one xulvolution branch evolved into a new dialect of xhtml.. another produced UXP, thanks to me btw, and the orginial? ie this project, the channel you are speaking in has created yet another branch which is unlike mozxhtml or classical xul.. its unique path has become more interesting the more I have looked into it..
CaptainTobinYou may choose to remain limited by one incarnation of one technology but I am choosing otherwise dude.
CaptainTobinNow.. hi frg_Away how goes it?
frg_AwayCaptainTobin slow. Waiting for summer and wading thru js stuff.
CaptainTobinfrg_Away: btw did you know redhat subscription manager is actually pretty fuckin terrible lol
CaptainTobinI am gonna be the BEST RedHat Certified Systems Admin evar
frg_AwayCaptainTobin I never used it yet.
CaptainTobinwell as I am going for the rhcsa i kinda have to learn all the redhat shit
CaptainTobinI am not the biggest fan
CaptainTobinbaseline rpm is interesting but not crap like ansible and whatnot
CaptainTobini get why they are there but I'd rather create my stuff than use that stuff
CaptainTobinin a lot of ways redhat administration is being turned babymode the downside is the quality of the releases and tech is decreasing
CaptainTobinbesides 95% of all redhat is just recompiled code from elsewhere
CaptainTobinredhat does almost no development of their own
CaptainTobinas in from nothing to rh product to rh subscriber
CaptainTobinthey do almost NONE
frg_Awaywell it is IBM . Anything they touch will become obsolete and go away.
tommanah, International BS Machines?
njsgno, that's the HP non-professional laptop burner line
njsgbut I guess they could just all join up in an IBM-HP-Broadcom-Acer joint venture
CaptainTobinReich Business Machines